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1994 Jun 01;1206:1525-36. doi: 10.1242/dev.120.6.1525.
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Expression of the LIM class homeobox gene Xlim-1 in pronephros and CNS cell lineages of Xenopus embryos is affected by retinoic acid and exogastrulation.
The LIM class homeobox gene Xlim-1 is expressed in Xenopus embryos in the lineages leading to (i) the notochord, (ii) the pronephros, and (iii) certain cells of the central nervous system (CNS). In its first expression phase, Xlim-1 mRNA arises in the Spemann organizer region, accumulates in prechordal mesoderm and notochord during gastrulation, and decays in these tissues during neurula stages except that it persists in the posterior tip of the notochord. In the second phase, expression in lateralmesoderm begins at late gastrula, and converges to the pronephros at tailbud stages. Expression in a central location of the neural plate also initiates at late gastrula, expands anteriorly and posteriorly, and becomes established in the lateral regions of the spinal cord and hindbrain at tailbud stages. Thus Xlim-1 expression precedes morphogenesis, suggesting that it may be involved in cell specification in these lineages. Enhancement of Xlim-1 expression by retinoic acid (RA) was first detectable in the dorsal mesoderm at initial gastrula. During gastrulation and early neurulation, RA strongly enhanced Xlim-1 expression in all three lineages and also expanded its expressing domains; this overexpression correlated well with RA phenotypes such as enlarged pronephros and hindbrain-like structure. Exogastrulation reduced Xlim-1 expression in the lateralmesoderm and ectoderm but not in the notochord, suggesting that the second phase of Xlim-1 expression requires mesoderm/ectoderm interactions. RA treatment of exogastrulae did not revert this reduction.
Fig. 1. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of Xlim-1 RNA.
(A) Dorsal view of a stage 12 embryo (late gastrula). Anterior side
(An) is top. Staining is detected in the prechordal mesoderm (pm)
and forming notochord (n). Dark staining at the lateral to ventral
edge is due to accumulated background. (B) Stage 12.5. The
notochord is stained. Signal also appears in lateralmesoderm (black
arrows) and in neural ectoderm (white arrows); the distinction
between these regions is more clearly seen in Fig. 3G.
(C) Ventrolateral view of stage 14 embryo showing that the staining
in the lateralmesoderm forms a broad stripe. (D) Dorsal view of
stage 14 (neural plate) embryo. Two lines of neural expression
(white arrow, right only) are visible, which are now separated from
the underlying mesoderm staining (black arrow). Notochord staining
has diminished. (E) Dorsal view of stage 15/16 (neural fold) embryo.
The two lines of neural expression expand anteriorly, and notochord
staining disappears from the anterior part. (F) Stage 17/18. Neural
expression expands posteriorly, while notochord staining disappears,
except in the posterior tip. Lateral staining concentrates in the dorsal
region (black arrow). (G) Anterior views with the plane of focus in
the middle of the embryos at stages 14 (top panel), 15 (middle), and
16 (bottom). During the formation of the neural tube, staining is
restricted to the deep layer. (H) Anterodorsal view of a stage 22
embryo. Pronephros (p) is stained. Neural expression is located in
the hindbrain and spinal cord. Hindbrain staining is interrupted at the
level of the otic vesicle, corresponding to rhombomere 4 (small
white arrow). (I) Lateral view of head region of the same embryo as
in H. A small white arrow indicates the gap of expression in the
hindbrain. Weak staining occurs in the midbrain (open arrow).
(J) Cross section of embryo at stage 28 (stained before sectioning)
showing staining of the pronephros and lateral region of spinal cord.
(K) Lateral view of stage 26 embryo. The expression in the midbrain
is enhanced compared to that in I (open arrow). The gap of
expression in the hindbrain becomes narrow (white arrow). The
pronephros and pronephric duct on both sides are strongly positive.
The posterior tip of notochord is still stained (arrow). (L) Lateral
view of the tail bud region at stage 31, showing staining in the
posterior tip of the notochord (arrow). An, anterior; n, notochord; p,
pronephros; pm, prechordal mesoderm; s, somite.
Fig. 2. Morphological appearance and mRNA levels of regulatory genes in RA-treated embryos.(A) Typical phenotype of an RA-treated embryo (upper panel), and normal control (lower panel), at the tailbud stage (stage 39/40). (B) Cross-section through the trunk of the embryo shown in A, stained with haematoxylin and eosin. (C) RNA blot analysis of RA-treated (RA) and untreated (C) embryos, at stage 11. The embryos were dissected into dorsal (D) and ventral (V) halves. The data on Xlim-1 and EF-1a (loading control) are from Taira et al. (1992); the same filter was rehybridized with XFKH1, Xbra, and gsc probes.
