Figure 2. Representative tracings of macroscopic inward Li+current recorded in three different oocytes expressing wild-type ENaC αβγ subunits. Substitution of 20 mM KCl with 20 mM LiCl in the external sucrose buffer medium (â¢) induced an inward Li+current that was inhibited by addition of 10 nM, 100 nM, 330 nM, 660 nM, 5 μM indicated by the filled triangles (â´).
Figure 3. Cell surface expression and macroscopic ILiof wt ENaC (n = 39), triple Cys mutant (αSCβSCγSC) (n = 36) and βγ subunits (n = 41). Filled bars represents ILi. Hatched bars represents specific binding per oocyte of M2AB ([125I]M2IgG1) antibodies (fmols/oocyte) directed against a FLAG epitope introduced in the ectodomain of β and γ wt and mutant subunits. *Denotes statistical significance <0.001.
Figure 4. Effects of introducing Cys residues in pre M2 segment at positions αS583, βG525, and γG537. (A) Single channel tracings of βG525C mutant recorded with Na+as permeating ion. (B) Left: I-V relationships of wt ENaC and αS583C mutant. Cord conductance for wt ENaC (wt) in the presence of Na+was 5.1 and 10 pS with Li+. Li+conductance of αS583C was 8.9 pS. Right: I-V relationships for βG525C and γG537C. In the presence of Na+and Li+ions, cord conductances were, respectively, 3.2 and 5.8 pS for βG525C, 4 and 6.23 pS for γG534C. Dotted lines represent fit of the data of the I-V relationships according to the constant field equation. Each point represents mean value of two to five channels.
Figure 5. Amiloride sensitivity of αβγ Cys mutants. (A) Original tracings of amiloride inhibition of inward Li+current in oocytes expressing βG525C mutant together with α and γ subunits. Triangles (â´) represent addition of external amiloride at increasing concentrations of 0.1, 10, 70, and 100 μM, and ⢠indicates return to the starting K solution. (B) Titration curve of Li+current by amiloride. I/I0 is the ratio of blocked over unblocked Li+current. Li+ current was measured in individual oocytes in the presence of four different amiloride concentrations (wt-ENaC, n = 82; αS583C, n = 27; βG525C, n = 59; γG537C, n = 14) Dotted lines represent fit of data to a Langmuir inhibition isotherm (see materials and methods).
Figure 6. Block of wt ENaC and mutants by external Zn2+. Concentration dependence of Zn2+ inhibition of inward Li+current. I/I0represents the current ratio measured in the presence/absence of external Zn2+. Inhibitory constants (Ki) were obtained from best fit of the data to a Langmuir inhibition isotherm (dotted lines). Zn2+ Ki were >10 mM for wt ENaC (n = 34), 29 μM for αS583C (n = 42), 1.1 mM for βG525C (n = 10), and 1.9 mM for γG537C (n = 14).
Figure 7. Single channel recording of αS583C mutant in absence or with 0.2 mM Zn2+in the external solution. In the presence of Zn2+ channel activity (n · Po) was 0.64 at â80 mV, 0.46 at â100 mV, 0.44 at â120 mV, and 0.35 at â150 mV.
Figure 8. Effects on single channel conductance of introducing negatively charged residues Asp in the pre-M2 segment of αβ subunits. (A) Upper tracing shows single channel recording in oocytes expressing α, βG522D, γ mutants. The lower tracings were recorded from an oocyte expressing both βG522D and β wild type together with α and γ subunits. Two channels with different conductances can be observed. (B) Left: I-V relationship of αS580D, βG522D, and βG522S in the presence of with 1.8 mM Ca2+ in the patch pipet. Cord Li+conductance was 9.6 pS for βG522S. Right: I-V relationship of S580D, G522D in the absence of Ca2+ in the pipet. Cord conductance were 6.7 and 11 pS for S580D in the presence of Na+and Li+respectively and 11 pS for βG522D with Li+ions. Each point represents a mean value of three to five channels.
Figure 9. Block of αS580D, βG522D, γG534E mutants by external Ca2+. Mutant subunits were coexpressed with α, γ wild-type subunits. (A) Concentration dependence of inhibition of Li+current by external Ca2+. The ratio I/I0 represents the measured ILiin the presence/absence of external Ca2+ions. Ca2+ inhibitory constants (Ki) obtained from fit to inhibition Langmuir isotherm (dotted lines) were 2.1 mM for the αS580D (n = 8), 0.4 mM for βG522D (n = 10), and 2.2 mM for γG534E (n = 8). (B) Voltage dependence of βG522D mutant block by external Ca2+ at concentrations of 0.5, 1, and 2 mM (n = 4). Dotted lines represent fit of the data to Eq. 2 (see materials and methods) gave Ki(0) values of 0.67, 0.97, and 0.49, zⲠvalues of 0.26, 0.28, and 0.35 for the experiments done with respectively 0.5, 1, and 2mM Ca2+.
Figure 10. Decreased sensitivity of βG522D mutant to amiloride. Dose-dependent inhibition of Li+current by amiloride. Inhibitory constants (Ki) obtained from fit of the data to inhibition Langmuir isotherm were 0.14 μM for αS580D (n = 12), 0.06 μM for γG534E (n = 8), 3.4 μM for βG522D (n = 16), and 0.6 μM for βG522S (nâ= 10).