Figure 1. Effect of fusion of TRIP8b to HCN2 on relationship between [cAMP] and voltage dependence of channel gating. (A) Currents elicited by hyperpolarizing voltage steps in inside-out patches from oocytes expressing TRIP8b-HCN2 fusion channels or GFP-HCN2 channels in 0, 0.1, or 100 µM [cAMP]. The membrane was held at â40 mV for 0.5 s and then stepped for 3 s to test potentials from â70 to â140 mV in 10-mV decrements. (B and C) Normalized tail current G-V relationship for GFP-HCN2 (B) or TRIP8b-HCN2 (C) channels in the presence of 0, 0.1, or 100 µM [cAMP]. Fits of Boltzmann relation yield the following values for V1/2 and slope with different [cAMP]. GFP-HCN2 0 cAMP: V1/2 = â116.0 mV, s = 4.98; 0.1 cAMP: V1/2 = â105.7 mV, s = 5.33; and 100 cAMP: V1/2 = â96.9 mV, s = 4.65. TRIP8b-HCN2 0 cAMP: V1/2 = â114.8mV, s = 4.05; 0.1 cAMP: V1/2 = â113.3 mV, s = 4.91; and 100 cAMP: V1/2 = â104.2 mV, s = 4.42. (D) ÎV1/2 as a function of [cAMP] for GFP-HCN2, GFP-HCN2 + TRIP8b expressed as independent proteins, and TRIP8b-HCN2 fusion channels in inside-out patches. Solid lines show fits of Hill equation. Fits of the Hill equation yield GFP-HCN2: ÎVmax = 17.3 mV, K1/2 = 0.08 µM, h = 1.43; GFP-HCN2 + TRIP8b: ÎVmax = 14.2 mV, K1/2 = 0.19 µM, h = 0.83; and TRIP8b-HCN2: ÎVmax = 11.1 mV, K1/2 = 3.42 µM, h = 0.79. Error bars indicate SEM.
Figure 2. cAMP causes a larger increase in maximal current with TRIP8b-HCN2 and TRIP8bcore-HCN2 channels than with GFP-HCN2 channels. The membrane was held at â40 mV and then hyperpolarized to â140 mV with a 3-s test pulse, followed by a depolarizing pulse to â40 mV to measure the tail current. (A) Representative currents for GFP-HCN2, TRIP8b-HCN2, and TRIP8bcore-HCN2 channels before (black traces) and after (red traces) application of saturating concentrations of cAMP (100 µM for GFP-HCN2 and 1 mM for the other two channels) to inside-out patches. (B) Percent increase in maximal tail current amplitude in response to cAMP for GFP-HCN2, TRIP8b-HCN2, and TRIP8bcore-HCN2; error bars indicate SEM. Mean percent increases in maximal current ± SEM are as follows: GFP-HCN2: 37 ± 9% (n = 9); TRIP8b-HCN2: 83 ± 9% (n = 10); and TRIP8bcore-HCN2: 116 ± 18% (n = 9). Current amplitude increase with GFP-HCN2 by cAMP is significantly less than that seen with TRIP8b-HCN2 and TRIP8bcore-HCN2 (*, P < 0.05, ANOVA). There is no significant difference in current increase between the latter two constructs (P > 0.05, t test).
Figure 3. TRIP8b core domain is necessary to antagonize action of cAMP on HCN2. (A) ÎV1/2 as a function of [cAMP] for TRIP8bÎInt-HCN2 and TRIP8bcore-HCN2 channels in inside-out patches, compared with GFP-HCN2 and TRIP8b-HCN2 channels. Solid lines show fits of the Hill equation. Fits of the Hill equation yield TRIP8bÎInt-HCN2: ÎVmax = 18.2 mV, K1/2 = 0.08 µM, h = 1.11; and TRIP8bcore-HCN2: ÎVmax = 13.3 mV, K1/2 = 190 µM, h = 0.69. Note that TRIP8bÎInt, with internal deletion of 22 residues of the core domain, fails to alter cAMP doseâresponse relation. (B) V1/2 values of various indicated constructs in the absence of cAMP show no significant differences (P > 0.05, ANOVA). Error bars indicate SEM.
