FIG. 1. a-Actinin-stained Z-discs first appear in 11 somite embryos (a, d, g) Schema of somites imaged and somite numbering. Somites are
sequentially added and numbered from the posterior during development (right, S0); second-to-anterior shaded black; third-youngest (SIII)
gray; e5eye; cg5cement gland. a-Actinin staining in second-to-anterior somite in (b) nine somite NF23 (somite SVIII), (e) 11 somite NF24
(SX), and (h) 12 somite NF25 (SXI) embryos or third from posterior (SIII) somite at corresponding stage (c, f, i). Z-discs (arrowheads) are present
in anterior somites from NF24 (e), becoming more abundant at NF25 (h). Z-bodies (arrows) are observed in the SIII somite of 11 and 12 somite
embryos (f, i). Initial a-actinin staining appears in 11 somite embryos in both anterior and posterior somites Scale bar=13 um.
FIG. 2. Z-disc maturation is delayed in the absence of contractility. a-Actinin staining in an anterior somite of (a, b) nine somite NF23, (d,
e) 11 somite NF24, or (g, h) 12 somite NF25 embryos treated with vehicle control (a, d, g) or BTS (b, e, h) showing Z-discs (arrowheads) and
Z-bodies (arrows). Z-disc maturation is delayed in BTS-treated embryos. (k) a-Actinin maturation is likewise delayed in genetically paralyzed
dit mutant embryos at NF28 relative to (j) wild-type control. (c, f, i, l) Reverse transcription-PCR shows that actn3 mRNA is present
before Z-discs are detected and remains expressed when embryos are paralyzed by BTS treatment or the dit mutation. Scale bar=18um.
FIG. 3. Z-disc diameter and thick filament bundling are delayed in the absence of contractility. Representative fields of TEM sections from
(a) DMSO vehicle control showing well-formed Z-discs (arrowheads) and (b) BTS-treated somites with an immature Z-disc (arrow) at NF24;
scale bar5200 nm. Z-discs were identified as electron-dense regions crossing thick filaments (arrowheads). The number of Z-discs was
reduced in BTS-treated embryos (c), as was their diameter (d). Thick filaments also appeared more disordered in BTS-treated embryos,
and (e) average length of visible thick filaments per frame was reduced relative to controls.
FIG. 4. Timely Z-disc maturation in sequentially added posterior somites also requires muscle activity. At later stages, Z-disc maturation
accompanies sequential addition of posterior somites, but shows consistent delay in paralyzed embryos. NF28 a-actinin-stained posterior
somites treated with (a) vehicle control, (b) BTS, or (c) tricaine; intersomitic boundaries indicated by dashed lines. Z-bodies in control embryos
appear in the SII somite (a, inset), with Z-discs visible in SIII (arrowhead). Paralysis with BTS or tricaine shifts Z-disc maturation to older SVâ
SVI somites (b, c inset). (dâf) NF40 posterior somites stained for a-actinin, showing Z-bodies in the SIII somite in control (d, inset), in the SVI
somite of BTS-treated embryos (e, inset), or SIX somite in dit mutants (f, inset). (gâi) MyHC-stained thick filaments are unaffected in NF28
BTS- and tricaine-treated embryos. (j) Quantitation of anterior shift of the last Z-disc-containing somite at NF28 and NF40 caused by pharmacological
or genetic paralysis. The youngest (most posterior) Z-disc-containing somite is shifted anteriorly by pharmacological or genetic
paralysis, as shown by quantitation of anterior shift at stages NF28 and NF40 in tricaine- and BTS-treated embryos and dit mutants.
Figure 1. α-Actinin-stained Z-discs first appear in 11 somite embryos (a, d, g) Schema of somites imaged and somite numbering. Somites are sequentially added and numbered from the posterior during development (right, S0); second-to-anterior shaded black; third-youngest (SIII) gray; eâ=âeye; cgâ=âcement gland. α-Actinin staining in second-to-anterior somite in (b) nine somite NF23 (somite SVIII), (e) 11 somite NF24 (SX), and (h) 12 somite NF25 (SXI) embryos or third from posterior (SIII) somite at corresponding stage (c, f, i). Z-discs (arrowheads) are present in anterior somites from NF24 (e), becoming more abundant at NF25 (h). Z-bodies (arrows) are observed in the SIII somite of 11 and 12 somite embryos (f, i). Initial α-actinin staining appears in 11 somite embryos in both anterior and posterior somites Scale barâ=â13 μm.
Figure 2. Z-disc maturation is delayed in the absence of contractility. α-Actinin staining in an anterior somite of (a, b) nine somite NF23, (d, e) 11 somite NF24, or (g, h) 12 somite NF25 embryos treated with vehicle control (a, d, g) or BTS (b, e, h) showing Z-discs (arrowheads) and Z-bodies (arrows). Z-disc maturation is delayed in BTS-treated embryos. (k) α-Actinin maturation is likewise delayed in genetically paralyzed dit mutant embryos at NF28 relative to (j) wild-type control. (c, f, i, l) Reverse transcription-PCR shows that actn3 mRNA is present before Z-discs are detected and remains expressed when embryos are paralyzed by BTS treatment or the dit mutation. Scale barâ=â18 μm.
Figure 3. Z-disc diameter and thick filament bundling are delayed in the absence of contractility. Representative fields of TEM sections from (a) DMSO vehicle control showing well-formed Z-discs (arrowheads) and (b) BTS-treated somites with an immature Z-disc (arrow) at NF24; scale barâ=â200 nm. Z-discs were identified as electron-dense regions crossing thick filaments (arrowheads). The number of Z-discs was reduced in BTS-treated embryos (c), as was their diameter (d). Thick filaments also appeared more disordered in BTS-treated embryos, and (e) average length of visible thick filaments per frame was reduced relative to controls.
Figure 4. Timely Z-disc maturation in sequentially added posterior somites also requires muscle activity. At later stages, Z-disc maturation accompanies sequential addition of posterior somites, but shows consistent delay in paralyzed embryos. NF28 α-actinin-stained posterior somites treated with (a) vehicle control, (b) BTS, or (c) tricaine; intersomitic boundaries indicated by dashed lines. Z-bodies in control embryos appear in the SII somite (a, inset), with Z-discs visible in SIII (arrowhead). Paralysis with BTS or tricaine shifts Z-disc maturation to older SVâSVI somites (b, c inset). (dâf) NF40 posterior somites stained for α-actinin, showing Z-bodies in the SIII somite in control (d, inset), in the SVI somite of BTS-treated embryos (e, inset), or SIX somite in dit mutants (f, inset). (gâi) MyHC-stained thick filaments are unaffected in NF28 BTS- and tricaine-treated embryos. (j) Quantitation of anterior shift of the last Z-disc-containing somite at NF28 and NF40 caused by pharmacological or genetic paralysis. The youngest (most posterior) Z-disc-containing somite is shifted anteriorly by pharmacological or genetic paralysis, as shown by quantitation of anterior shift at stages NF28 and NF40 in tricaine- and BTS-treated embryos and dit mutants.