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Dev Biol 2006 Jan 01;2891:166-78. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2005.10.022.
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Twisted gastrulation is required for forebrain specification and cooperates with Chordin to inhibit BMP signaling during X. tropicalis gastrulation.

In the developing vertebrate embryo, proper dorsal-ventral patterning relies on BMP antagonists secreted by the organizer during gastrulation. The BMP antagonist chordin has a complex interaction with BMPs that is governed in part by its interaction with the secreted protein twisted gastrulation (tsg). In different contexts, tsg has activity as either a BMP agonist or as a BMP antagonist. Using morpholino oligonucleotides in Xenopus tropicalis, we show that reducing tsg gene product results in a ventralized embryo, and that tsg morphants specifically lack a forebrain. We provide new evidence that tsg acts as a BMP antagonist during X. tropicalis gastrulation since the tsg depletion phenotype can be rescued in two ways: by chordin overexpression and by BMP depletion. We conclude that tsg acts as a BMP antagonist in the context of the frog gastrula, and that it acts cooperatively with chordin to establish dorsal structures and particularly forebrain tissue during development.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 16321373
??? Dev Biol
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis
Genes referenced: bambi bmp4 bmp7 cer1 chrd egr2 emx1l en2 eomes foxg1 fst gsc hoxb9 myf5 myod1 nkx2-1 nkx2-4 nodal3 otx2 sox2 szl twsg1 ventx2.2
???displayArticle.morpholinos??? bmp4 MO4 bmp7.2 MO3 chrd.1 MO6 chrd.1 MO7 twsg1 MO3

???attribute.lit??? ???