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J Cell Sci 1999 Mar 01;112 ( Pt 5):749-59. doi: 10.1242/jcs.112.5.749.
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Molecular characterization and developmentally regulated expression of Xenopus lamina-associated polypeptide 2 (XLAP2).

Lang C , Paulin-Levasseur M , Gajewski A , Alsheimer M , Benavente R , Krohne G .

Lamina-associated polypeptides 2 (LAP2alpha, beta, gamma)/thymopoietins (TPalpha, beta, gamma) are a family of proteins that are generated by alternative splicing from a single gene. These proteins have been primarily characterized in mammals. One member of this protein family, the integral membrane protein LAP2beta/TPbeta, has been localized to the inner nuclear membrane of somatic cells where it binds to chromatin and B-type lamins. By cDNA cloning we have characterized XLAP2, a Xenopus homologue of the mammalian LAP2beta. Using LAP2-specific antibodies, the Mr 68,000 XLAP2 was found to be the only member of the LAP2/TP family expressed in somatic cells and adult tissues. XLAP2 was not detected in oocytes, eggs and in early embryos up to the gastrula stage at the mRNA and protein level demonstrating that it is not synthesized from maternal mRNA. In counterpart oocytes, eggs, and embryos contained one LAP2-related integral membrane proteins of Mr 84,000. Northern blot analysis with the XLAP2 cDNA showed that a single hybridizing mRNA band of 1.8-2.0 kb was present in Xenopus somatic cells whereas two other hybridizing mRNA species of 2.8-3.0 and 0. 9-1.1 kb were present in oocytes, eggs and early embryos. All together, these results indicated that at least three distinct LAP2-related proteins might be expressed in Xenopus. The LAP2/TP protein of Mr 84,000 is present in the early embryos but its amount decreases during embryogenesis concomitant with the increase of XLAP2 in the embryo. Our results are the first description of the developmentally regulated expression of integral nuclear envelope proteins during early embryogenesis.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 9973608
??? J Cell Sci

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: hsp90aa1 lmnb1 lmnb2 lmnb3 prim2 tmpo
???displayArticle.antibodies??? Lmna Ab2 Lmnb2/3 Ab2 Lmnb2/3 Ab3 Tmpo Ab1

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