Figure 4. Direct application of TRIP8bcore polypeptide to inside-out patches suppresses HCN2 maximal current in the absence of cAMP. (A) Representative experiment showing effects of TRIP8bcore polypeptide on HCN2 currents in inside-out patches elicited by a hyperpolarization to â140 mV, either in the absence or presence of cAMP. The current recording protocol is described in Fig. 3. The internal bath solution contained control solution, 4 µM TRIP8bcore with no cAMP, 4 µM TRIP8bcore plus 100 µM cAMP, or 100 µM cAMP with no TRIP8b. (B) Doseâresponse curve for the percent reduction in current amplitude at extreme negative voltages as a function of TRIP8bcore polypeptide concentration (in the absence of cAMP). Error bars show SEM. (C) The binding activity of the HCN1 C-linker/CNBD (residues 390â611) with WT and mutant TRIP8b (constant region, exons 5â16) assessed using a yeast two-hybrid assay. For TRIP8b, the yellow square represents the conserved core region. In TRIP8bcore-mut, the WT EEEFE core residues are substituted by RRRAR. The red colors denote the TPR domains. Activity was detected by transactivation of a GFP reporter gene. â+++â indicates very strong fluorescence; âââ indicates no detectable fluorescence (see Santoro et al. [2011]). (D) Representative HCN2 currents before (black trace) and after (blue trace) the application of TRIP8bcore-mut polypeptide to inside-out patches. The current recording protocol is described in Fig. 3.
Figure 5. Effects of TRIP8bcore polypeptide on action of cAMP on HCN2 channel voltage gating. (A) Representative experiment showing V1/2 of HCN2 channels in inside-out patches with solutions containing the indicated [cAMP] in the absence or presence of 4 µM TRIP8bcore polypeptide. Open circles indicate V1/2 in the absence of both cAMP and TRIP8bcore; closed circles indicate V1/2 in the presence of 0.1 or 10 µM cAMP, with or without 4 µM TRIP8bcore polypeptide, as indicated. (B) Normalized G-V relationship for HCN2 channel tail currents in 0, 0.1, or 10 µM cAMP. (C) Normalized G-V relationship for HCN2 channel tail currents in the presence of 4 µM TRIP8bcore polypeptide plus 0, 0.1, or 10 µM cAMP. (D) Normalized G-V relationship for HCN2 tail currents in the presence of 4 µM TRIP8bcore-mut polypeptide plus 0, 0.1, or 10 µM cAMP. (E) Shift in V1/2 as a function of [cAMP] in the absence (open circles) or presence (closed circles) of 4 µM TRIP8bcore polypeptide. Solid lines show fits of the Hill equation, which yield HCN2: ÎVmax = 18.1 mV, K1/2 = 0.08 µM, h = 0.86; and HCN2 plus 4 µM TRIP8bcore: ÎVmax = 15.8 mV, K1/2 = 5.64 µM, h = 0.86. (F) Percent decrease in ÎV1/2 produced by the indicated concentrations of cAMP as a function of TRIP8bcore concentration (left ordinate). Fits of the Hill equation (solid lines) yield 0.1 µM cAMP: K1/2 = 0.22 µM, h = 1.35, percent maximal decrease in ÎV1/2 = 100%; 1 µM cAMP: K1/2 = 1.57 µM, h = 1.69, percent maximal decrease in ÎV1/2 = 97%; 10 µM cAMP: K1/2 = 2.34 µM, h = 1.19, percent maximal decrease in ÎV1/2 = 69%; and 100 µM cAMP: K1/2 = 3.96 µM, h = 0.74, percent maximal decrease in ÎV1/2 = 42%. The Hill fit to the TRIP8b doseâresponse curve for HCN2 maximal current reduction from Fig. 4 B is replicated here for comparison (red dashed line, right ordinate). Error bars indicate SEM.
