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Dev Growth Differ 2011 Dec 01;539:971-81. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.2011.01304.x.
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Chemokine ligand Xenopus CXCLC (XCXCLC) regulates cell movements during early morphogenesis.

We cloned the gene for the CXC-type chemokine ligand, Xenopus CXCLC (XCXCLC), the transcripts of which were detected at the dorsal midline during the gastrula and neurula stages. XCXCLC overexpression resulted in the attraction of nearby mesodermal cells, and the excess of chemoattractant interfered with convergent and extension movements. The direction of the deep neural plate cells around the notoplate was also controlled by XCXCLC. Fluorescence signals for XCXCLC + enhanced green fluorescent protein derivatives accumulated around the notochord region. These results indicate that XCXCLC attracts adjacent cells to the midline region, so as to ensure accurate lateral-medial directional tissue convergence during gastrulation and neurulation.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 22103472
??? Dev Growth Differ

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ackr3 alb cxcl12 cxcl9 cxcr4 fn1 fry odc1 tbx2
???displayArticle.morpholinos??? cxcl10 MO1

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