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Dev Growth Differ 2011 Dec 01;539:982-93. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.2011.01307.x.
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Analyzing the function of a hox gene: an evolutionary approach.

Michaut L , Jansen HJ , Bardine N , Durston AJ , Gehring WJ .

We present an evolutionary approach to dissecting conserved developmental mechanisms. We reason that important mechanisms for making the bodyplan will act early, to generate the major features of the body and that they will be conserved in evolution across many metazoa, and thus, that they will be available in very different animals. This led to our specific approach of microarrays to screen for very early conserved developmental regulators in parallel in an insect, Drosophila and a vertebrate, Xenopus. We screened for the earliest conserved targets of the ectopically expressed hox gene Hoxc6/Antennapedia in both species and followed these targets up, using in situ hybridization, in the Xenopus system. The results indicate that relatively few of the early Hox target genes are conserved: these are mainly involved in the specification of the antero-posterior body axis and in gastrulation.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 22150153
??? Dev Growth Differ

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: anxa5 anxa9 ccng1 cdh1 cebpa cnn2 ctps1 cyp2j6l dlx3 dlx5 dlx6 elavl3 exosc4 fezf2 foxn1 gbx2.2 gli3 herpud1 hes1 hes5 hes6 hesx1 hoxa7 hoxa9 hoxc6 hoxd1 id2 kctd15 kit krt12.4 krt7 lhx5 luc7l3 marchf8 mespa mig30 mpc2 msi1 mst1rl msx1 ncoa6 nfe2 otx2 pabpc4 pax6 pisdl pkp3 plk2 prickle1 rab40b rasd1 rasl11b rpe65 sass6 sat1 shh sox7 sub1 tmem184c tob1 tsc22d3 tuba1cl.3 vill vim vps26c XB5917669 znf703

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