Fig. 3. Effects of RA on Xlim-1 expression as visualized by wholemount
in situ hybridization. (A) Vegetal view of stage 10.25 embryo
(initial gastrula). Dorsal at the top. Xlim-1 expression in the dorsal
marginal zone is enhanced in the RA-treated embryo (RA; right
panel) compared to control (left). (B) Stage 11 (mid-gastrula).
Enhancement of Xlim-1 expression by RA is pronounced. (C) Lateral
view of stage 10.5/11 embryo. Dorsal to the right. In the untreated
embryo (left), dorsal mesoderm is stained but ventralmesoderm and
ectoderm are not; in the RA-treated embryo, ventralmesoderm and
dorsal ectoderm are also stained. The embryos were bisected for
photography. (D) Dorsal view of an RA-treated embryo at stage 12
(late gastrula). Forming notochord and anterior-lateral region are
stained, but presumptive somite region is not. (E) RA-treated embryo
at stage 14. Assignment of staining to neural plate (white arrow) and
lateralmesoderm (black arrow) was made on the basis of anterior
views (see panel G). The neural staining appears to be shifted
anteriorly compared to the control (Fig. 1B,D). (F) Lateral view at
stage 13. Anterior (An) is left and dorsal is up. The superficial
ectodermal layer is not obvious due to light printing. Filled triangles
indicate the anterior edge of staining. The stained region expands
more anteroventrally in the RA-treated embryo, and the
ventroposterior mesoderm is also stained. (G) Anterior views with
the plane of focus on the middle of embryo. Left, control embryo at
stage 13; right, RA-treated embryo at stage 12 (upper and lower parts
are from the same embryo at different exposures; embryo was
dissected for photography). The ectoderm region between the two
arrowheads is stained. (H) Dorsal view of stage 22 embryo; anterior
(An) is top. The pronephros (p) in the RA-treated embryo (right) is
enlarged compared with that in the control (left). (I) Ventral view of
RA-treated embryo; anterior is left. Xlim-1-positive tissue connects
left and right pronephroi at their anterior edge. (J) Stage 33/34. The
entire hindbrain-like region in the RA-treated embryo is stained
(left). In the control (right), staining is seen in the midbrain,
hindbrain, spinal cord, and more weakly, in the forebrain. Apparent
staining in the eyes is due to natural pigmentation. An, anterior; p,
pronephros; RA, retinoic acid-treated embryos.
Fig. 4. Exogastrulae were stained by whole-mount in situ
hybridization for Xlim-1 (blue), or by immunocytochemistry (brown)
with Tor 70 (notochord marker), and with anti-NCAM and anti-
HNK-1 antibodies (neural markers). (A) Exogastrulae at equivalent
stage 13. Ectoderm and endomesoderm separated during processing.
Xlim-1 stains the notochord, with the distal (anterior) tip being more
intense. (B) Stage 17 equivalent; ectoderm and endomesoderm have
separated. Thick arrows indicate apparent remnants of lateral
mesoderm expression; thin arrows, staining in the posterior tip of
notochord. (C) Stage 23/24 equivalent; ectoderm and endomesoderm
have separated. Letters a-d identify ectodermal halves, which
correspond to those in the lower panel. Weak Xlim-1 staining occurs
in only two of five ectodermal parts (open triangles); the posterior tip
of the notochord also stains (thin arrow; compare Tor 70 staining);
lateral staining (thick arrow), which appears in one of the five
endomesodermal halves, is substantially reduced compared with the
pronephros staining in the control (N). Tor 70 staining (brown)
shows well developed notochord in the endomesoderm (lower
panel). (D) Stage 26 equivalent; exogastrulae have remained intact.
Comparatively weak Xlim-1 staining in the ectoderm is seen in all
samples (open triangles); the tip of the notochord (thin arrow) is also
positive. Only one embryo shows weak staining in the
endomesoderm (thick arrow). The posterior tip of the notochord
projects into or close to the ectoderm (lower panel) where it is
adjacent to the Xlim-1-positive regions, implying that these
exogastrulae were incomplete. (E) Stage 23/24 equivalent. Arrows
indicate anti-NCAM staining. (F) Stage 23/24 equivalent. Arrows
indicate anti-HNK-1 staining. N, normal embryos.