Sci Rep
2017 Feb 15;7:42590. doi: 10.1038/srep42590.
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Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase37 regulates Tcf7 DNA binding for the activation of Wnt signalling.
The Tcf/Lef family of transcription factors mediates the Wnt/β-catenin pathway that is involved in a wide range of biological processes, including vertebrate embryogenesis and diverse pathogenesis. Post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation, sumoylation and acetylation, are known to be important for the regulation of Tcf/Lef proteins. However, the importance of ubiquitination and ubiquitin-mediated regulatory mechanisms for Tcf/Lef activity are still unclear. Here, we newly show that ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase 37 (Uch37), a deubiquitinase, interacts with Tcf7 (formerly named Tcf1) to activate Wnt signalling. Biochemical analyses demonstrated that deubiquitinating activity of Uch37 is not involved in Tcf7 protein stability but is required for the association of Tcf7 to target gene promoter in both Xenopus embryo and human liver cancer cells. In vivo analyses further revealed that Uch37 functions as a positive regulator of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway downstream of β-catenin stabilization that is required for the expression of ventrolateral mesoderm genes during Xenopus gastrulation. Our study provides a new mechanism for chromatin occupancy of Tcf7 and uncovers the physiological significance of Uch37 during early vertebrate development by regulating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.
???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 28198400
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC5309806
???displayArticle.link??? Sci Rep
Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: adrm1 bmp4 ccnd1 chrd ctnnb1 dvl2 fgf4 gsc lef1 lrp6 msx1 myc myod1 nodal1 nodal3 nodal3.4 odc1 post prl.2 sia1 szl tbxt tcf7 tcf7l1 uchl5 ventx1.2 ventx2.2 wnt8a xpo1
???displayArticle.morpholinos??? uchl5 MO1
???attribute.lit??? ???displayArticles.show???
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Figure 1. Uch37 positively regulates Wnt signalling downstream of β-catenin stabilization.(a) TOPflash assay using whole embryos (stage 10.5, 10 embryos were used for each sample). Four-cell stage embryos were animally injected with indicated reagents (150âpg TOPflash reporter; 50âpg pRL-TK; 40âng Co MO; 40âng Uch37 MO; 20âpg Wnt8 mRNA; 1âng Re.Uch37 mRNA). (b) Expression levels of Wnt target genes (siamois and nodal3.1) were examined by RT-PCR analysis using Xenopus animal cap tissues. Two-cell stage embryos were animally injected with indicated reagents (5âpg Wnt8 mRNA; 20âng Co MO; 20âng Uch37 MO; 1âng Re.Uch37 mRNA). Animal cap explants were isolated at stage 9 and cultured until stage 11. WE, Whole embryos; (-), -RT; ODC, ornithine decarboxylase loading control. Full images are presented in Supplementary information (Fig. S12) (c) Axis duplication assay. Four-cell stage embryos were injected in one ventrovegetal blastomere with indicated reagents (5âpg Wnt8 mRNA; 1âng Uch37 mRNA; 20âng Uch37 MO). See also Table S2. (d) Quantified result of c. (e) TOPflash assay in HepG2 cells. After transfection of reporter constructs into stable cells (sh Control or sh Uch37) for 48âh, luciferase activity was measured. Knockdown of β-catenin indicates a positive control for downregulation of Wnt activity. (f) Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis for the expression of Wnt-target genes (cyclinD1 and c-myc) in stable HepG2 cells. Knockdown of β-catenin indicates a positive control for downregulation of Wnt activity. The quantities of indicated mRNA were normalized by β-actin. Data represent average values from three independent experiments performed. Error bars indicate standard deviations of triplicate. *pâ<â0.002; **pâ<â0.001 (two-tailed Studentâs ttest). (g) Axis duplication assay. Four-cell stage embryos were injected in one ventrovegetal blastomere with indicated reagents (5âpg Wnt8 mRNA; 200âpg Dvl2 mRNA; 25âpg β-catenin mRNA; 20âng Co MO; 20âng Uch37 MO). See also Supplementary Fig. S5a and Table S3). |
