2011 Jan 01;73:180-90. doi: 10.4161/org.7.3.18320.
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Planar cell polarity in kidney development and disease.
Carroll TJ
Das A
Planar cell polarity (PCP) describes the coordinated polarization of tissue cells in a direction that is orthogonal to their apical/basal axis. In the last several years, studies in flies and vertebrates have defined evolutionarily conserved pathways that establish and maintain PCP in various cellular contexts. Defective responses to the polarizing signal(s) have deleterious effects on the development and repair of a wide variety of organs/tissues. In this review, we cover the known and hypothesized roles for PCP in the metanephric kidney. We highlight the similarities and differences in PCP establishment in this organ compared with flies, especially the role of Wnt signaling in this process. Finally, we present a model whereby the signal(s) that organizes PCP in the kidney epithelium, at least in part, comes from the adjacent stromal fibroblasts.
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