Fig. 1. XMLP nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequence. The
nucleotide sequence in bold in the 3�UTR is the putative polyadenylation
signal. The numbers on the left indicate the positions of the nucleotides and
on the right the positions of the amino acids. The stop codon is marked by
an asterisk. A purine at position -3 is in agreement with the Kozak sequence
(Kozak, 1986). Glycine is found at position 2. The conserved region at 22 to
27 surrounding the site of intron splicing is also found in other members of
the MARCKS familiy. The domain from K78 till K99 is the putative PSD
domain. The three conserved sites mentioned above are underlined.
Fig. 2. Whole-mount in situ hybridization using XMLP antisense RNA. Maternally expressed
XMLP was present in cleave stages (A,B). Afterwards signals were found in the ectoderm and
mesoderm of gastrula stages in (C,D). A sagittal section of stage11.5 is shown in (D). However,
at neurula stage, signals were no longer evenly distributed and were restricted to neural
ectoderm only (E,F,G). Subsequently, XMLP transcripts could be found in the neural folds at early
tailbud stage and presumptive brain area only (H,I,M). The sagital section of (I) is shown in (J)
and (K), while (L) shows a transversal section of (I). In later stages XMLP was expressed in
ectoderm derivatives and pronephros during stage 27 to 34, (N,O,Q). (P) shows a transversal
section of stage 34 (ac, archenteron; bt, blastocoel; bv, brain ventricle; ed, ectoderm; en,
endoderm; hm, head mesenchyme; mc, mesencephalon; md, mesoderm; nc, notochord; ne,
neural ectoderm; nt, neural tube; pn, pronephros; rc, rhombencephalon; sc, spinal chord).
Fig. 3. Temporal expression pattern of XMLP at different stages analyzed
by RT-PCR. Transcripts could be detected at all stages (stage 1-40,
Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1975) especially at a high level in stage 8, when
zygotic gene expression just starts. The analysis also revealed a decrease of
the transcription level from uncleaved egg to stage 23, while it increased
slightly in later stages.
Fig. 4. RT-PCR of adult tissues with XMLP specific primers. XMLP transcripts were seen in all tested tissues. However, lower abundance was detected in kidney and intestine. (br, brain; ey, eye; he, heart; in, intestine; ki, kidney; li, liver; mu, muscle; ov, ovary; sk, skin; sp, spleen; st, stomach; te, testis).
Fig. 5. The effect of overexpression with XMLP capped RNA. Ectopic
XMLP results in protrusions of bulge cells distributed around the injection
site (A). (B) Section of an XMLP-injected embryo at stage 10 as shown in
(A). Note that there were some giant nuclei around the injection area
(asterisk); a normal nucleus is indicted by an arrow. In addition, ectopic
XMLP caused eye defects (C) where injected sides of the larvae were
identified by LacZ as lineage marker. The larvae in the left column of panel
(C) show smaller eyes at the injected side while the right column shows the
unjected side of embryos of the same series (compare with larva shown
from the dorsal side in (E) ). (D) Larva (injected with XMLP) with bended axis
and one eye. (E) Larva with missing right eye injected with both XMLP and
LacZ into one dorsal blastomere of the 4-cell stage. (F) The injected larvae
of stage 40 with one eye only. A comparison of the histology of notochord
in the head area between normal larvae (G) and larvae with a small eye (H).
Note that less mesenchyme in (H) has been found in injected embryos
compared to normal ones. (I) Transversal section of the tadpole with one
eye shown in (F). (J,K) The differentiation of dorsal blastopore lip with
adjacent dorsal ectoderm isolated from normal embryos (J) and injected
embryos (K), respectively. Note that XMLP-treated embryos differentiated
into notochord and brain structures with a rudimentary eye as the controls.
No significant differences have been found in dorsal blastopore lips either
isolated from injected or uninjected embryos (abbreviations: br, brain; bv,
brain ventricle; gu, gut; le, lens; me, mesenchyme; nc, notochord; pe,
pigmented epithelium; re, retina)
Fig. 6. Effect of Morpholino (MO) XMLP and MO b-catenin injected into embryos. (A) 24 ng MO XMLP was injected into two-cell stage embryos resulting in embryos with a shorter anterior axis and eye defects. (B) The phenotype of apoptosis induced by XMLP mRNA. (C) The phenotype of apoptosis can be rescued by MO XMLP (16 ng MO XMLP and 0.8 ng XMLP mRNA were injected simultaneously). (D) The injected tadpole with MO XMLP and XMLP mRNA showed a relatively normal morphological phenotype or a mildly bent axis (the upper one). (E) shows larvae with reduced anterior axis after microinjection of 4 ng of MO b-catenin into two dorsal animal blastomeres of 8-cell stage embryos.
Fig. 7. Schematic drawing of XMLP and its mutant constructs used in
this study. Functional ED is indicated as a dark-slashed box, the site of intron
splicing is indicated by vertical dashed box, and the glycine at position 2 is
indicated by black box and the substituted alanine is shown by box with grid
(A in the G2A mutant). The white-slashed box in the XMLP S83A mutant
represents the mutant ED domain changing serine to alanine (A); the alanine
is also shown by a box with grid.
Fig. 8. Comparison of the phenotype induced by XMLP and its four
mutants. The phenotypes at neurula stage induced by 0.4 ng XMLP G2A,
SD, S83A, ED are shown in (A), (B), (C), (E) and (F) respectively. Note that
apoptosis could be induced by 0.4 ng mRNA wild type of XMLP (A) and SD
(C), but not by G2A (B), S83A (E) and ED (F). However the embryos showed
apoptosis (D) when 0.8 ng S83A mRNA was injected to dorsal blastomeres
of 4-cell stage embryos. The arrows in (A), (C), and (D) show the apoptosis
area. The phenotypes in tadpole stages induced by G2A, SD, S83A, and ED
with the dose of 0.4 ng mRNA are shown in (H) to (K) and (M). Larvae after
injection of 0.4 ng XMLP are shown in (G). (H), (J), (K), and (M) indicate the
phenotypes induced by G2A, S83A, ED, and SD, respectively. The injected
embryos showed eye defects and a reduced anterior region. (M) indicates
the extreme case of injected embryos with SD mutant. Note that the
phenotype shown in (L), induced by 1.6 ng ED mRNA, is quite similar to the
phenotype of exencephaly. The neural tube was not closed completely, and
also the epidermis did not cover the internal yolk-rich yolk tissue.
Fig. 9 Effect of ectopic XMLP on the expression of Krox20 and the
expression alternation of XMLP induced by XCPY26. 0.8 ng XMLP were
injected into one dorsal blastomere of 4-cell stage embryos. b-gal encoding
mRNA was co-injected as a lineage tracer (indicated by light blue). Signals
were detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization with XMLP antisense
RNA. (A) shows the expression of Krox 20 in the control embryos. The signal
stripes of Krox20 at the injected side were disturbed (B). 2 ng XCYP26
capped mRNA was injected into one blastomere of 2-cell stage embryo
which was visualized by LacZ staining (light blue stain). Signals were
detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization with XMLP antisense RNA.
The signal stripes that could be clearly seen on the normal embryos (C)
vanished or got smeared (D) at the injected side indicated by LacZ.
marcksl1 (MARCKS-like 1) gene expression in bisected Xenopus laevis embryos, NF stage 11.5, as assayed by in situ hybridization. Horizontal view
marcksl1 (MARCKS-like 1) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryos, NF stage 20, as assayed by in situ hybridization. Lateral view: anterior left, dorsal up.