Figure 1. . Time course of the raw or total currents (capacitive and hSGLT1 presteady-state currents) of an oocyte expressing hSGLT1. The experiment was performed using a two-electrode voltage clamp, and all data were obtained from a single oocyte. Membrane potential was held at â50 mV (Vh) and then stepped to a series of test values Vt (from +50 to â150 mV in 20-mV decrements; representative traces are shown for +50, â10, â50, â90, and â150 mV) before returning to Vh. The pulse duration was 100 ms in A and 500 ms in B, and the currents, which are the average of three sweeps, have been filtered at 500 Hz (A) and 50 Hz (B). An upwards deflection of the current trace represents an outward current.
Figure 2. . Medium and slow components of the presteady-state currents of hSGLT1 (ON response). Shown are the current records for the ON pulse from Vh (â50 mV) to Vt +50, â10, â50, â90, and â150 mV for the 100-ms (A) and the 500-ms (B) duration pulses. The data were from the same oocyte as Fig. 1. To isolate the slow charge, the steady-state current was removed, and the transient current (for the 500 ms pulses) was fitted to a single exponential function. The fit was restricted to the region between 5Ïmed (Ïmed â 3â20 ms) and 500 ms. The starting point was 25 ms at +50 mV, 60 ms at â10 mV, and 100 ms at Vt more negative than â90 mV. The fit was extrapolated to the peak of the total current trace (dashed lines in A and B), typically two data samples after onset of the voltage pulse (to 0.2 ms in A). The isolated slow charge is shown in D. To obtain the medium component, the slow component (dashed line) was subtracted from the 100-ms current records (A). The difference was fitted to I(t) = Icm exp(ât/Ïcm) + Imed exp(ât/Ïmed). Panel C shows the medium charge obtained after subtraction of the membrane capacitance (Icm exp(ât/Ïcm)). For clarity, the current trace at â50 mV (Vh) has been omitted in D.
Figure 3. . Medium and slow components of the presteady-state currents of hSGLT1 (OFF response). Shown are the current records for the OFF pulse when membrane potential was stepped from the test potential (+50, â10, â50, â90, and â150 mV) back to the holding (â50 mV) for the 100 ms (A) and the 500 ms (B) duration pulses. The data were from the same oocyte as Fig. 1, and the protocol for isolation of the medium (C) and slow components of charge movement (D) is as described in Fig. 2. As Ïmed for OFF was independent of test voltage (Ïmed = 15 ms, see Fig. 4 A), the initial point for the fit (Fig. 3 B) was 96 ms for all the OFF pulses.
Figure 4. . Kinetics of charge movement of hSGLT1: voltage dependence of the medium and slow components. Data was from the experiment of Fig. 1. (A) ÏâV relations. The filled symbols represent the ON where membrane potential was stepped from Vh (â50 mV) to different test potentials (Vt). The open symbols represent the time constant of the relaxation of the OFF where membrane potential was returned from Vt to Vh (â50 mV). Error bars are standard errors (SE) of the fit when the SE exceeds the size of the symbol. The OFF responses were independent of the previous test potential (Vt), and open symbols represent the mean of 10 values with Vt varying between +50 and â150 mV. (B) QâV relations for the medium charge. At each Vm, the medium charge (Q) was obtained as the time integral of the medium presteady-state current for the ON (circles) and OFF (squares) responses. The curve is the fit of the mean of the medium ON and OFF charge to the Boltzmann relation with Qmax = 8.7 ± 0.2 nC, zδ = 1.0 ± 0.1, and V0.5 = â33 ± 1 nC. (C) QâV rela tions for slow charge. Slow charge (Q) was obtained from the time integral of the slow presteady-state current for the ON and OFF responses. The curve is the fit of the mean of the slow ON and OFF charge to the Boltzmann relation with Qmax = 7.2 ± 0.1 nC, zδ = 1.0 ± 0.1, and V0.5 = â67 ± 1 nC. (D) QâV relations for total charge. Total charge is the sum of the medium and slow components (described in B and C). Filled and open symbols represent the total ON and OFF, respectively. The smooth curve is the fit of the total OFF charge to the Boltzmann relation with Qmax = 17.2 ± 0.3 nC, zδ = 0.9 ± 0.1, and V0.5 = â44 ± 1 mV.
