Fig. 1 Spatial and temporal expression of atf4 in Xenopus embryos
(A-L) Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis data. (A-E) Anterior views. (F, G) Lateral views. (H) Anterior view of an embryo transversally dissected at
the position indicated by the white dashed line in G. (I) Lateral view. (J) Ventral view of the embryo in I showing of the expression in the blood island. (K)
Isolated gut. (L) Ventral view. ba, branchial arches; bi, blood island; cg, cement gland; ey, eye; hb, hindbrain; li, liver; mb, midbrain; opv, optic vesicle; ov, otic
vesicle; pa, pancreas; pd, pronephric duct; sc, spinal cord; sd, part of stomach and duodenum. (M) RT-PCR analysis reveals the temporal expression profile of
atf4 during Xenopus embryogenesis. UE, unfertilized egg. NC, negative control. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was used as the loading control.
Fig. 2 Overexpression of atf4 interferes with neurogenesis and
eye anlage formation
(A-C) Lateral view of the embryos showing dose-dependent effects of atf4
on eye development. (D-N) Effects of atf4GR on the expression of various
neural marker genes. The injected sides are on the right. Dexamethasone was
added at stage 12.5. (D, F, H, J, LâN) Anterior views. (E, G, I, K) Dorsal
views of D, F, H, and J, respectively. The white triangles in D, F, and H
highlight the missing of marker gene expression in the lens placode, trigeminal
ganglion, and placode on the injected side, respectively. The red dashed lines
in L, M, and N illustrate the midline of the embryos. Dex, dexamethasone. The
statistics for the phenotype are as follows: sox3 (19/20), N-tubulin (20/24),
pax2 (32/34), pax6 (20/20), otx2 (18/21), six3 (16/18), rx1 (12/14).
Fig. 3 Overexpression of atf4 led to microphthalmia
(AâF) Lateral view. (A, B) The expression of sox3 in the lens is lost on the
injected side labeled by red triangle. (C, D) The expression of pax6 in the
retina is reduced on the injected side. (E, F) The retinal pigment epithelium is
poorly developed on the injected side. uninj, uninjected side; inj, injected side.
Fig. 4 Overexpression of atf4 in Xenopus embryos did not
cause apoptosis
At stage 13.5, the TUNEL signals detected are very weak in control embryos,
as well as in atf4GR injected embryos with or without dexamethasone
treatment. (AâF) Representative embryos from each group with the
strongest TUNEL signals. B, D, and F are higher magnification views of A,
C, and E, respectively. Statistics are indicated in B, D, and F for each group.
All the rest embryos analyzed in each group showed very weak signals (data
not shown). Before TUNEL assay, the embryos were subjected to betagalactosidase
staining to trace the injected sites.
atf4 (activating transcription factor 4) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 31, lateral view, anterior right, dorsal up.
atf4 (activating transcription factor 4) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 34, lateral view, anterior right, dorsal up.