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Cell-type-specific antibodies have been used to follow the appearance of neurones and glia in the developing nervous system of the amphibian embryo. Differentiated neurones were recognized with antibodies against neurofilament protein while glial cells were identified with antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The appearance of neurones containing the neurotransmitters 5-hydroxytryptamine and dopamine has been charted also. In Xenopus, neurofilament protein in developing neurones was observed occasionally at NF stage 21 and was present reliably in the neural tube and in caudal regions of the brain at stage 23. Antibodies to the low molecular weight fragment of the neurofilament triplet recognized early neurones most reliably. Radial glial cells, identified with GFAP antibody, were identified from stage 23 onwards in the neural tube and caudal regions of the brain. In the developing spinal cord, GFAP staining was apparent throughout the cytoplasm of each radial glial cell. In the brain, the peripheral region only of each glial cell contained GFAP. By stage 36, immunohistochemically recognizable neurones and glia were present throughout the nervous system. In the axolotl, by stage 36 the pattern of neural and glial staining was identical to that observed in Xenopus. GFAP staining of glial cells was obvious at stage 23, although neuronal staining was clearly absent. This implies that glial cells differentiate before neurones. 5-HT-containing cell bodies were first observed in caudal regions of the developing brain on either side of the midline at stage 26. An extensive network of 5-HT neurones appeared gradually, with a substantial subset crossing to the opposite side of the brain through the developing optic chiasma. 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine prevented the appearance of 5-HT. Depletion of 5-HT had little effect on development or swimming behaviour. Dopamine-containing neurones in the brain first differentiated at stage 35-36 and gradually increased in number up to stage 45-47, the latest stage examined. The functional role of 5-HT- or dopamine-containing neurones remains to be elucidated. We conclude that cell-type-specific antibodies can be used to identify neurones and glial cells at early times during neural development and may be useful tools in circumstances where functional identification is difficult.
Fig. 1. Comparison of nitrocellulose blots of extracts from
fish optic nerve and Xenopus stage 35/36 embryos.
(A) Anti-70K neurofilament staining of Xenopus; (B) anti-
Band 2 staining of Xenopus; (C) anti-Band 2 staining of fish
optic nerve. The blots were 125I labelled and run against a
series of Mr markers: lactalbumen, 14-2K; trypsin inhibitor,
20-1K; trypsinogen, 24K; carbonic anhydrase, 29K;
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, 36K; egg
albumen, 45K; bovine albumen, 66K. In Xenopus, the anti-
70K recognises a single band at 70K and the anti-Band 2
antibody recognized two bands at 98K and 76K, in addition
to the low molecular weight neurofilament protein.
Fig. 2. The pattern of staining with antibodies to
neurofilament protein in Xenopus neural tube.
(A,C,D) Stage 36. (A) Side view diagram to show
orientation of horizontal sections in C and D;
(C) section stained with anti-70K antibodies; (D) a
similar region stained with anti-Band 2 antibodies.
Both antibodies reveal filamentous staining of axons
running in the developing white matter of the spinal
cord. (B,E,F) Stage 23. (B) Side view diagram to
show orientation and location of sections in E and
F; (E) transverse section through caudal region of
the brain stained with anti-70K showing early axons
in the lateral margin; (F) horizontal section through
the neural tube stained with anti-Band 2 antibodies
showing the first developing axons in the marginal
zone. Bars = 100^m for A and B, 25 for
Fig. 3. (A-F) The distribution of glial
cells in the Xenopus nervous system at
stage 36. (A) Diagram showing location
of sections in B and C. (B) Horizontal
section through the neural tube stained
with anti-GFAP showing radial glial
cells stretching across the complete
thickness of the neural tube, with
endfeet in both ependymal and marginal
zones. (C) Horizontal section through
the caudal end of the brain stem stained
with anti-GFAP. Note extensive staining
of radial glial cells and profuse,
overlapping end feet in the marginal
zone. (D) Diagram showing location of
sections in E and F. (E) Transverse
section through the developing forebrain
showing radial glial cells. (F) High
power of lateral wall of brain taken
from the adjacent section to that shown
in C. Note GFAP staining apparent
laterally and ventrally, but not dorsally
and restricted to mantle and marginal
zones. (G) Diagram to show location of
section in H. (H) Neurofilament staining
in caudal end of brain revealed with
anti-70K antibodies. Note rostrocaudal
axons running in the ventrolateral
tracts. Bars = 100//m for A and D,
25 (tmi for remainder.
Fig. 4. Comparison of staining with
three antibodies that recognize glial cells
in the neural tube of Xenopus stage 23
larvae, visualized using indirect
immunofluorescence. (A,B) Diagrams
showing location of sections C-F.
(C) Horizontal section showing anti-
Band 3 staining. (D) Transverse and (E)
horizontal sections showing anti-GFAP
staining. (F) Horizontal section stained
with anti-vimentin antibodies. Note
similar pattern of staining with all three
antibodies, n, notochord; nt, neural
tube. Bars = 100 j/m for A and B, 25 /.an
for C-F.
