Fig. 1. Relative levels of heat shock-inducible hsp30 mRNA accumulation
during early Xenopus laevis development. Total RNA was
isolated from control (c) and heat shocked (h; 1 h at 33°C) embryos at
the cleavage (C; stage 4), early blastula (B; stage 8), gastrula (G; stage
11), neurula (N; stage 17/18), early (ETB; stage 22/23), mid- (MTB;
stage 28) and late (LTB; stage 35) tailbud stage. Three μg of RNA was
subjected to Northern hybridization analysis employing DIG-labeled
Xenopus hsp30 (A) and cytoskeletal actin (B) antisense riboprobes as
outlined in Materials and Methods. The autoradiogram in A was
overexposed in order to properly visualize the ETB signal. A slight
distortion in the agarose gel resulted in a slightly higher mobility in
the MTB lane. Arrows indicate the positions of the different mRNAs.
Transcript sizes: hsp30, 1.1 kb; cytoskeleton actin, 1.8 and 2.0 kb.
Fig. 2. Spatial pattern of hsp30 mRNA accumulation during early
Xenopus development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization with DIGlabeled
hsp30 antisense riboprobe was carried out with control
(A,C,E) and heat shocked (B,D,F; 1 h at 33°C) Xenopus embryos at
neurula (A,B; stage 17/18), mid- (C,D; stage 28) and late (E,F; stage
35) tailbud stages. At the late tailbud stage, control embryos (E)
display a natural increase in eye pigmentation and melanocyte
production. G,H: Control and heat shocked midtailbud stage embryos
(stage 28), respectively, hybridized with DIG-labeled hsp30 sense
riboprobe. I,J: Control and heat shocked midtailbud stage embryos
(stage 28), respectively, hybridized with DIG-labeled actin antisense
riboprobe. LP, lens placode; S, somites; P, proctodeum; CG, cement
gland; SC, spinal cord; A, anus; ME, melanocytes.
Fig. 3. Histological analysis of hsp30 mRNA accumulation in
sections from Xenopus tailbud embryos. Whole-mount in situ hybridization
with DIG-labeled hsp30 antisense riboprobe was performed on
control and heat shocked (1 h at 33°C) mid- (stage 28) and late (stage
35) tailbud embryos followed by histological analysis as described in
Materials and Methods. A,B: Anterior sections of control and heat
shocked midtailbud embryos, respectively, showing the cement gland.
C: Cross-section displaying the proctodeum in heat shocked midtailbud
embryos. D: An enlarged medial region of a heat shocked midtailbud
whole-mount embryo (stage 28) hybridized with DIG-labeled
hsp30 antisense riboprobe and demonstrates the abundance of hsp30
mRNAin the somites. E,F: The presence of hsp30 mRNAin the somitic
region of heat shocked mid- and late tailbud embryos, respectively.
G,H: Cross-sections of the eye of control and heat shocked midtailbud
embryos. CG, cement gland; M, mesencephalon; LP, lens placode; OC,
optic cup; N, notochord; S, somites; HG, hindgut; P, proctodeum; E,
Fig. 4. Pattern of hsp30 mRNA accumulation in tailbud
embryos during recovery from heat shock. Whole-mount in
situ hybridization was carried out with DIG-labeled hsp30 antisense
riboprobe. Midtailbud Xenopus embryos (stage 28)
were exposed to either 22°C (A) or 33°C for 1 h (B) followed by
recovery at 22°C for either 1 h (C), 3 h (D), 7 h (E) or 11 h (F).
CG, cement gland; LP, lens placode; P, proctodeum; S, somites.
Fig. 5. Effect of different temperatures on the spatial patterns of hsp30 mRNA accumulation in Xenopus midtailbud (stage 28) embryos. Wholemount in situ hybridization was carried out with DIG-labeled hsp30 antisense riboprobe. The midtailbud embryos were exposed to 1-h heat treatments at either 22°C (A), 30°C (B), 33°C (C), or 35°C (D). CG, cement gland; LP, lens placode; S, somites; P, proctodeum; SC, spinal cord.
Fig. 6. Whole-mount immunohistochemical analysis of hsp30 protein accumulation in Xenopus embryos. Late tailbud (stage 35; A,B) and early tadpole (stage 41/42) embryos were incubated at either 22°C (A,C)
or 33°C (B,D) for 2 h. The embryos were then processed for
immunohistochemical analysis using an affinity-purified polyclonal
hsp30 antibody as outlined in Materials and Methods.
The outer portion of the tailfin was quite transparent in
the late tailbud stage embryos and is not readily visualized in
the photograph in C. CG, cement gland; LP, lens placode;
SR, somitic region; P, proctodeum.
hsp30c (heat shock protein 30C) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 18, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.
hsp30c (heat shock protein 30C) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 28, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up. Left embryo: unchallenged, Right embryo heat-shocked
hsp30c (heat shock protein 30C) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 35, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up. Left embryo: unchallenged, Right embryo heat-shocked