Dev Neurobiol
2012 Apr 01;724:585-99. doi: 10.1002/dneu.20886.
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Imaging adhesion and signaling dynamics in Xenopus laevis growth cones.
Santiago-Medina M
Myers JP
Gomez TM
Xenopus laevis provides a robust model system to study cellular signaling and downstream processes during development both in vitro and in vivo. Intracellular signals must function within highly restricted spatial and temporal domains to activate specific downstream targets and cellular processes. Combining the versatility of developing Xenopus neurons with advances in fluorescent protein biosensors and imaging technologies has allowed many dynamic cellular processes to be visualized. This review will focus on the techniques we use to visualize and measure cell signaling, motility and adhesion by quantitative fluorescence microscopy in vitro and in vivo.
???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 21465668
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC3158960
???displayArticle.link??? Dev Neurobiol
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]
NS41564 NINDS NIH HHS , R01 NS041564 NINDS NIH HHS , R01 NS041564-11 NINDS NIH HHS , R56 NS041564 NINDS NIH HHS , T32 GM008692 NIGMS NIH HHS
Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: cdc42 dnai1 efna1 pxn
???attribute.lit??? ???displayArticles.show???
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Figure 1. Identifying neuronal types in cell culture. AâC: Confocal microscope images of a â¼24 hpf live Xenopus embryo that was previously injected at the 8âcell stage with mRNA encoding GFP into a single blastomere fated to make dorsal spinal cord. Note many ventrally projecting CIs (commissural interneurons; arrowhead in C). D: DIC image of a spinal cord explant in crossâsection from the same spinal cord as in (AâC) cultured onto PDLâLN coverslips for 24 h. E: GFP fluorescence shows many labeled RB (RohonâBeard) and CIs extending from the dorsalâlateral region of this explant. Also note many presumed CIs that extend toward the floor plate and stay within the explant (arrowhead). F: Fixed explant that was immunofluorescently labeled with an antiâneurofilament antibody (3A10) that is specific for CIs and the peripheral process of RB neurons in vivo. Note dorsal lateral labeled axons emerge from both sides of spinal explant G. Merged image of fluorescent and DIC channels with dorsalâventral and rightâleft quadrants indicated. Presumed neural crest cells (arrow) are often observed migrating from the dorsal aspect of spinal cord explants. Scale bar, 62 μm (in AâC) and 100 μm (in DâE). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] |
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Figure 2. Quantification of active Src in growth cones by ICC. A: Control growth cone immunolabeled with antibodies against phosphoâtyrosine 418 Src (PâY418 Src). Note intense labeling in the axon shaft (white arrow), peripheral veil (green arrow) and some labeled filopodial tips (arrowhead). B: A growth cone treated with the Src inhibitor PP2 for 5 min before immunolabeling for PâY418 Src. Note reduced labeling throughout this growth cone compared to control. Aâ², Bâ²: The growth cones from (A, B) were colabeled for total protein (pseudocolored red) with Alexa Fluor 647 carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester. All images were collected with a confocal microscope. C: Normalized total fluorescent intensity measurements of PâY418 Src immunolabeling, and the normalized PâY418 Src/total protein ratio. PP2 treatment results in a significant decrease in PâY418 Src by both measures. *p < 0.05. Scale bar, 10 μm. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] |
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Figure 3. Analysis of cell signaling and structure with live cell imaging. A, B: Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy images of paxillinâGFP and mCherry dualâSrc homology 2 domain (mChâdSH2) fluorescent images of a growth cone on PDLâLN. Note that paxillin and phosphotyrosine (PY), as revealed with mChâdSH2, colocalize at adhesion sites (arrowheads in A, B), whereas the tip of a growing filopodium has PY, without paxillin (arrow in B). C: Merged image of the growth cone in (A, B) shows colocalization at several peripheral adhesions. Note that mChâdSH2 puncta within the central domain are mobile vesicles (green arrow in B). D: Single line kymograph (see text for details) constructed from region between the arrowheads (C). Note a stable adhesion (arrow) that disassembles after