2017 Jul 14;3614:2034-2046. doi: 10.15252/embj.201695223.
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Recruitment and positioning determine the specific role of the XPF-ERCC1 endonuclease in interstrand crosslink repair.
Klein Douwel D
Hoogenboom WS
Boonen RA
Knipscheer P
XPF-ERCC1 is a structure-specific endonuclease pivotal for several DNA repair pathways and, when mutated, can cause multiple diseases. Although the disease-specific mutations are thought to affect different DNA repair pathways, the molecular basis for this is unknown. Here we examine the function of XPF-ERCC1 in DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) repair. We used Xenopus egg extracts to measure both ICL and nucleotide excision repair, and we identified mutations that are specifically defective in ICL repair. One of these separation-of-function mutations resides in the helicase-like domain of XPF and disrupts binding to SLX4 and recruitment to the ICL A small deletion in the same domain supports recruitment of XPF to the ICL, but inhibited the unhooking incisions most likely by disrupting a second, transient interaction with SLX4. Finally, mutation of residues in the nuclease domain did not affect localization of XPF-ERCC1 to the ICL but did prevent incisions on the ICL substrate. Our data support a model in which the ICL repair-specific function of XPF-ERCC1 is dependent on recruitment, positioning and substrate recognition.
???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 28292785
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC5510004
???displayArticle.link??? EMBO J
Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: ercc1 ercc4 gnl3 kidins220 pcna slx4
???attribute.lit??? ???displayArticles.show???
Fig. 1. Characterization of mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes. A. Schematic representation of the domain organization of the XPF protein. Domain boundaries of human and Xenopus laevis XPF are indicated. Relevant mutations of the human protein, and the Xenopus laevis equivalents, are indicated on top and bottom, respectively. B. Superdex 200 gel filtration column elution profile of wildâtype XPFâERCC1 and indicated mutant complexes. Aggregates eluted in the void volume of the column (Ë45 ml) while the active XPFâERCC1 heterodimer eluted at Ë65 ml. The peak eluting at Ë105 ml contains the FLAG peptide used to elute the protein from the FLAG affinity resin. The heterodimer peak was isolated, and proteins were separated on SDSâPAGE and stained with Coomassie blue (inset). C. As in (B) but for different mutant complexes that showed more aggregation. D. Wildâtype and indicated mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes were incubated with a 5â²âFAMâlabeled stemâloop DNA substrate (10 nM) at room temperature for 30 min. Reaction products were separated on a 12% ureaâPAGE gel and visualized using a fluorescence imaging system. Red arrow indicates position of incision by XPFâERCC1. E. Wildâtype and mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes at various concentrations were incubated with a 5â²âFAMâlabeled 3â² flap DNA substrate (10 nM) and fluorescent anisotropy was measured. Graphs were fitted to calculate dissociation constants (Kds) as described in the Materials and Methods section. The error bars represent s.d. from three measurements. Experimental replicates are shown in Fig EV2. Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure EV1. Schematic representation of replicationâdependent ICL repair in Xenopus egg extract Arrow heads represent 3' ends of leading strands. | |
Figure EV2. Characterization of mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes A. Superdex 200 gel filtration column elution profile of XPFL219RâERCC1. The heterodimeric fraction depicted in Fig 1A was collected, concentrated, and rerun on the same column. The protein did not aggregate and eluted as a heterodimer at Ë65 ml. B. Replicate of Fig 1D. Wildâtype and indicated mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes were incubated with a 5â²âFAMâlabeled stemâloop DNA substrate (10 nM) at room temperature for 30 min. Reaction products were separated on a 12% ureaâPAGE gel and visualized using a fluorescence imaging system. Red arrow indicates position of incision by XPFâERCC1. C. As in (B) but using a 5â²âFAMâlabeled 3â² flap DNA substrate. D. As in (B) but using higher concentrations of the XER670S mutant. E. Replicate of Fig 1E. Wildâtype and mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes at various concentrations were incubated with a 5â²âFAMâlabeled 3â² flap DNA substrate (10 nM) and fluorescent anisotropy was measured. Graphs were fitted to calculate dissociation constants (Kds) as described in the Materials and Methods section. The error bars represent s.d. from three measurements. Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure 2. Effect of mutations in XPFâERCC1 on ICL repair in Xenopus egg extract A. Schematic representation of repair of a plasmid containing a siteâspecific cisplatin ICL (pICL) in Xenopus egg extract. The SapI site that is blocked by the ICL becomes available on one of the replicated molecules after full repair via HR using the sister molecule (Fig EV1). The sister molecule is repaired by lesion bypass, but retains the unhooked ICL that is not removed efficiently in Xenopus egg extract (Räschle et al, 2008). B. XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE) and XPFâERCC1âdepleted extracts complemented with wildâtype (XEWT) or indicated mutant XPFâERCC1 (XEMUT) were analyzed by Western blot using αâXPF antibodies (left panel). Line within blot indicates position where irrelevant lanes were removed. These extracts were used to replicate pICL. Replication intermediates were isolated and digested with HincII, or HincII and SapI, and separated on agarose gel. Repair efficiency, represented by SapI regeneration, was calculated as described (Räschle et al, 2008) and plotted (right panel). C, D As in (B) but analyzing different XPFâERCC1 mutant complexes. Experimental replicates are shown in Fig EV3. Note: repair levels can differ per batch of individually prepared extract or per depletion experiment and can only be compared within an experiment. *, background band. Data information: (BâD) #, SapI fragments from contaminating uncrosslinked plasmid present in varying degrees in pICL preparations.Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure EV3. Effect of mutations in XPFâERCC1 on ICL repair in Xenopus egg extract Mockâdepleted, XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE), and XPFâERCC1âdepleted NPE complemented with SLX4 (ÎXE+S) or XPFâERCC1 and SLX4 (ÎXE+SXE) were analyzed by Western blot using αâXPF or αâSLX4 antibodies. A dilution series of undepleted NPE was loaded on the same blot to determine the degree of depletion. A relative volume of 100 corresponds to 0.2 μl of NPE. Replicates of Fig 2B. XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE) and XPFâERCC1âdepleted extracts complemented with wildâtype (XEWT) or indicated mutant XPFâERCC1 (XEMUT) were analyzed by Western blot using αâXPF antibodies (left panel). These extracts were used to replicate pICL. Replication intermediates were isolated and digested with HincII, or HincII and SapI, and separated on an agarose gel. Repair efficiency was calculated and plotted (right panels). As in (B) but analyzing different mutant complexes. Note: repair levels can differ per batch of individually prepared extract or per depletion experiment and can only be compared within an experiment. Data information: (B, C) #, SapI fragments from contaminating uncrosslinked plasmid present in varying degrees in pICL preparations. (A, C) *, background band. Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure 3. XPFâERCC1 mutant complexes are active in nucleotide excision repair (NER) Schematic representation of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) during NER on a UVâtreated template in highâspeed supernatant (HSS) egg extract. Mockâdepleted, XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE), and XPFâERCC1âdepleted extracts complemented with wildâtype (XEWT) or mutant XPFâERCC1 (XEMUT) were incubated with untreated or UVâtreated plasmids for 2 h at room temperature in the presence of 32PâαâdCTP. Reaction products were isolated, linearized with HincII, and separated on a 0.8% agarose gel. The DNA was visualized by autoradiography to show incorporation of 32PâαâdCTP during UDS (upper panel) and stained with SYBR gold for total DNA (lower panel). The incorporation of 32PâαâdCTP was quantified, the background signal from nonâdamaged plasmid was subtracted, and the signal for the mock depletion condition was set to 100% to normalize the data. Error bars represent s.e.m. of three independent experiments. **P = 0.003, ***P = 0.0004, paired tâtest comparing all conditions to the mock. All nonâmarked conditions did not show a statistical difference from the mock condition. Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure EV4. XPFâERCC1 mutant complexes are active in NER Mockâdepleted and XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE) highâspeed supernatant (HSS) egg extracts used in Fig 3B were analyzed by Western blot using αâXPF antibodies. A dilution series of undepleted NPE was loaded on the same blot to determine the degree of depletion. A relative volume of 100 corresponds to 0.2 μl of NPE. *, background band. Mockâdepleted, XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE), and XPFâERCC1âdepleted HSS complemented with wildâtype (XEWT) or mutant XPFâERCC1 (XEMUT) were analyzed by Western blot using αâXPF antibodies. *, background band. Untreated or UVâtreated (10 J/m2, left panel, 350 J/m2 right panel) plasmid DNA was incubated in HSS for 2 h. Samples were taken at time 0 and 2 h, and DNA was extracted and analyzed by an enzymeâlinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the presence of CPDs. The highest value within one experiment was set to 100%. Error bars represent s.e.m. of three independent experiments. **P = 0.0061, paired tâtest. ns, not significant. Mockâdepleted, PCNAâdepleted (ÎPCNA), and PCNAâdepleted HSS complemented with recombinant HisâxlPCNA (ÎPCNA + PCNA) were analyzed by Western blot using αâPCNA antibodies (Kochaniak et al, 2009). A dilution series of undepleted NPE was loaded on the same blot to determine the degree of depletion. A relative volume of 100 corresponds to 0.2 μl of NPE (top panel). These extracts were incubated with untreated or UVâtreated (350 J/m2) plasmids for 0 or 2 h at room temperature in the presence of 32PâαâdCTP. Reaction products were isolated, linearized with HincII, and separated on a 0.8% agarose gel. The DNA was visualized by autoradiography to show incorporation of 32PâαâdCTP during UDS (bottom left panel). The signal was quantified, the background signal from nonâdamaged plasmid was subtracted, and the signal for the mock depletion condition was set to 100% to normalize the data. Error bars represent s.e.m. of three independent experiments. **P = 0.0059, paired tâtest compared to the mock condition. ns, not significant. As in (D) but using mockâdepleted or XPAâdepleted HSS. **P = 0.0014. Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure 4. XPFâERCC1 separationâofâfunction mutants are all defective in ICL unhooking A. Schematic representation of the assay used to directly measure unhooking incisions. 32Pâlabeled parental stands are indicated in red. Products before and after ICL unhooking during repair are indicated. HincII digestion of repair intermediates yields Xâstructures, arms, and linears under denaturing conditions. B. XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE) or XPFâERCC1âdepleted egg extract complemented with wildâtype (XEWT) or mutant XPFâERCC1 (XEMUT) were incubated with preâlabeled pICL. Repair products were isolated at indicated times, linearized with HincII, separated on a denaturing agarose gel, and visualized by autoradiography. The Xâstructures and linear products were quantified and plotted. C, D As in (B) but using different XPFâERCC1 mutant complexes. Experimental replicates are shown in Appendix Fig S1. | |
Figure 5. Recruitment of XPFâERCC1 mutants to the ICL during repair A. Schematic representation showing the primer locations on pICL and pQuant. B. pICL was replicated in XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE) or XPFâERCC1âdepleted egg extract supplemented with wildâtype (XEWT) or mutant XPFâERCC1 (XEMUT; see Appendix Fig S2). Samples were taken at various times and immunoprecipitated with αâXPF antibodies. Coâprecipitated DNA was isolated and analyzed by quantitative PCR using the primers depicted in (A). The qPCR data were plotted as the percentage of peak value with the highest value within one experiment set to 100%. CâF As in (B) but using the indicated XPFâERCC1 mutant complexes. Experimental replicates are shown in Appendix Fig S2. | |