Fig. 5. Developing glial and neuronal
cells in the brain of the axolotl
(Amblystoma mexicanum) using indirect
immunofluorescence. (A) Diagram of a
transverse section through an axolotl
stage 23 brainstem showing the location
of the regions shown in B and C;
(B) glial cell (GFAP), (C) neuronal
(Band 2) staining in the stage 23
brainstem. Dotted line in C marks the
lateral margin of the brain. Note clear
recognition of developing radial cells in
B, and absence of neurofilament
staining in C. D (GFAP) and E (70K)
similar comparison on the axolotl stage
35/36 brain, b, brainstem; n, notochord.
Bar = 50 fim for A and 25 /xm for B-E.
Fig. 6. 5-HT-containing cell bodies in the
brainstem of a Xenopus embryo at stage
28, visualized with peroxidase.
(A) Longitudinal, diagrammatic
representation showing the location of the
cell bodies and their axons drawn from
serial sections of 6 embryos. (B) Transverse
section at location indicated in A showing a
pair of cell bodies on either side of the
midline. (C) Horizontal section showing
two groups of ventrally located cell bodies.
(D) Horizontal section at a more dorsal
level showing the axons and growth cones
extending towards the forebrain. nt, neural
tube; nc, neural canal. Bar = 100 ^on for A
and 25 fan for B-D.
Fig. 7. The developing 5-HT cell populations and
their axons in the brain stem and rostral spinal
cord of Xenopus stage 35/36 larvae.
(A) Reconstruction showing the location of the
cell bodies and their axons. The location of
sections shown in B, C and D are indicated.
(B) Horizontal view of 5-HT cell bodies located
in brainstem. All cell bodies have a single lateral
axon making contact with axons running caudally
in the lateral tract. (C) Horizontal view of
ascending dendrites. Note a more extensive
network than at stage 27/28 and clearly visible
varicosities on most dendrites. (D) Transverse
section through brainstem showing 5HT cell
bodies and a lateral axon running towards
marginal zone. E and F show horizontal sections
through the spinal cord. (E) Rostrocaudal axons
in the lateral tract. (F) Similar section from
embryo treated with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine to
prevent synthesis of 5-HT. nt, neural tube.
Bars = 100 pm in A and 25 ;jm for B-F.
Fig. 8. Series of horizontal sections through the
brain of a Xenopus stage 35/36 embryo. A
population of dorsoventral 5-HT fibres are shown,
labelled with peroxidase, which cross the brain
midline in the developing optic chiasma.
Diagrammatic representation showing the pathway
of the axons from a longitudinal (A) and horizontal
(B) perspective are shown. C,D,E and F show
sections taken from a series at the levels indicated in
A to show density of the 5-HT-containing axons.
Bar = 100jum (A), 50pun (B), 25 ^m (C-F).
Fig. 9. The appearance of dopaminergic
axons (stage 35/36) (A,C,E) and cell
bodies (stage 37/38) (B,D,F) in the
developing brain of Xenopus laevis
embryos. (A) Composite diagram showing
location of dopaminergic fibres at stage
35/36. (C) Transverse section at the level
of the eyes showing dorsoventral axons
running through the lateral tracts.
(E) Transverse section further back in
rostral neural tube showing rostrocaudal
axons in lateral tract. (B) Composite
diagram showing location of dopaminergic
cell bodies and fibres at stage 37/38.
(D) Transverse section at level of optic
cups showing cell bodies in ventrolateral
region of the brain. (F) Transverse section
through rostral neural tube showing
rostrocaudal axons in lateral tracts of white
matter. NOTE: neural canal has collapsed
in C and D. nc, neural canal; e, eye.
Bars = 100 jum.
Fig. 10. The developing dopaminergic system in a
Xenopus laevis stage 39tadpole, visualised by direct
immunofluorescence. (A) Diagrammatic
representation of Xenopus stage 39brain and rostral
neural tube to show location of axons and cell
bodies. (B) Cell bodies and dorsoventral axons in
midbrain transverse section. (C) Transverse section
through rostral neural tube snowing rostrocaudal
and dorsoventral axons in lateral tract.
(D) Horizontal section through ventralhindbrain
showing rostrocaudal axons, containing numerous
varicosities, running along lateral tracts.
(E) Horizontal section showing a few rostrocaudal
axons running through lateral tracts in caudal neural
tube, nc, neural canal; nt, neural tube; s, somites.
Bars = 25 jum (100 pm for A).
Fig. 11. The distribution of dopaminergic
cell bodies and axons in the developing
nervous system of a Xenopus stage 48tadpole visualised by indirect
immunofluorescence. (A) Longitudinal
and (B) transverse diagrams of Xenopus
stage 48brain and rostral neural tube.
The boxed area indicates the region
illustrated in G. C-I show sections taken
from a series through the same tadpole.
(C) Transverse section through ventralforebrain showing lateral axons running
through marginal zone.
(D and E) Anterior populations of
dopaminergic cell bodies close to midline
showing axonal connections between
adjacent cell bodies. (F and G) Two
distinct populations of dopaminergic cell
bodies in the 4th ventricle of the
developing brain. (H and I) Rostrocaudal
axons running through lateral tracts in the
hindbrain. (J) Horizontal section through
caudal neural tube showing two
rostrocaudal axons running along the
lateral tract. *, neural canal; s, somites;
nt, neural tube; ant, anterior.
Bars = 25;«m (100 for A).