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We have isolated a new homeobox-encoding gene (XhoxB.1) from Xenopus borealis which has a homeobox exon identical to that of the murine Hox1.7 gene, except for one amino acid. XhoxB.1 transcripts of 2.1 and 7.0 kb are first detected at the late gastrula stage, accumulate until the tailbud stage and are most abundant in the posterior third of the dorsal part of the embryo.
Fig. 1. Restriction map and sequence of the XhoxB. ! genomic DNA clone. (A) The upper horizontal line represents the X. boreafis DNA insert in phage
AEMBL3. E. EcoRI; B, Barn HI', S, SolI. Part of the subcloned BamHI-EcoRI fragment was sequenced on both strands and is shown in (B). The homeobox
is shown as a filled box and the Sau3A-EcoRI fragment used as the RNase protection assay probe is indicated. (B) Nucleotide sequence of the homeobox
exon of XhoxB. I and the deduced aa sequence. The m 241-420 encode the homeodomain (boxed). The arrowhead indicates a potential accepter splice
site. Methods, Construction and screening of the genomic library, isolation and identification of positive plaques and cloning procedures were done by
standard methods (Maniatis et al., 1982) using a random primed (Feinberg and Vogelstein, 1983) mixed homeobox probe consisting of an ! 18-bp XIHboxl
probe (Carrasco et al., 1984), a 200-bp A,tp probe (Gather et al., 1983) and a 248.bp BglII-Ddel fragment of the XIHboxl gene containing the Y-terminal
two thirds of the homeobox together with 85 bp of 3'-flanking sequence, Sequencing was performed by the method of Sanger et al. (1977). GenBank
accession No. X61916.
Fig. 2. Homeodomain and flanking sequence comparison. XhoxB.l is
compared with mouse Hox 1.7 (Rubin et al., 1987), X. laevis XIHbox6
(Sharpe et al., 1987) and Drosophila Antp and Abd-B (Regulski et ai.,
1985) homeodomain regions. The start of the homeobox is numbered + 1
and asterisks indicate stop codons. Identical aa are boxed.
Fig. 3. Developmental expression of XhoxB'~ 1. (Panel A) The RNase protection
assay was performed according to Melton et al. (1985). The 257-nt
long probe was transcribed from the subclone which contained the 223-
bp Sau3A-EcoRl fragment. Size (nt) markers (SM) were 32P-labelled
pBR322 Hinfl fragments. The RNA from two embryos of the successive
developmental stages shown was analysed in each case. U-E, unfertilized
egg; B, blastula (stages 8-9); MG, mid-gastrula (12-13); N, neurula (14-
17); T, tailbud (26); H, hatched tadpole (42); t, yeast tRNA control. (Panel
B) Northern blot analysis of total RNA from dissected embryos. During
dissection of dejellied stage 26 embryos, tissue explants were maintained
in modified Barth's solution prior to RNA extraction (Sharpe et al., 1987).
The RNA from four whole embryos or embryo fragments was fractionated
on 1.2% agarose/2.2 M formaldehyde gels and blotted to Gene-
Screen membranes (Maniatis et al., 1982) The same Sau3A-EcoRl probe
as in (panel A) was used. Arrowheads indicate the 2.1-kb and 7.0-kb
XhoxB. 1 transcripts and the positions of 28S and 18S rRNA are shown.
Fig. 4. XhoxB. 1 expression along the anterior/posterior axis. (a) Stage 26
embryo dissection scheme used. (Panel b) RNase protection analysis was
carried out as described in Fig. 3A using RNA from four embryo fragments
or two whole embryos. W, whole embryo; V, ventral', P, posterior;
C, central; A, anterior; Pr, undigested probe DNA; S, Hinfl-cut pBR322
size (nt) markers (see Fig. 3A, lane SM).