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Figure 2. Uch37 physically interacts with Tcf7 in nucleus.(a) Co-IP assay in HEK293FT cells. Cells were transfected with indicated plasmids. myc-ADRM1 is known as an interacting partner of Uch37 and used as a positive control11. 48âh after transfection, cell lysates were precipitated with anti-myc antibody. (b) GST pulldown assay using purified proteins. His-Uch37 and GST-Tcf7 proteins were incubated and then subjected to immunoblotting. (c) Co-IP assay using nuclear extract of Xenopus gastrula embryo. One-cell stage embryos were injected with myc-Tcf7 (500âpg) and HA-Uch37 (500âpg) and cultured until stage 11, and then subjected to fractionation. Nuclear extracts were subjected to Co-IP assay using anti-myc or anti-HA antibody. (d) Co-IP assay using HEK293FT cells, HA-Uch37 and indicated myc-tagged truncated mutants of Tcf7 were transfected. Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-myc antibody. Truncated mutants of Tcf7 are depicted on the left. Tcf7, a full length; Tcf7 1â196, amino acids 1â196; Tcf7 240â365, amino acids 240â365; Tcf7 52â239, amino acids 52â239. Full images of all Fig. 2 are presented in Supplementary information (Fig. S9). |
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Figure 3. Uch37 deubiquitinates Tcf7 protein, but is not involved in protein stabilization.(a) In vivo ubiquitination assay in HEK293FT cells. Cells were transfected with indicated plasmids (1âμg myc-Tcf7; 3âμg flag-Ub; 2âμg and 4âμg Uch37). After 48âh, samples were prepared as described in materials and methods and then precipitated with anti-myc antibody. (b) In vitro ubiquitination assay. HEK293FT cells were co-transfected with both myc-Tcf7 and HA-Ub plasmids to express polyubiquitinated Tcf7. After 48âh, cell lysates were immunoprecipitated using anti-myc antibody to prepare Polyubiquitinated Tcf7. Precipitated polyubiqutinated Tcf7 was then incubated with indicated amount of His-Uch37 protein. (c) Signal intensity of polyubiquitinated Tcf7 in b was quantified using image J software. (d) In vivo ubiquitination assay in HEK293FT cells. Cells were transfected with indicated plasmids and siRNAs. After 72âh, total proteins were precipitated with anti-myc antibody. Cell lysis and detailed procedures are described in materials and methods. In HA-K63, all lysines except Lys-63 were mutated to arginines. In HA-K48, all lysines except Lys-48 were mutated to arginines. (e) Pulse-chase test using HEK293FT cells. 48âhours after the transfection as indicated, 100âμg/ml cycloheximide (CHX, sigma) was treated for 0, 12, and 24âh. myc-Tcf7, Uch37, and HA-Uch37 were monitored by western blot analysis, and Actin levels were used as a loading control. Full images of all Fig. 2 are presented in Supplementary information (Figs S10 and 11). |
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Figure 4. Deubiquitinating activity of Uch37 is required for Tcf7-mediated gene transcription by mediating DNA-binding of Tcf7.(a) Expression levels of Wnt target genes (siamois and nodal3.1) were examined by RT-PCR analysis using Xenopus animal cap tissues. Embryos were animally injected at four-cell stage. Animal caps were isolated at stage 9, grown to stage 11. Injected reagents are as follows, 25âpg myc-Tcf7 mRNA; 20âng Co MO; 20âng Uch37 MO; 1âng wild type Uch37 mRNA (WT); 1âng catalytically inactive Uch37 mRNA (IN). Full images are presented in Supplementary information (Fig. S12). (b) TOPflash assay using whole embryos (stage 10.5, 10 embryos). Embryos were animally injected at four-cell stage. 