FIG. 2. Identification of vascular structures and ventral blood islands. Whole-mount in situ hybridization was performed on hatching- stage embryos (stage 33/34) using (A) X-msr to identify vascular tissue and (B) Beta-globin to identify the ventral blood islands. (C) Schematic diagram indicating the location of structures examined in this study. aa, aortic arches; acv, anterior cardinal vein; da, dorsal aorta; endo, endocardium; lav, lateral abdominal vein; pcv; posterior cardinal vein; sa, somitic arteries; tb, tailbud; vbi, ventral blood islands.
FIG. 3. Colocalization of X-msr signal and RLDx. Following in situ hybridization with an X-msr probe, embryos were embedded in wax, transversely sectioned, and then analyzed for the presence of both X-msr and RLDx. Black arrowheads (A, D, and G) indicate X-msr signal in anterior cardinal veins, endocardium, and posterior cardinal veins, respectively; white arrowheads (B, E, and H) indicate the same location when viewed under fluorescence. Black arrows (C, F, and I) show overlay of X-msr signal with fluorescence in the identical location. (A, B, and C) Examples of X-msr staining in the anterior cardinal veins colocalizing with RLDx from blastomere D2.2. (A) X-msr signal in anterior cardinal vein, (B) fluorescence in the same section, and (C) an overlay of both images showing colocalization. (D, E, and F) Examples of X-msr staining in the endocardium colocalizing with RLDx from blastomere D1.1. (D) X-msr signal, (E) fluorescence in the same section, and (F) an overlay of both images. Insets represent an enlargement of the upper left region of the endocardium showing X-msr signal (C), fluorescence (D), and overlay (E). Arrowheads in the insets point to two cells showing both X-msr signal and fluorescence; directly to the right of the asterisk is depicted a cell that shows X-msr signal but does not show fluorescence colocalization. (G, H, and I) Examples of X-msr signal in the posterior cardinal vein colocalizing with RLDx signal from blastomere V2.2. (G) X-msr signal, (H) fluorescence in the same section, and (I) an overlay of both images. For A, dorsal is toward the top of the page. Magnification for A is 250x, D is 400x, G and H is 200x, and I is 180x. Note that the magnification of G and H is slightly greater than that of I. (J) Schematic indicating planes of section: I (A, B, C), II (D, E, F), and III (G, H, I). Diagram adapted from Nieuwkoop and Faber (1967). acv, anterior cardinal vein; endo, endocardium; fg, foregut; mb, midbrain; myo, myocardium; nc, notochord; ret, retina; som, somite; pcv, posterior cardinal vein.
FIG. 4. Colocalization of X-msr or B-globin and RLDx. Following in situ hybridization, embryos were embedded in wax and transversely sectioned and then analyzed for the presence of either X-msr or B-globin and RLDx. Black arrowheads in A, D, and G indicate in situ hybridization signal for lateral abdominal veins, dorsal aorta, and ventral blood islands; white arrowheads in B, E, and H indicate the same location viewed under fluorescence. Arrows in C, F, and I show overlay of in situ hybridization signal with fluorescence in same region. (A, B, and C) Examples of X-msr staining in the lateral abdominal veins colocalizing with RLDx from blastomere V2.2. (A) X-msr signal, (B) fluorescence in the same section, and (C) an overlay of both images showing colocalization. (D, E, and F) Examples of X-msr signal colocalizing with RLDx from blastomere V2.1. (D) X-msr staining in the dorsal aorta, which lies ventral to the notochord and hypochord, (E) fluorescence in the same section, and (F) an overlay of both images. (G, H, and I) Examples of B-globin signal in the ventral blood islands colocalizing with RLDx from blastomere D2.1. (G) B-Globin signal, (H) fluorescence in the same section, and (I) an overlay of both images. Dorsal is toward the top of the page. Magnification for A and G is 200x, D is 250x. (J) Schematic indicating planes of section: I (A, B, C), II (D, E, F), and III (G, H, I). Diagram adapted from Nieuwkoop and Faber (1967). da, dorsal aorta; hg, hindgut; lav, lateral abdominal vein; nc, notochord; som, somite; vbi, ventral blood island.
Examples of X-msr staining in the endocardium colocalizing with RLDx from blastomere.
Whole-mount in situ hybridization was performed on hatching- stage embryos (stage 33/34) using X-msr to identify vascular tissue.
FIG. 1.Identification of injected blastomeres. Blastomeres were designated according to Moody (1987a,b)
FIG. 5.Schematic summary of fate map for (A) the 16-cell- and (B) the 32-cell-stage embryos. The embryos schematically depict theprogeny of each of the blastomeres of the 16- and 32-cell-stage embryos. The percentage of injected embryos for a given blastomere thatcontributed to a specific tissue is indicated as follows: Structures denoted in large bold red letters indicate that 75â100% of the injectedblastomeres contributed to that structure; structures shown in large blue letters denote that 50 â74% of the injected embryos contributeprogeny to that structure; structures shown in small black letters indicate that 25â 49% of the injected blastomeres contributed progenyto the structure.366Mills, Kruep, and SahaCopyright © 1999 by Academic Press. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.