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Biochem Biophys Res Commun
1997 Feb 24;2313:561-5. doi: 10.1006/bbrc.1997.6120.
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Cloning of Xenopus Dr1 (TBP-binding repressor) and its expression in oocytes and early embryos.
Nagano M
Koga C
Tashiro K
Kugawa F
Shiokawa K
With a final goal to study how TBP-binding repressor Dr1 regulates transcription in Xenopus early embryos, we cloned its cDNA from Xenopus liver cDNA library. The cDNA was 1,986 bp long, with the open reading frame coding for 175 amino acids, whose sequence was highly homologous to its human counterpart. Xenopus Dr1 mRNA was expressed from the earliest stage of oogenesis, inherited as maternal mRNA at a high level, but its level became low at and after the neurula stage where RNA synthetic activity is strongly activated. Dr1 mRNA occurred in larger amounts in the animal half than in the vegetal half in 8-cell stage embryos, and in neurula and tailbud stage embryos its distribution was slightly larger in the anterior part than in the posterior part. These data show that Dr1 mRNA is expressed in a temporally and spatially regulated manner, and its occurrence at higher levels in earlier stage embryos may be responsible for their low transcriptional activity.
FIG. I. eDNA a nd deduced amino acid sequences of Xenopus
laev/s Dr I. The amino acid sequence Is s hown by s ingle letter codes,
the stop codon by the asterisk. the three potential amphlpathlc ahelical
regions underlined by thin Unes (a-c). the In-frame stop codon
by a double underline. and the polyadenylation signal by a thick
underline. The region b Is required for the binding to TBP. the region
c. rich In glutamine and alanine residues. for mediating Dr! repression
acttvlty.The hiStone fold region required for tnteracllon with
DRAPI (Drl -assoctated polypeptide) Is shown between bent arrows.
FIG. 2. Alignment of total amino acid sequences of Xenopus and
human Ori s. Asteris ks signify Identity. The bar s hows the gap or
the amino acid missing. For boxes a, b, and c and bent arrows, see
the legend to Ftg. I.
FIG. 3. Expression of Drl mRNA during oogenesis and oocyte
maturation. RNAs equivalent to 2 oocytes were loaded. The major
band (6.5 kb) appeared to represent Dr I mRNA. Results of double
hybridization carried out wtth rR.\IA eDNA as a probe are given to
assess the loading eqtvalency. Lanes I to 6 are for oocytes at stages
I. II. Ill. IV. V. and VI. respectively. Lanes 7 to 10 are for stage
VI oocytes treated with progesterone for 2.5. 5.0. 7.5. and 8.5 hrs,
FIG. 4. Expression of Drl mRNA during early embryogenesis of
Xenopus laevls. (A) Ftve pg of total RNAs were loaded on the get
throught stages. The major band (6.5 kb) as Drl mRNA. and ISS
and 28S rRNAs obtained by double hybridization are gtven. UnfertilIzed
egg (lane 1), and embryos at stages 1 (lane 2). 4 (lane 3). 6.5
(lane 4). 8 (lane 5). 10 {lane 6). 12 (lane 7). 15 (lane 8). 18 {lane 9).
23 (lane 1 0). 25 (lane 11). and 27 (lane 12) were used. (B) The relative
Intensity of the radioactivity of Drl mRNA In A was measured In a
BAS 2000 densitometer. and normalized taking the level oflhe signal
In lane 7 as 1.0. Altogether. results of three Independent expert ments
(circle. rectangle. triangle) are given, together with the mean value
FIG. 5. Spatial distribution of Dr1 mRNA at 8-Cell stage. (A)
Embryos were dissected into four portions as indicated. (B) Five mg
of total RNAs were loaded (W, whole embryo; lane 1, animal-dorsal
region; lane 2, vegetal-dorsal region; lane 3, animal-ventral region;
4, vegetal-ventral region).
FIG. 6. Spatial distribution of Dr1 mRNA at neurula (stage 23)
and tailbud (stage 27) stages. (A) Embryos were dissected along the
lines. (B) Five mg of total RNAswere loaded.Wn,whole neurula embryo;
lane 1, anterior; lane 2, posterior; lane 3, dorsal; and lane 4, ventral
region of neurula embryo. Wt, whole tailbud embryo; lane 5, anterior;
lane 6, trunk; and lane 7; tail region of the tailbud embryo.