Figure 5. . Rising phase of charge movement. The experiment was performed on hSGLT1 using a two-electrode voltage clamp. Current records were obtained by phlorizin subtraction. Vh was â90 mV, data were digitized at 8 μs per sample, and pulse was 6 ms. (A) Presteady-state currents in 100 mM [Na+]o. (B) Dependence of the rising phase on [Na+]o. The current records were obtained at Vt = +50 mV in 100, 25, and 12 mM [Na+]o. (C) ÏâV relations for the medium component in 100 and 0 mM [Na+]o. Data were obtained from one oocyte. The open symbols were obtained from the OFF response and represent the mean of 10 values (with test potential varying between +50 and â150 mV). (D) QâV relations for the medium component in 100 and 0 mM [Na+]o. Q was obtained from the mean of the ON and OFF charges using 100-ms pulses in 100 mM Na+ and 30-ms pulses for 0 mM Na+. The curve (for 100 mM Na+) was drawn using the Boltzmann relation with Qmax = â20.3 ± 0.4 nC, zδ = 1.1 ± 0.1, and V0.5 = â47 ± 1 mV.
Figure 6. . The rising phase of charge movement in hSGLT1-Q457C. The experiment was performed on TMR6M-labeled Q457C using the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp. The currents have been compensated for membrane capacitance and background current using the P/4 protocol with a Vshp of â150 mV. External and guard solutions contained 100 mM Na-methanesulfonate and internal solution contained 100 K-methanesulfonate. Data was digitized at 5 μs per sample. Vh was â80 mV. The Vt values were +50 and â150 mV. (A) Presteady-state currents in 100 mM [Na+]o. Current trace at +50 mV was averaged from 10 sweeps. The other records were single sweeps. (B) Presteady-state currents 0 [Na+]o. The records were single sweeps. Current and time scales are the same for A and B. (C) ÏâV relations for fast charge. Data is from the experiment of A and B (Vh = â80 mV). The filled symbols are from the ON, and open symbols from the OFF response. The circles (â¢) are obtained from the decay of the presteady-state current with hyperpolarizing pulses in 100 mM [Na+]o. The triangles (â´) were from the rising phase of the presteady-state current with depolarizing pulses and were obtained using a two exponential fit with the constraint that the time constant of decay was the same as those obtained from the same oocyte with 100-ms pulses. The squares (âª) are the time constants of current decay in the absence of Na+.
Figure 7. . Slow (ÎFslow) and medium (ÎFmed) components of ÎF. The experiment was performed using a two-electrode voltage clamp on a TMR6M-labeled Q457C. Bath solution contained 100 mM Na+. (A) Time course of ÎF for a 100-ms pulse. Vh was â50 mV and the Vt values are indicated next to the traces. (B) The corresponding ÎF records for a 500-ms pulse, and superimposition of the short and long (100- and 500-ms) pulses. The traces from the 100-ms pulses (from A) have been split to overlap with the 500-ms pulses at the onset of the ON and OFF. The dotted lines indicate the ÎF at 100 ms. (C) ÎFmed and ÎFslow. The time course of total ÎF (shown for Vt of +90 and â190 mV) was fitted (smooth curves) to two exponential components: ÎF = ÎFmed (1 â exp(ât/Ïmed)) + ÎFslow (1 â exp(ât/Ïslow)), where ÎFmed, ÎFslow, Ïmed, and Ïslow are the amplitudes and time constants of the medium and slow components. Parameters obtained from the fit were as follows: at +90 mV, ÎFmed = â1.17 au, Ïmed = 9.9 ms, ÎFslow = â0.38 au, Ïslow = 102 ms; at â190 mV, ÎFmed = â1.33 au, Ïmed = 7.9 ms, ÎFslow = â0.36 au, Ïslow = 91 ms. Dashed curves represent the ÎFmed and ÎFslow components (from the fit) with the time constants next to the traces. The Ï's were independent of Vt (between +50 and â150 mV). Ïmed was 7.9 ms and 8.5 ms (n = 10) for the ON and OFF responses, respectively. Ïslow ranged between 60 and 150 ms with a mean of 92 ms for the ON, and 138 ms for the OFF. (D) ÎFmedâV (filled circles) and ÎFslow (open circles) relations. ÎF (at each Vt) was obtained from fitting the relaxation of ÎF to two exponential components (as in C). The ÎFmedâV and total ÎFâV relations (sum of ÎFmed and ÎFslow) were fitted with the Boltzmann relation with ÎFmax = 3.00 ± 0.15 au, zδ = 0.4 ± 0.1, V0.5 = â61 ± 4 mV; and ÎFmax = 3.86 ± 0.24 au, zδ = 0.4 ± 0.1, V0.5 = â61 ± 5 mV.
