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Dev Genes Evol 2013 May 01;2233:189-93. doi: 10.1007/s00427-012-0421-9.
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Expression of a cardiac myosin gene in non-heart tissues of developing frogs.

Nath K , Fisher C , Elinson RP .

Direct developing frogs, like Eleutherodactylus coqui, provide opportunities to investigate limb early development in anuran amphibians that are less available in species with tadpoles. We have found that myosin heavy chain 6 (myh6), a myosin gene usually considered heart-specific in Xenopus and other animals, is expressed in limbs of E. coqui embryos. The gene for microRNA(miR)-208 is contained in an intron of the E. coqui myh6 gene as in mammals, and miR -208 was detected as a microRNA, more highly expressed in a microarray of E. coqui limb buds, compared to Xenopus laevis limb buds. Myh6 is also expressed in several muscles of tadpoles and froglets of Xenopus tropicalis. These connections raise the possibility of an involvement of myh6 and miR-208 in the thyroid dependent metamorphosis of anurans.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 23076351
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC3572296
??? Dev Genes Evol
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: myh6

References [+] :
Abu-Daya, The secreted integrin ligand nephronectin is necessary for forelimb formation in Xenopus tropicalis. 2011, Pubmed, Xenbase