150âpg TOPflash reporter; 50âpg pRL-TK; 40âng Co MO; 40âng Uch37 MO; 50âpg Tcf7 mRNA; 1âng wild type of Uch37 mRNA (WT); 1âng catalytically inactive Uch37 mRNA (IN). (c) qPCR analysis for the expression of Wnt-target genes (c-myc, cyclinD1 and c-jun) in stable HepG2 cells. Tcf7 was transiently transfected alone or co-transfected with wild type of Uch37 or catalytically inactive Uch37. Error bars indicate standard deviations of triplicate. *pâ<â0.05; **pâ<â0.02; ***pâ<â0.003 (two-tailed Studentâs t test). (d) Co-IP assay using Xenopus embryos (stage 11). Two-cell stage embryos were animally injected with indicated reagents (1âng myc-Tcf7 mRNA; 20âpg Wnt8 mRNA; 40âng Co MO; 40âng Uch37 MO). Total proteins were precipitated with anti-myc antibody. Active state of Wnt signalling is indicated with enhanced β-catenin level in input panel. Full images are presented in Supplementary information (Fig. S11). (e) ChIP assay using Xenopus embryos (stage 11). 70 embryos were injected at two-cell stage as indicated (25âpg myc-Tcf7 mRNA; 1âng wild type of Uch37 (WT); 1âng catalytically inactive Uch37 (IN); 40âng Co MO; 40âng Uch37 MO). Lysates were precipitated with anti-myc antibody. Precipitated Wnt target DNAs were analysed by PCR. EF1α was used as a control for specificity. Full images are presented in Supplementary information (Fig. S11). (f) ChIP assay using stable HepG2 cells. Cells were transfected with either wild type of Uch37 (WT) or catalytically inactive Uch37 (IN). Lysates were precipitated with normal rabbit IgG or anti-Tcf7 antibody. DNA-binding of Tcf7 was assessed by qPCR. gapdh was used as a negative control. **pâ<â0.02; ***pâ<â0.003 (two-tailed Studentâs t test). |
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Figure 5. Uch37 is required for the expression of ventrolateral mesoderm genes by promoting zygotic Wnt signalling during Xenopus gastrulation.(a) Expressions of ventrolateral mesoderm genes including MyoD, Xpo, and Vent1. Vegetal-view of stage 10.5 embryos, MOs and mRNAs were unilaterally injected at four-cell stage embryos. β-galactosidase (LacZ) mRNA was co-injected to trace the injected site (Inj., injected site). (20âng Co MO; 20âng Uch37 MO; 100âpg Lef1; 2âng Re.Uch37; 300âpg β-galactosidase). See also Table S4. (b) Expressions of Vent1 and Xpo. Vegetal-view of stage 10.5 embryo, Four-cell stage embryos were injected in VMZ and cultured until stage 10.5. Left panel, Co MO (40âng); middle and right panels, injection of pCSKA-Wnt8 plasmids (500âpg) along with either Co MO (40âng) or Uch37 MO (40âng). See also Table S5. (c) RT-PCR analysis using animal cap explants. Four-cell stage embryos were animally injected with indicated reagents (20âng Co MO; 20âng Uch37 MO; 300âpg pCSKA-Wnt8; 1âng Uch37 mRNA (WT); 1âng a catalytically inactive Uch37 mRNA (IN)). Animal cap explants were dissected at stage 9, and then cultured in activin (5âng/ml)âtreated 1xMR until stage 11. Gsc, a dorsal mesoderm marker; Xpo, Vent1, and Vent2, ventrolateral mesoderm markers. Full images are presented in Supplementary information (Fig. S12). |
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Figure 6. Proposed model depicting how Uch37 regulates Tcf7 protein.Uch37 interacts with Tcf7 and removes polyubiquitin chain from Tcf7 protein. As a result, Tcf7 stably binds target DNA for gene transcription. However, absence of Uch37 promotes polyubiquitination on Tcf7 protein, causing transcriptional silence. |
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Fig.S.2 Embryonic expression of Uch37. (a) Expression of Uch37 in Xenopus embryo was analyzed by RT-PCR. ODC, ornithine decarboxylase loading control; (-), -RT; egg, unfertilized; St, Nieuwkoop and Faber (NF) developmental stage. (b) Spatial expression of Uch37 from cleavage to gastrula stage. Red box indicates the magnified mesoderm region. (c) Expression of Uch37 in various dissected tissues at stage 10.5. WE, whole embryo; AC, animal cap; DMZ, dorsal marginal zone; VMZ, ventral marginal zone; Chordin, dorsal marker; Msx1, ventral marker; Xbra, pan-mesodermal marker. |
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Fig.S.3 Phenotype of Uch37 morphant. (a) Uch37 MO specifically inhibits the translation of C-terminally HA-tagged Uch37 mRNA (1ng), but not MO-resistant Uch37 (Re.Uch37) mRNA (1ng) and human Uch37 mRNA (1ng). Four-cell stage embryos were injected in animal blastomeres with indicated reagents. Embryos were cultured to stage 10.5 and then subjected to western blotting. (b) Phenotypes of Uch37- depleted embryos. Embryos were injected at the four-cell stage with the indicated reagents (40 ng Co MO; 40 ng Uch37 MO; 2ng Re.Uch37) ventrally (b, left) or dorsally (b, right) and cultured to tadpole stage. (c, d) Morphant phenotypes were tabulated. |
