Fig. 1 Multiple sequence alignment
of Xenopus and human
Survivin. The bacculoviral IAPbinding
repeats domain is highly
conserved between these proteins
(arrow) as well as the p34/cdc2
phosphorylation site (arrowhead).
Fig. 2 Evolutionary relationships of vertebrates Survivin 1, Survivin
2, and XIAP families of bacculoviral IAP binding repeats
(BIR)-containing proteins. In this rooted neighbor-joining tree,
only the BIR domain was used for comparison. XIAP BIR3 is used
as an outgroup. The different families are shaded. Hs, Homo sapiens;
Gg, Gallus gallus; Cf, Canis familiaris; Rn, Rattus norvegicus;
Ss, Sus scrofa; Xl, Xenopus laevis; Xt, Xenopus tropicalis; Dr,
Danios rerio; Ci, Ciona intestinalis; Tr, Takifugu rubripes; Om,
Oncorhynchus mykiss; Bt, Bow taurus; Mm, Mus musculus.
Fig. 3 Expression levels of Survivin 1 and Survivin 2 (Su1 and Su2)
transcripts in Xenopus. RT-PCR analysis were performed to detect
Su1 and Su2 mRNA. (A) Stages 1â35 embryos (Niewkoop and
Faber, 1994). (B) Premetamorphic (stage 56) and metamorphic tissues
(stages 61â63). (C) Premetamorphic (stage 56), metamorphic
tissues (stage 63), and adult tissues. (D) Several adult tissues. (E)
Premetamorphic (stage 56) and metamorphic tissues (stages 62). L8
ribosomal protein (rpl8) or Ornithine Decarboxylase (odc) transcripts
were used to normalize amplification products. Ad, adult;
Te, testis; Br, brain; Lu, lung; Bl, blood; In, intestine; Ov, ovary;
Sk, skin; St, stomach; Li, liver; Mu, muscle; D. Mu, dorsal muscle;
C. Mu, caudal muscle; D. Ma, dorsal marrow; C. Ma, caudal
Fig. 4 Dissymmetric vascular system of half-sided CMVâGFPSu1
transgenic tadpoles. (A) Ventral view of a half-sided CMVâGFP
transgenic tadpole under UV light showing GFP expression pattern
restricted to the left side of the animal. Arrowhead shows the limit
of the GFP signal. (B) Ventral view of the same animal under bright
light showing symmetric aortic crosses (arrowheads). (C) Half-sided
CMVâSu1GFP heart (H) under UV light, GFP expression is restricted
to the left side of the animal (arrowhead). (D) Dissymmetric
aortic crosses (arrowheads) of the same animal observed under
bright light. (E) Dorsal view of a half-sided CMVâSu1GFP tadpole
(black boxes are enlarged in (G) and (H)). (F) Ventral view of the
kidney (K) of the same transgenic showing the dissymmetric kidney
arteries (arrowheads). Dorsal views of the eye vasculatures on the
transgenic side (G) or wild-type side (H) showing the increased
vessel size in the transgenic side. Scale bars : 0.4 cm in (A, B, E);
0.14 cm in (C, D, F); 0.1 cm in (G, H).
Fig. 5 Survivin 1 (Su1) transgenic expression increases aortic cross
diameter. (A) Ventral view of a full CMVâSu1GFP transgenic tadpole.
Black arrow: distance between the eyes, Black arrowheads:
positions where the aortic crosses diameters were measured, scale
bar50.2 cm. The white arrowheads indicate the head arteries
(shown in Fig. 6). (B) Relative aortic crosses diameter of wild-type
(WT) or transgenic tadpoles. All transgenics were ubiquitous (CMV
promoter) and expressed: GFP, Su1âGFP, Su1âT34AâGFP (unphosphorylable
form), Su1âT34EâGFP (phosphomimetic mutation),
Su1âC84AâGFP (bacculoviral IAP binding repeats loss of
function mutation), XIAPâGFP, XR11âGFP. Aortic crosses
diameters were measured and normalized relative to the distance
between the tadpoleâs eyes (n430 for each group). po0,01
or po0,001.
Fig. 6 Survivin 1 transgenic expression increases the number of
endothelial cells in blood vessel walls. (A, B) Pictures of a crosssection
of a transgenic tadpole showing the position of the head
arteries (arrows in (B), black box in (A) enlarged in (B) (scale
bar50.15 cm in (A), 0.02 cm in (B))). (C) Picture of head artery at a
higher magnification (scale bar50.003 cm). The arrow indicates an
endothelial cell nucleus. (D) Chart showing the mean numbers of
wall cell nuclei in 100 mm tissue width, counted on 30 serial crosssections
of five transgenics or wild-type animals.
Fig. 7 Detection of Survivin 1 mRNA by in situ hybridization. In
situ hybridization was performed on a tail cross-section with a fulllength
cDNA as an antisense probe ((B) enlarged in (D)). Hybridization
signal is detected in the main tail artery. No signal is detected
in this artery with a Sense probe hybridization, performed as
a control ((A) enlarged in (C)).