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Nuclear translocation of fibroblast growth factor during Xenopus mesoderm induction.
Shiurba RA
Jing N
Sakakura T
Godsave SF
???displayArticle.abstract??? Mesoderm induction, the earliest inductive cell-cell interaction in vertebrate embryogenesis, is thought to be mediated by polypeptide growth factors including fibroblast growth factor (FGF). Here we present an immunocytochemical analysis of FGF during mesoderm induction in Xenopus laevis. Antibodies to both basic and acidic FGF were immunoreactive with oocytes and early embryos. Immunostaining was predominantly intracellular and was concentrated in the marginal zone and vegetal pole throughout cleavage and blastula stages. In addition, basic FGF (bFGF) antibodies showed intense nuclear staining in these regions, at and following the mid-blastula transition, when embryonic transcription begins. Acidic FGF (aFGF) also appeared in some nuclei at these stages. Taken together the evidence suggests that FGF is prepositioned in mesoderm-forming regions and is actively involved in mesoderm induction in vivo.
Fig. 1. Immunocytochemical localization of bFGF (A,C-G,I) and aFGF (B,J-L,O,P) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and
embryos by Immunogold-silver staining. Endogenous cortical pigment always appears dark in the animal hemisphere.
(A,E) 4- to 8-cell stage; (E) high power of bFGF in yolk-rich vegetal pole cytoplasm. (B,F) stage 8; (F) high power view of
bFGF perinuclear ring. (C) stage 9. (D,G) stage 10; (G) high power view of bFGF in nuclei. (H) stage 10 normal rabbit
IgG negative control. (I,J) ovary; (I) bFGF and (J) aFGF associated with oocyte yolk. Previtellogenic oocytes (arrows) are
unstained. bFGF is present in follicle cells. (K,L) stage 9, stage 10 aFGF. (M,N) Positive controls, stage 8.5, animal pole;
(M) anti-tubulin, (N) anti-mitochondria. (O,P) aFGF stage 10; (O) animal hemisphere, (P) marginal zone.
Fig. 2. Immunocytochemical staining of mid-blastulae after
solid-phase preabsorption of anti-bFGF antibody (R&D).
(A) bFGF absorbed, (B) unabsorbed and (C) KLH
Fig. 3. Immunoblots of heparinbinding
proteins from extracts of
Xenopus laevis eggs and
embryos. (Panel A) anti-Xenopus
bFGF (Slack), (panel B) antibovine
bFGF (R&D) and (Panel
C) anti-bovine aFGF (Genzyme)
antibodies were tested against the
following antigens: bF,
recombinant bovine bFGF (50 ng,
Boehringer Mannheim); XbF,
recombinant Xenopus bFGF
(200ng); aF, aFGF purified from
bovine brain (50 ng, R&D);
heparin-binding proteins affinity
purified from extracts of: UFE,
unfertilized eggs and B, mid-late
blastula stage embryos. Minor
bands faintly stained by antibFGF
above MT 29X103 were
also present in control blots.
Arrow at Mr 15 to 16X103 in
panel B points to the
immunoreactive band in UFE
and blastula extracts.