Figure 6. XPF leucine 219 is part of the major interaction site between XPF and SLX4 pICL was replicated in XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE) extract or in XPFâERCC1âdepleted extract supplemented with wildâtype XPFâERCC1 only (+XEWT), wildâtype XPFâERCC1 and SLX4 (+SXEWT), or XPFL219RâERCC1 and SLX4 (+SXEL219R; see Fig EV5A). Samples were taken at the indicated times and immunoprecipitated with αâXPF (left panel) or αâSLX4 antibodies (right panel). Coâprecipitated DNA was isolated and analyzed by quantitative PCR using ICL or pQuant primers. The qPCR data were plotted as the percentage of peak value with the highest value set to 100%. Wildâtype and mutant FLAGâXPFâERCC1 were coâexpressed with HisâSLX4 in Sf9 insect cells. Cells were lysed and XPF was immunoprecipitated via the FLAGâtag. Samples were analyzed by Western blot using αâFLAG and αâHis antibodies. In, input; FT, flowâthrough fraction; B, fraction bound to beads. Schematic representation of xlSLX4 proteins, with the MLR and BTB domains indicated. Experimental replicates are shown in Fig EV5. Purified wildâtype FLAGâSLX4 and FLAGâSLX4âMLR were added to Xenopus egg extract. SLX4 was immunoprecipitated via the FLAGâtag. Samples were analyzed by Western blot using αâFLAG and αâXPF antibodies. Line within blot indicates position where irrelevant lanes were removed. *, background band. Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure EV5. XPF leucine 219 is part of the major interaction site between XPF and SLX4 XPFâERCC1âdepleted (ÎXE) and XPFâERCC1âdepleted NPE supplemented with XPFâERCC1 (+XEWT), XPFâERCC1 and SLX4 (+SXEWT), or XPFL219RâERCC1 and SLX4 (+SXEL219R) were analyzed by Western blot using αâXPF and αâSLX4 antibodies. Extracts were used for Fig 6A. As in (A). Replicate of Fig 6A. The extracts from (B), with similarly treated HSS, were used to replicate pICL. Samples were taken at the indicated times and analyzed by XPF (left) and SLX4 (right) ChIP using pICL and pQuant primers. The qPCR data were plotted as the percentage of peak value with the highest value set to 100%. Replicate of Fig 6C. Wildâtype and mutant FLAGâXPFâERCC1 were coâexpressed with HisâSLX4 in Sf9 insect cells. Cells were lysed and XPF was immunoprecipitated via the FLAGâtag. Samples were analyzed by Western blot using αâFLAG and αâHis antibodies. In, input; FT, flowâthrough fraction; B, fraction bound to beads. Size exclusion chromatography of recombinant XPFâERCC1 and BTB domain of SLX4. Superdex 200 gel filtration column elution profile of FLAGâXPFâERCC1, Hisâtagged BTB domain, and both proteins combined (top panel). The XPFâERCC1 heterodimer eluted at Ë12 ml, while HisâBTB eluted around Ë16 ml. Collected fractions during elution were analyzed by Western blot using αâXPF and αâHis antibodies (bottom panel). The BTB domain protein does not shift to a higher elution volume when incubated with XPFâERCC1 indicating the affinity is not high enough to show binding between the two proteins. Source data are available online for this figure. | |
Figure 7. Model for ICL repairâspecific features of XPF Leucine 219 in the helicaseâlike domain of XPF is essential for the interaction of XPF with the MLR domain of SLX4. This interaction mediates the recruitment of XPF to an ICL. Residues 312â315 transiently interact with the BTB domain of SLX4 and are required for the incisions of an ICL by XPF. Arginine 670 and serine 767 in the nuclease domain of XPF are crucial for the recognition of the ICL substrate. | |
Figure 1. Characterization of mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes Schematic representation of the domain organization of the XPF protein. Domain boundaries of human and Xenopus laevis XPF are indicated. Relevant mutations of the human protein, and the Xenopus laevis equivalents, are indicated on top and bottom, respectively.Superdex 200 gel filtration column elution profile of wildâtype XPFâERCC1 and indicated mutant complexes. Aggregates eluted in the void volume of the column (Ë45 ml) while the active XPFâERCC1 heterodimer eluted at Ë65 ml. The peak eluting at Ë105 ml contains the FLAG peptide used to elute the protein from the FLAG affinity resin. The heterodimer peak was isolated, and proteins were separated on SDSâPAGE and stained with Coomassie blue (inset).As in (B) but for different mutant complexes that showed more aggregation.Wildâtype and indicated mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes were incubated with a 5â²âFAMâlabeled stemâloop DNA substrate (10 nM) at room temperature for 30 min. Reaction products were separated on a 12% ureaâPAGE gel and visualized using a fluorescence imaging system. Red arrow indicates position of incision by XPFâERCC1.Wildâtype and mutant XPFâERCC1 complexes at various concentrations were incubated with a 5â²âFAMâlabeled 3â² flap DNA substrate (10 nM) and fluorescent anisotropy was measured. Graphs were fitted to calculate dissociation constants (K ds) as described in the Materials and Methods section. The error bars represent s.d. from three measurements. Experimental replicates are shown in Fig EV2. Source data are available online for this figure. |
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