Figure 3. The embryonic expression of sfxn2 in comparison to XPDIp revealed by whole-mount in situ hybridization. A: Lateral view showing XPDIp expression. B-E:sfxn2 expression. B,C: Lateral view. D,E: Ventral view. Dashed line in B was used to demarcate the boundary between the liver anlage and the ventral pancreatic bud. dp, dorsal pancreatic bud; vp, ventral pancreatic bud; li, liver anlage.
Figure 4. sfxn1 expression revealed by whole-mount in situ hybridization. A,B: Dorsal and anterior views. C,D: Lateral view. E,F: Transverse sections of a stage 37 embryo at the levels illustrated by the dashed lines in D. G: Lateral view. The brown signals in the eye are un-bleached pigments. Dashed line was used to demarcate the boundary between the liver and the ventral pancreatic bud. H: Dorsal view. I: Ventral view. ba, branchial arches; dp, dorsal pancreatic bud; ey, eye; le, lens epithelium; li, liver; msz, marginal and subventricular zones of the midbrain and neural tube; nc, notochord; oc, oral cavity; ot, otic vesicle; pa, pancreas; pP, posterior lateral line placodes; pr, pronephric anlage; pt, pronephric proximal tubules; r, retina; vp, ventral pancreatic bud.
Figure 5. Whole-mount in situ hybridization data on sfxn3,4,5 expression. A,B: Lateral view. C: Transverse section of a stage 36 embryo at the level illustrated by the dashed line in B. Note that due to a technical reason, the roof of the hindbrain collapsed during the fixation step for the whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis. D: Lateral view. E: Transverse section of a stage 39 embryo at the level illustrated by the dashed line in D. FâI: Lateral view. dt, pronephric distal tubules; hm, head mesenchyme; hRPe, hindbrain roof plate epithelium; msz, marginal and subventricular zones of the midbrain; re, retina; pAD, anterodorsal lateral line placode; pd, pronephric duct; pP, posterior lateral line placode; pt, pronephric proximal tubules.
sfxn2 (sideroflexin 2) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 39, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn2 (sideroflexin 2) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 41, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn2 (sideroflexin 2) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 43 ventral view, anterior up.
sfxn2 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 45, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
pdia2 (protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 2) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 39, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn1 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 18, Image on left: dorsal view, anterior down. Image on Right: anterior view, dorsal up..
sfxn1 (sideroflexin 1) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 28, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 37 & 38, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn1 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 37 & 38, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn1 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 42, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn1 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 44, lateventralal view, dorsal up.
sfxn3 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 28, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn3 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 35 & 36, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn3 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 39, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn4 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 40, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sxfn5 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 39, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
sfxn5 () gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 40, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.