Figure 6. 12-state allosteric model for regulation of HCN2 channel opening by voltage, cAMP, and TRIP8b. The vertical and front-back transitions of the cubic scheme represent the cAMP and TRIP8b binding reactions to the channel, respectively. The two horizontal transitions are the voltage-dependent activation step reflecting voltage sensor movement, followed by a voltage-independent opening step. The front face of the cube is the six-state cyclic allosteric model that represents the effects of voltage and cAMP on channel opening in the absence of bound TRIP8b (Zhou and Siegelbaum, 2007); the top face is a six-state cyclic allosteric model that represents the actions of voltage and TRIP8b binding on channel opening in the absence of bound cAMP. TRIP8b and cAMP can both bind to the channel at the same time, as represented by the back and bottom faces of the cube. Definition of states and ligands: CR, unliganded closed channel with voltage sensor in the resting state; CA, unliganded closed channel with voltage sensor in the activated state; O, unliganded channel in the open state; A, cAMP; T, TRIP8b. Definition of parameters: KV, equilibrium constant for transition of closed channel transition between resting state and activated state; L, intrinsic equilibrium constant for channel opening; KCA and KOA, dissociation equilibrium constants for cAMP binding to closed and open states, respectively; KCT and KOT, dissociation equilibrium constants of TRIP8b binding to channel in closed and open states, respectively; KTCA and KTOA, dissociation equilibrium constants for cAMP binding to TRIP8b-bound channels in closed and open states, respectively; KACT and KAOT, dissociation equilibrium constants for TRIP8b binding to cAMP-bound channels in closed and open states, respectively.
Figure 7. ÎV1/2 as a function of [cAMP] and [TRIP8bcore] polypeptide, fitted by the 12-state allosteric model. The TRIP8bcore polypeptide concentrations are indicated. The parameters of the front face of the model (corresponding to the six-state cyclic model) are adopted from Zhou and Siegelbaum (2007): L = 0.43, s = 4.4, KCA = 0.844 µM, KOA = 0.008 µM. The best fit of the model yields the following values for the other parameters: KCT = 0.089 ± 0.027 µM, KOT = 0.064 ± 0.010 µM, KTCA = 33.58 ± 8.18 µM, KTOA = 3.53 ± 1.33 µM. KACT and KAOT are then derived from the other parameters: KACT = KTCA·KCT/KCA = 3.54 µM and KAOT = KTOA·KOT/KOA = 28.24 µM. Error bars show SEM. See supplemental text for further details.
Figure 8. Importance of C-terminal regions of HCN2 for the ability of TRIP8b to reduce maximal current. (A) Representative currents through HCN2 WT and mutant channels before (black traces) and after (blue traces) the application of 4 µM TRIP8bcore polypeptide to inside-out patches (no cAMP present). HCN2ÎCNBD, truncation after residue V526 removing entire CNBD and all downstream residues; HCN2R591E, point mutation of conserved arginine in CNBD required for high-affinity cAMP binding; HCN2FPN, triple point mutation substituting FPN sequence for residues QEK in Aâ² helix of C-linker (residues 450â452 in HCN2). The recording protocol is described in Fig. 2. (B) Percent reduction in maximal tail current amplitude for HCN2 WT and mutant channels in response to 4 µM TRIP8bcore polypeptide. Error bars indicate SEM. Mean percent reductions ± SEM are as follows: HCN2, 43 ± 4% (n = 9); HCN2ÎCNBD, â1.6 ± 2% (n = 3); HCN2R591E, 48 ± 9% (n = 3); and HCN2FPN, â1 ± 2% (n = 3).
Figure 9. The effect of mutations in the HCN1 key CNBD residue R538 on TRIP8b binding. Western blot analysis shows binding of HCN1, HCN1R538A, and HCN1R538E mutants to WT TRIP8b(1b-2) assessed by coimmunoprecipitation from Xenopus oocyte extracts coinjected with TRIP8b and HCN1 cRNA. The top row shows the HCN1 input signal using an HCN1 antibody. The middle row shows the TRIP8b input signal using an anti-TRIP8b antibody. The bottom row shows the amount of HCN1 protein coimmunoprecipitated with the TRIP8b antibody (Western blot probed using HCN1 antibody). Note that exposure times are directly comparable along each row but not down each column. Individual bands have been cut from intact gel pictures and aligned to allow direct comparison of intensities for WT and mutant constructs.