Figs 1-9. Nitrocellulose blotting of extracts of Xenopus and mammalian tissues with
anti-intermediate filament protein antibodies. All values are Mr x 10~3. Figs 1, 2,
8, 9 and 10 show autoradiographs of 125I-labelled immunoblots. In these cases the
molecular weights marked are those of rat brain and HT29 cell intermediate filament
proteins known to react with anti-intermediate filament antigen (IFA) monoclonal
antibody (Pruss et al. 1981). For Figs 3-7, immunoperoxidase labelling was used and
photographs of the nitrocellulose are shown. The Mr markers shown are: carbonic
anhydrase, 29K; egg albumen, 45 K; bovine serum albumen, 66K; phosphorylase b,
97-4K; )3-galactosidase, 116K. Abbreviations: NF, neurofilament; V, vimentin; GFAP,
glial filament acidic protein.
Fig. 1. Autoradiograph showing anti-IFA staining of Triton X-100 extracts of rat
brain (lanes a and e), adult Xenopus spinal cord (lanes b and f), Xenopus swimming
tadpoles (lane c), HT29 cells (lane d).
Fig. 2. Autoradiograph showing Triton-insoluble extracts of HT29 cells stained with
RD35/2a (track a), RD35/3a (track b), D3/3a (track c).
Fig. 3. Anti-IFA staining of tadpole Triton-insoluble material (lane a) and whole
tadpole protein (lane b).
Fig. 4. RD35/2a staining of tadpole Triton-insoluble material (lane a) and whole
tadpole protein (lane b).
Fig. 5. RD35/3a staining of tadpole Triton-insoluble material (lane a) and whole
tadpole protein (lane b).
Fig. 6. D3/3a staining of tadpole Triton-insoluble material (lane a) and whole
tadpole protein (lane b).
Fig. 7. Rabbit anti-vimentin IgG staining of extracts of rat brain (lane a), adult
Xenopus spinal cord (lane b), 3T3 cells (lane c).
Fig. 8. Rabbit anti-GFAP serum staining of extracts of rat brain (lane a), Xenopus
spinal cord (laneb).
Fig. 9. Mouse monoclonal anti-neurofilament antibodies RT97 (lanes a-c) and 147
(lanes d and e): reaction with extracts of rat brain (lane a), Xenopus swimming tadpole
(lanes b and d), adult Xenopus spinal cord (lanes c and e).
Figs 10-12. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of sections of adult Xenopus skin
and gut with anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies. Abbreviations: e, epidermis;
g, gland; ge, gut epithelium. Bars, 50|um.
Fig. 10. RD35/2a staining of (A) skin and (B) gut.
Fig. 11. RD35/3a staining of skin.
Fig. 12. D3/3a staining of (A) skin and (B) gut.
Fig. 13. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of adult Xenopus skin with (A) LP3K
cytokeratin antibody; (B) LE65 cytokeratin antibody; (C,D) rabbit anti-vimentin IgG.
B,D demonstrate the presence of cytokeratin and vimentin in blood vessels of the
dermis. Arrows mark densely staining bodies which are also present in controls.
Abbreviations: e, epidermis; g, gland. Bars, 50 fim.
Fig. 14. (A,B) Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of neural folds of stage 17/18
embryos with cytokeratin antibodies: (A) LP3K; (B) RD35/3a. (C) Phase contrast
micrograph of stage 17/18 neural folds. Abbreviations: e, epidermis; nf, neural fold;
Bars, 20/an. (D-G) Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of the neural tube and
notochord of stage 25/26 embryos with (D) LE65 cytokeratin antibody; (E) control
culture medium; (F) rabbit antibodies to vimentin; (G) RD35/3a cytokeratin antibody.
The fluorescence seen in the epidermis of the LE65 stained section (D) is thought to be
non-specific since it was also observed in controls (E). Epidermis-staining anti-cytokeratins
give much brighter staining (G). (H) Phase contrast micrograph of stage 25/26
neural tube. Abbreviations: nt, neural tube; s, somites; n, notochord; e, epidermis.
Bars, 20/an.
Fig. 15. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of the stage 33/34 spinal cord and
notochord by (A) RD35/2a; (B) rabbit anti-vimentin IgG; (C) rabbit anti-GFAP
serum; (D) D3/3a. (E) Phase contrast micrograph of stage 33/34 spinal cord and
notochord. Abbreviations: nt, neural tube; n, notochord; s, somites; e, epidermis.
Bars, 20/rni.
Fig. 16. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of the spinal cord and notochord of
stage 48 embryos with (A) RD35/2a; (B) LP3K; (C) rabbit anti-vimentin serum;
(D) rabbit anti-GFAP; (E) monoclonal antibody to neurofilament 200 K protein (147).
Abbreviations: n, notochord; sc, spinal cord; m, meninges. Bars, 50jum.
Fig. 17. Indirect immunofluorescence labelling of adult Xenopus spinal cord with
(A) RD35/2a; (B) LE65; (C) LP3K; (D,E) rabbit anti-vimentin serum; (F) rabbit
anti-GFAP serum; (G) 147, anti-neurofilament 200K protein monoclonal antibody.
Abbreviations: w, white matter; g, grey matter; m, meninges; bv, blood vessels;
c, central canal. Bars, 50jum.
Fig. 18. Electron micrographs showing (A) desmosomes in ependymal cells in the
spinal cord of a swimming tadpole; (B) high power view of desmosomes shown
in A. Intermediate-sized filaments can be seen in association with the desmosome.
(C) Desmosomes in cells of the notochord. Abbreviations: d, desmosome; /, intermediate-
sized filaments. Bars,1um