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J Neurobiol 1998 Oct 01;371:190-7.
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Development of electrical excitability in embryonic neurons: mechanisms and roles.

Xenopus spinal neurons serve as a nearly ideal population of excitable cells for study of developmental regulation of electrical excitability. On the one hand, the firing properties of these neurons can be directly examined at early stages of differentiation and membrane excitability changes as neurons mature. Underlying changes in voltage-dependent ion channels have been characterized and the mechanisms that bring about these changes are being defined. On the other hand, these neurons have been shown to be spontaneously active at stages when action potentials provide significant calcium entry. Calcium entry provokes further elevation of intracellular calcium via release from intracellular stores. The resultant transient elevations of intracellular calcium encode differentiation in their frequency. Recent studies have shown that different neuronal subpopulations enlist distinct mechanisms for regulation of excitability and recruit specific programs of differentiation by particular patterns of activity.

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??? J Neurobiol
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