Figure 8. . Dependence of the slow and medium components of ÎF on [Na+]. (A) Time course of ÎF when [Na+]o was 100, 25, and 0 mM. [Na+]o was varied by choline replacement. The records from 100- and 500-ms pulses are overlaid, with the 100-ms records split (at 100 ms) to align with the 500-ms records at the onset of the ON and OFF pulses (see Fig. 7 B). Data were collected from a single oocyte, and all three panels share the abscissa and ordinate scales. The 500-ms records were fitted to ÎF = ÎFmed (1 â exp(ât/Ïmed)) + ÎFslow (1 â exp(ât/Ïslow)). The Ï's obtained are independent of Vt. For ON, respectively at 100, 50, 25, and 0 mM [Na+]o, Ïmed was 11.6 ± 0.2 ms (n = 9), 11.4 ± 0.3 ms (n = 10), 11.3 ± 0.4 ms (n = 9), and 10.9 ± 0.3 ms (n = 10); and Ïslow was 149 ± 21 ms (n = 7), 167 ± 28 ms (n = 6), 159 ± 44 ms (n = 6), and 146 ± 22 ms (n = 8). For OFF, Ïmed was 8.0 ± 0.2 ms (n = 10), 9.6 ± 0.4 ms (n = 10), 10.0 ± 0.4 ms (n = 9), and 10.2 ± 0.4 ms (n = 10); and Ïslow was 154 ± 41 ms (n = 7), 184 ± 38 ms (n = 8), 119 ± 45 ms (n = 7), and 146 ± 48 ms (n = 7). (B) ÎFâV relations for the medium component (ÎFmed). ÎFmed and ÎFslow were obtained by curve fitting (described in A). At each [Na+]o, the ÎFmedâV curves were fitted (smooth curves) to the Boltzmann relation. At 100 mM [Na+]o, zδ = 0.4 ± 0.03, and V0.5 = â30 ± 3 mV. At 50 mM [Na+]o, zδ = 0.4 ± 0.07, and V0.5 = â59 ± 6 mV. At 25 mM [Na+]o, zδ = 0.4 ± 0.15, and V0.5 = â99 ± 31 mV. For comparison, the curves have been normalized to the maximal extrapolated (slow-compensated) fluorescence change (ÎFmax) observed in 100 mM [Na+]o and have also been shifted to align at the extrapolated depolarizing limit (see Loo et al., 1993; Meinild et al., 2001). The dotted line at 0 Na+ was the Boltzmann relation with the same ÎFmax and zδ (0.4) as 100 mM [Na+], and V0.5 of â200 mV.
Figure 9. . Fast fluorescence changes. Data was obtained using the cut-open oocyte on a TMR6M-labeled Q457C. External and guard solutions contained 100 mM Na-methanesulfonate and internal solution contained 100 mM K-methanesulfonate. Subtracting holding potential (Vshp) was â150 mV. The records were the averages of 20 sweeps. Data was digitized at 5 μs per sample (A) and 50 μs per sample (B). C and D show the time course of ÎF in Na+-free solution (choline replacement). Digitizing rate was 5 μs per sample (C) and 50 μs per sample (D).
Figure 10. . Voltage dependence of the fast and medium components of ÎF. Time course of ÎF (for a 5-ms pulse) at Vt of +50 and â150 mV (Vh = â80 mV) in 100 mM [Na+]o (+Na) or 0 Na+ (âNa). Data is from the experiment of Fig. 9. The fluorescence records were fitted to two exponential components (denoted by fast and medium). The number next to each trace is the time constant of the fast component (Ïfast). A and B show the time courses of ÎF (for ON [A] and for OFF [B]). (C) ÏâV relations for Ïfast (ON). Open symbols (0 Na+) were obtained from 5-ms pulses, and filled symbols (+Na) were from 40-ms pulses. (D) ÏâV relations for Ïfast (OFF). Data were from 5-ms pulses. (E and F) ÏâV relations for Ïmed (for ON [E] and for OFF [F]). Data were from 40-ms pulses.
Figure 11. . Na+ dependence of the fast and medium components of ÎF. The fast and medium fluorescence amplitudes were obtained by fitting the time course of ÎF to two exponential components (compare, Fig. 7). (A) ÎFâV relation for the fast component. The curve is the fit of the data in 100 mM Na+ to the Boltzmann relation with ÎFmax = 7.0 au, z = 0.6, and V0.5 = â48 mV. The ÎFâV curve in 0 Na+ has been shifted to align with that of 100 mM Na+ at +50 mV. (B) ÎFâV relation for the medium component. The curve is the fit of the data in 100 mM Na+ with ÎFmax = 3.8 ± 1.9 au, z = 0.5 ± 0.3, and V0.5 = â100 ± 47 mV. The ÎFâV curve in 0 Na+ has been shifted to align with that of the 100 mM Na+ at +50 mV.