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Fig.S.4 Uch37 specifically regulates Wnt signaling. (a-d) RT-PCR analysis using animal cap explants. Co MO (20ng) or Uch37 MO (20ng) were respectably or co-injected with indicated mRNAs encoding Wnt8 (10pg and 20pg), BMP4 (50pg and 100pg), Xnr1 (50pg and 100pg), or eFGF (100pg and 200pg) in animal blastomeres of four-cell stage embryo. Animal cap explants were dissected at stage 9 and cultured until stage 11. siamois, Wnt-target gene (a); Sizzled, Bmp4-target gene (b); Xbra, target gene of Xnr1 (c) and eFGF (d). (e) Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) of Uch37 efficiently reduced levels of Uch37 protein in HepG2 cells. (f) TOPflash assay in HepG2 cells. Reporter constructs were transfected alone or co-transfected with constitutively active LRP6 (LRP6âN) into stable cells (sh Control and sh Uch37). 48h after transfection, luciferase activity was measured. (g) qPCR analysis for the expression of Wnt-target genes (c-myc and cyclinD1) in stable HepG2 cells (sh Control or sh Uch37) treated with or without LiCl (25mM). The quantities of indicated mRNA were normalized by β-actin. Data represent average values from three independent experiments performed. Error bars indicate standard deviations of triplicate. *, p <0.005; **, p< 0.001 (two-tailed Studentâs ttest). |
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Fig. S.5 Uch37 promotes Wnt signaling downstream of Ã-catenin destruction complex. (a) Result of axis duplication assay in Fig 1g. (b, c) RT-PCR analysis using animal cap explants. Embryos were animally injected at four-cell stage. Animal cap explants were isolated at stage 9 and cultured until stage 11. Injected reagents are as follows, Co MO (20ng), Uch37 MO (20ng), myc-Dvl2 mRNA (200pg), Ã-catenin mRNA (25pg), Re.Uch37 (1ng). (d) Western blot analysis using animal cap explants. Embryos were animally injected at two-cell stage. Animal cap explants were dissected at stage 9 and cultured until stage 11. Injected reagents are as follows, Co MO (40ng), Uch37 MO (40ng), Wnt8 mRNA (20pg), myc-Uch37 mRNA (1ng). |
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Fig.S.6 Uch37 interacts with Tcf7 in nucleus of Xenopus gastrula embryo. (a) Fractionated lysates from Xenopus gastrula embryos were used as expression input for Co-IP analysis in Fig 1A. (b) Uch37 is co-localized with Tcf7 in nucleus. Four- cell stage embryos were animally co-injected with HA-Uch37 (1 ng) and myc-Tcf7 (50pg). Animal cap explants were isolated at stage 10 and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 2h. HA-Uch37 and myc-Tcf7 were immunostained with anti-HA (mouse, santacruz; 2nd antibody, Alexa-488, invitrogen) and anti-myc antibodies (rabbit santacruz; 2nd antibody, Alexa-594, invitrogen). Scale bar (white line) indicates 50μm. (c) Co-IP assay using HEK293FT cells, HA-Uch37 and indicated myc-tagged truncated mutants of Tcf7 were transfected. Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-myc antibody. Truncated mutants of Tcf7 are depicted on the left. |
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Fig.S.8 Uch37 MO specifically blocks Tcf7-mediated Wnt activity and Uch37 is required for Tcf7 binding to promoter of Vent2. (a) Axis duplication assay. Four- cell stage embryos were injected in one ventrovegetal blastomere with indicated reagents (400pg Tcf7 mRNA; 400pg Lef1; 40ng Co MO; 40ng Uch37 MO). (b) Quantified result of a. (c) ChIP assay using Xenopus embryos (stage 11). 70 embryos were injected at two-cell stage as indicated (25pg myc-Tcf7 mRNA; 1ng wild type of Uch37 (WT); 1ng catalytically inactive Uch37 (IN); 40ng Co MO; 40ng Uch37 MO). Lysates were precipitated with anti-myc antibody. Precipitated Wnt target DNAs were analyzed by PCR. EF1α was used as a control for specificity. |
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