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Wnts are secreted signaling molecules implicated in a large number of developmental processes. Frizzled proteins have been identified as likely receptors for Wnt ligands in vertebrates and invertebrates. To assess the endogenous role of frizzled proteins during the development of Xenopus laevis, we have identified several frizzled homologs. Here we report the cloning and expression of Xenopus frizzled-2 (xfz2). Xfz2 shows high sequence homology to rat and human frizzleds-2. It is expressed in the developing embryo from late gastrula stages onward. Xfz2 has a wide domain of expression but is concentrated in the eye anlage, otic vesicle, and developing somites.
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Fig. 3. Whole mount in situ expression of xfz2. Whole mount in situ hybridization was performed on albino gastrulae (stage 12; A), early neurulae (stage 16; B,F), late neurulae (stage 22; C, G), tailbud (stage 26; D, H) and tadpole (stage 31; E, I). Stage and view are indicated in each panel. pm presomitic mesoderm, dl dorsal lip, so somite, ea eye anlage, ev eye vesicle, cg cement gland, sc spinal cord, ba branchial arches. Brackets in E indicate the enlarged area in I. Arrows in I indicate the somite boundaries. Xfz2 sense control probes performed in parallel have no staining and a highly similar frizzled (xfz7) has a very different expression pattern (not shown) indicating specificity of xfz2 staining.
Fig. 4. After visualization of whole mount in situ hybridization, embryos were sectioned. Shown is a tailbud stage (stage 25) embryo. Panel (G)indicates the plane of section for panels (A-F). Abreviations: ep epidermis, ev eye vesicle, hm headmesenchyme, sa stomatodeal anlage, mb midbrain, fg foregut, cg cement gland, n notocord, hb hindbrain, ov otic vesicle, so somite, sc spinal cord. Note that the staining at the bottom of (E) is continuous with other somitic staining as demonstrated in (F) and represents posterior somitic expression of xfz2.
Fig. 2. Temporal analysis of xfz2 expression. RT-PCR analysis of xfz2 expression from early oocyte stages through tadpole stages indicates that xfz2 is expressed from gastrula stages onward. Roman numerals indicate oocyte stages. Arabic numerals indicate embryo stages. RT no reverse transcriptase negative control.