Figure 12. . Correlation between slow charge and fluorescence. Experiment was performed using a two-electrode voltage clamp on TMR6M Q457C. (A) Correlation between slow charge and fluorescence (red traces) in 100 mM [Na+]o. The charge record has been normalized to agree with ÎF at 40 and 750 ms. Shown are records at hyperpolarizing voltages of â110, â130, and â150 mV from Vh = â50 mV. ÎF contained two voltage-independent time constants of 9 ± 1 ms (n = 10) and 169 ± 19 ms (n = 7) for the ON, and 9 ± 1 ms (n = 10) and 154 ± 9 ms (n = 9) for the OFF response. Ïslow for charge (ON) was 104 ± 10 ms (n = 3). (B) Correlation between slow charge and slow fluorescence in Na+-free solution. Pulse duration was 300 ms, and Vh was â50 mV. The current records have been normalized to agree with the fluorescence at 50 and 300 ms (as in A). ÎF (for the ON pulse) contained two voltage-independent time constants of 11 ± 1 ms (n = 8) and 144 ± 15 ms (n = 8). Ïslow for charge (ON) was 63 ± 8 ms (n = 3).
Figure 13. . Correlation between medium charge and fluorescence. Experiment was performed using a two-electrode voltage clamp on a TMR6M-labeled Q457C in 100 mM NaCl buffer. Vh was â50 mV. The time course of Q and ÎF are compared at +30 and â150 mV. Q was obtained from the total current by subtraction of the steady-state current and the oocyte membrane capacitive transient. The traces have been normalized to agree at the end of the voltage pulse (75 ms). The numbers next to the traces are the time constants of Q and ÎF.
Figure 14. . Correlation between fast charge and fluorescence. The experiment was performed using the cut-open oocyte on TMR6M-labeled Q457C (from the oocyte of Fig. 6). Membrane potential was held at â80 mV and stepped to +50 mV. (A) Comparison of the rising phase of the presteady-state current (I) and fluorescence (ÎF) in 100 mM [Na+]o. I is from Fig. 6 A and ÎF is from Fig. 9 A. (B) Comparison of charge and ÎF in absence of Na+. I is from Fig. 6 B and ÎF is from Fig. 9 C.
Figure 15. . Kinetic model for Na+/glucose cotransport (modified from Parent et al., 1992). (A) The transporter has six kinetic states consisting of the empty transporter C (states C1 and C6), the Na+-bound CNa2 (states C2 and C5) and the Na+- and sugar-bound SCNa2 (states C3 and C4) in the external and internal membrane surfaces. Two Na+ ions bind to the transporter before the sugar molecule. The shaded region represents the voltage-dependent steps: conformational change of the empty transporter between the external and internal membrane surfaces (C1âC6); and Na+ binding/dissociation (C1âC2). The simplifying assumption (for high external [Na+]) is that the two Na+ binding steps are lumped into one. The distribution of the conformations depends on membrane voltage. The transporter is in C2 at large hyperpolarizing voltages, and C6 at large depolarizing voltages. In the TMR6M-labeled Q457C, sugar transport is abolished, and since Na+ binding/dissociation at the cytoplasmic surface may be neglected because internal [Na+] is low and internal Na+ binding constant is high (see materials and methods), only the partial reactions in the shaded area are studied. (B) Seven-state model for presteady-state current. C1a and C1b represent intermediate states between C1 and C6, and C2a and C2b are the states with one Na+ bound. The rate constants (kij) for transition between two states (CiâCj) are defined by kij = kijo exp(âÉijFV/RT), where kijo is a voltage-independent rate, Éij is the voltage dependency, and F, R, and T have their usual physicochemical meanings. (C) A simplified five-state kinetic model for charge movement and the assumptions on the rate constants that were used for the simulation described in Fig. 16.
Figure 16. . A model simulation for the presteady-state currents (A and B) and ÏâV relations (C and D) in 100 and 0 mM external [Na+]. Simulations were performed on the kinetic scheme: C2âC1âC1aâC1bâC6 using the assumptions and rate constants summarized in Fig. 15 C. The simulation was performed with the membrane potential held at â80 mV at 20°C, and the voltage pulses (between +90 and â150 mV in 20 decrements) were applied for 10 to 500 ms. The differential equation relating the time evolution of states was solved numerically at each test voltage using Berkeley Madonna. The equation is The sum of the occupancy probabilities in all the states is 1 (C1+C2+C1a+C1b+C6=1). For simulation, the total number of transporters in the oocyte plasma membrane was 5 x 109 transporters (Zampighi et al., 1995). There are four components of charge movement (C2âCj) the charge (Iij) was calculated by Iij = \documentclass[10pt]{article}
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\begin{equation*}e\;({\varepsilon}_{ij}\;+\;{\varepsilon}_{ji})(k_{ij}C_{i}\;-\;k_{ji}C_{j})\end{equation*}\end{document}, where e is the elementary charge, Éij is the voltage dependence, and kij is the rate constants for transition from Ci to Cj (see also Krofchick and Silverman, 2003). The eigenvalues (which are reciprocals of the time constants) of the matrix were obtained using MATLAB 6.0 (The MathWorks Inc.).