FIG. 1. Xp35.2 is a novel member of the p35 family of cdk5 kinase activators. (A) Full nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence of
Xp35.2. (B) Sequence alignment between Xp35.2, Xp35.1, the other cloned Xenopus cdk5 kinase activator, and human p35. Note that while
the N- and C-terminal domains are highly conserved there is a substantial divergence in the central domain of the Xp35.2 protein, both from
human p35 and from Xp35.1.
FIG. 2. Both Xp35.1 and Xp35.2 are able to activate cdk5 kinase
activity. One nanogram RNA encoding myc-tagged Xp35.1 (lane 1)
or Xp35.2 (lane 2) was injected into fertilized eggs. Uninjected
embryos were used as controls (lane 3). At stage 13 extracts were
produced from two injected embryos and cdk5 was specifically
immunoprecipitated. These immunoprecipitates were tested for
their ability to phosphorylate the model substrate histone H1.
FIG. 3. Developmental expression of Xp35.2. Two micrograms of RNA from developmentally staged embryos was reverse transcribed in
a 20-ml reaction. One microliter per lane was used for quantitative RT-PCR analysis using primers specific for Xp35.2. Ornithine
decarboxylase, expressed constantly through development, was also used as a loading control.
FIG. 4. Xp35.2 is specifically expressed in differentiating neural tissue. Albino embryos were used for in situ hybridization analysis using
a digoxigenin-labeled Xp35.2 antisense probe, visualized in purple against a white/pink background. Embryonic stages are (Ai) dorsal view
of neural plate stage, (Aii) dorsal view of early tailbud, and (Aiii) lateral view of the head of a late tailbud-staged embryo. Staining of the
trigeminal ganglion (TG) is highlighted with an arrow. (B) A section through the head of a stage 35/36 embryo where Xp35.2 expression has
been detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization and then the embryo has been sectioned. Xp35.2 staining is strong in differentiating
neurons of the forebrain (thick arrow) and ganglion cells of the retina (thin arrows).
FIG. 5. Cdk5 kinase is activated by inducers of terminal neural
differentiation. (A) Embryos were left uninjected (lanes 1, 5, and 6)
or injected with RNA encoding neurogenin (50 pg, lane 2), neuro D
(500 pg, lane 3), or noggin (25 pg, lane 4). Animal caps were cut at
stage 8.5 and incubated in 0.73 MMR without (lanes 1â4) or with
(lane 5) activin at 2 ng/ml. Animal caps were aged until parallel
embryos had reached stage 25 and whole embryos at this stage were
also taken as a control (lane 6). Protein extracts were prepared and
cdk5 was then specifically immunoprecipitated. Immunoprecipitates
were tested for their ability to phosphorylate the model
substrate histone H1. (B) Alternatively, six animal caps produced
and aged until stage 25 exactly as described above were used for
RT-PCR analysis to determine the expression of the pan-neural
marker NCAM and the ubiquitously expressed EF1a message
which is used as a loading control. Uninjected embryo (lane 1) or
embryos injected with RNA encoding neurogenin (50 pg, lane 2),
neuro D RNA, (500 pg, lane 3), or noggin (25 pg, lane 4).
FIG. 6. Xp35.1, Xp35.2, and Xcdk5 expression is induced by
neurogenic genes. Embryos were left uninjected (lanes 1â3) or
injected with 25 pg noggin (lanes 4â6), 50 pg neurogenin (lanes
7â9), or 500 pg neuro D (lanes 10â12) RNA. Animal caps were cut
at stage 8.5 and then aged until stage 13 (lanes 1, 4, 7, and 10), stage
19 (lanes 2, 5, 8, and 11), or stage 26 (lanes 3, 6, 9, and 12). cDNAs
were prepared from caps and assayed by quantitative RT-PCR
analysis for expression of Xp35.1, Xp35.2, cdk5, NCAM, and neural
b-tubulin as labeled. EF1a expression was used as a loading control.
FIG. 7. Cdk5 kinase activity is not required for expression of
neural markers. (A) Embryos were either left uninjected (lane 1) or
injected with 50 pg neurogenin (lanes 2â4) or 500 pg neuro D (lanes
5â7) RNA. These RNAs were either injected alone or in combination
with 2 ng cdk5 WT RNA (lanes 3 and 6) or 2 ng cdk5 DN RNA
(lanes 4 and 7). Animal caps were cut when embryos had reached
stage 8.5 and aged until parallel embryos had reached stage 28.
cDNAs were then prepared and quantitative RT-PCR analysis was
used to detect expression of the neural markers NCAM and neural
b-tubulin and the ubiquitous EF1a, used as a loading control. (B)
Embryos were left uninjected (lane 1) or injected with 50 pg
neurogenin (lane 2) or 50 pg neurogenin with 2 ng cdk5 DN (lane 3).
Animal caps were cut at stage 8.5 and then aged until parallel
embryos had reached stage 28. Protein extracts were prepared,
endogenous cdk5 was immunoprecipitated as described under
Materials and Methods, and the immunoprecipitates were tested
for their ability to phosphorylate the model substrate histone H1.
FIG. 8. (a) Blocking cdk5 kinase activity results in a specific reduction of the embryonic eye. Embryos were injected into two dorsal cells at the
four-cell stage with RNA encoding cdk5 WT alone, cdk5 DN alone (2.5 ng per blastomere), or cdk5 WT and DN (5 ng per blastomere), all as labeled,
along with 0.5 ng b-galactosidase RNA to act as a lineage tracer. When embryos had reached the early tailbud stage, they were fixed and stained
with Xgal to detect b-galactosidase expression (in turquoise). Those embryos in which injected RNA had been correctly targeted to the head and
dorsal regions were subjected to in situ hybridization to detect expression of the eye-specific gene PAX 6 (in brown/black). Note that coinjection
of cdk5 WT with cdk5 DN rescues the reduced eye phenotype seen with cdk5 DN, demonstrating specificity. (b) Cdk5 DN injection leads to specific
disruption of the embryonic eye. Embryos were left uninjected (i) or injected with RNA encoding cdk5 DN (5 ng, ii), cdk5 WT (5 ng, iii), or cdk5
WT with cdk5 DN (5 ng of each, iv) into two dorsal cells of four-cell embryos. Embryos were allowed to develop until stage 35/36 when they were
fixed, embedded in paraffin wax, and sectioned coronally. Sections were stained with hemotoxylin and eosin to view internal tissue morphology.
The lens of the eye (L), retina (R), and neural tube (NT) are indicated.
cdk5r1 (cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 1 (p35)) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 20, dorsal view, anterior bottom left.
cdk5r1 (cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 1 (p35)) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 28, dorsal view, anterior bottom right.
cdk5r1 (cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 1 (p35)) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 36, lateral view, anterior left, dorsal up.