Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the
different anti-sense probes asX specifically
recognizing each of the NDPK mRNAs. The
open reading frame is hatched. The initiation
codon (A TG) and the stop codon (TAA) are
indicated. The differently shaded rectangles
correspond to the 5' or 3' UTR regions.
Construction of asXl. asX2, and asX3 which
recognize NDPK X1, NDPK X2, and NDPK X3
mRNAs, respectively, and of the antl~sense
probe asNDPK Xt recognizing every NDPK
mRNA, is descnbed in methods.
Fig. 2. NDPK X1 mRNA stability in acellular extracts. 1ng mRNA was incubated alone (0, H), with
a yeast extract (A. E, I), or with a S 100 Xenopus oocyte extract (8, C, F, G, J, K) at Qac for 1h (A.
a, C), at 20aC for 5 min (0, E. F, G) or 30 min (I, J, K).
Fig. 3. Specific detection of NDPKs transcripts by whole-mount in situ hybridization on gastrula IA-CI and neurula embryos ID-FI. IA and DI
NDPK Xl mANA. IB and E) NDPK X2 mRNA. IC and FI NDPK X3 mANA. a. anterior; an, animal,- d. dorsal; dl, dorsal/lp of the blastopore: nf, neural fold:
np. neural plate. op, optIC vesicle; P. posref/or; v, vegetative; vn, veneral: ym. yolk mass; yp, yolk plug. Bars. 200 pm.
Fig. 4. Specific detection of NDPK transcripts
by whole-mount in situ hybridization on
late neurula (A-C) and tail bud embryos IDFl.
X2 mRNA;IC and FI NDPKX3mRNA Nore rhe
staining 10the bralO, optiC vesicle and branChial
arches for all mRNAs at the tail bud stage. a,
anteflor; p, posterior.
Fig. 5. Tissue section visualization of the in toto
hybridized tail budembryos.IAI NDPKX1 mRNA
locahzatlon.IB.EI NDPK X2 mRNA localtzatlon.IF
and GI NDPK X3 mRNA. Secllons show the
presence of NDPK X, mRNA In the optiC vesicle,
telencephalon and brachial arches_ NDPK X2 mRNA
is present in the oric vesicle. neural tube, bram and
branchial arches. NDPK X3 mRNA IS mainly
derecred In the brain, spinal cord and branchial
arches. Section 0 shows the Hoechst stamlng of secrlon E 00, branchial arches: en, endoderm:
Fb. forebram: Mb. midbrain: Hb, hindbram g, gut; nc, notOChord: ne, neurocoele: nf. neural tube:
orv, OtiCvesicle: ov, optic vesicle: p, pharynx: sc, spinal cord: te, telencephalon.
Fig. 6. NDPK X1 and NDPK X2 mRNA localization in the somites of tail bud embryos. (A-B) NDPK Xl mRNA localization. (D-F) NOPK X2 mRNA
localization, IB, F) Hoechst staining of sections In A and In E. respectively. ICI Scheme of the rail bud samires (so) showing rhe alrgnement of nuclei in
rhe myotome (n and n+ 1 represent adjacent somites). Arrows pomt on the nuclear localization of X2 mRNA and cytoplasmic localization of Xl mRNA.
NDPK XI mRNA;s present in the two anterior and posterior cyroplasmic parts of the samiric cells (A). NDPK X2 mRNA co-localize wirh the nuclei in the
center of the sam/tiC cells (D. E, F). NDPK X3 mRNA has the same localization as of NDPK Xl mRNA (data not shown). Section in 0 was revealed by the
NBT-BCIP procedure, as opposed to sections in A and E, revealed with the 8M purple procedure (cf methods).
Fig_ 7. Indirect immunohistofluorescence
detection of NDPKs
in Xenopus oocytes and early
stage embryos. lA-D) Oocytes. A
prevlre/logenic oocyte: S, mature
oocyre; C. II/rel/agenic oocyte: D.
morula macromeres: note the weak
staining (faint green' of nuclei compared
to cytoplasm. IF' Gastrula
endodermaf cells: nore the strong
stdlning(yellowJofnuclei.IG-HI stage
44 larvae. G, optic vesIcle cells; note
the weak staining of nuclei (arrows).
H, Hoechsr sraming of section G. b.
Balbiam body: gll, germmalvesic!e of
the oocyre, en, endoderm; m, mesoderm;
n, nucleoli. Arrows point to
nucleI. Bars, 50 pm.