a new protrusion extends forward, followed by the formation of a second adhesion (arrowhead), which stabilizes the receding protrusion. Scale bar, 10 μm in all images and as indicated in kymographs. E, F: GFPâWASP binding domain (GFPâWBD; active Cdc42 binding) and tetramethylrhodamineâdextran (TMRâD; volume marker) fluorescent images of a growth cone on LN captured with a confocal microscope. The average pixel intensities (8âbit scale) within regions at the growth cone periphery (red), central domain (blue) and axon (green) show that GFPâWBD is selectively enriched in the peripheral lamellipodia of this growth cone. G: A pseudoâcolored ratio image of the growth cone in (E, F) shows the GFPâWBD/TMRâD ratio is elevated throughout peripheral lamellipodia and filopodia (arrows). H: Single line kymograph constructed from region indicated by the white line in (G). Note an elevated WBD/TMRâD ratio during lamellipodial protrusion. I, J: GFPâUtrophin (GFPâUtr; Fâactin probe) and TMRâKabiramide C (TMRâKabC; Fâactin barbed end binding) fluorescent images of a growth cone on PDLâLN collected with a TIRF microscope. Note bright TMRâKabC fluorescence at the periphery (arrow in J), indicating a high concentration of Fâactin barbed ends. K: Merged image of the growth cone in (I, J) shows strong colocalization of GFPâUtr and TMRâKabC in central domain foci, but primarily TMRâKabC in the peripheral domain. Weak labeling of peripheral actin with GFPâUtr is consistent with the slow association rate of GFPâUtr onto recently polymerized Fâactin (Rybakova et al., 2006). L: Single line kymograph constructed from region indicated by the white line in (K). The slope of the diagonal bands of GFPâUtr and TMRâKabC fluorescence (arrows) indicates a retrograde flow rate of â¼4 μm/min. Scale bars, 5 μm or as indicated. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] |
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Figure 4. Heat maps of point contact lifetime. A, B: Heat maps indicating point contact lifetime generated by applying a series of filters (see the text for details). Images were generated from of a Xenopus retinal ganglion cell growth cone expressing paxillinâGFP before (A) and after (B) the addition of 1 μg/mL EphrinA1. The arrows highlight point contacts. Note the stabilization of point contacts and partial collapse of the growth cone after addition of EphrinA1. Scale bar, 5 μm. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] |
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Figure 5. Labeling and measurement of CI axons. A: Maximum projection of a confocal zâseries of a ventral view of a 27 hpf neural tube immunolabeled with 3A10 (neurofilament in CIs) antibody (blue) and expressing GFP (green) in crossed CIs. Anterior is up in all ventral views. B: Traced trajectories of GFPâlabeled CIs (from A) at various points before, during and after midline crossing. Red lines indicate the position of the ventral fascicles. Note that CIs directly cross the midline and turn to ascend in the contralateral spinal cord after midline crossing. C: Ventral view of a 27 hpf neural tube immunolabeled with 3A10 antibody. D: Same embryo as (C) showing GFPâFRNK (dominantânegative FAK) expression targeted to the left side. E: Merge of 3A10 (blue) and GFPâFRNK (green) fluorescence. F: Traced trajectories of FRNKâexpressing axons in (D). One axon at the floor plate prematurely turned posteriorly (black asterisk), while two others aberrantly reoriented back towards the ipsilateral side (red asterisks). G, H: Confocal maximum projection of a ventral view of a 27 hpf neural tube that was electroporated at 21 hpf with mRNA encoding GFP and TMRâDextran. Note that GFP expression occurs in the dorsal CIs that project their axons ventrally on one side (G), while TMRâD was electroporated into ventral cells on the opposite side of the spinal cord (H). This distribution is likely due to charge difference between mRNA (negative) and TMRâD (positive). I: Ãâtubulin (Ãâtub) labeling of the spinal cord from (G, H). Note that Ãâtub labels all neurons in the spinal cord, including the neurons that form the ventral fascicles (blue arrowheads). J: Merged image of the spinal cord from (GâI) showing GFP (green), TMRâD (red) and Ãâtub (blue). K: Optical cross sectional views of confocal image stacks of the spinal cord from (GâJ) taken at the position indicated by the white arrowheads in (J). Scale bar, 50 μm (in AâJ) and 40 μm (K). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary. com.] |
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