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Dev Biol 2017 Dec 15;4322:265-272. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2017.10.015.
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Reactivation of larval keratin gene (krt62.L) in blastema epithelium during Xenopus froglet limb regeneration.

Satoh A , Mitogawa K , Saito N , Suzuki KT , Ochi H , Makanae A .

Limb regeneration is considered a form of limb redevelopment because of the molecular and morphological similarities. Forming a regeneration blastema is, in essence, creating a developing limb bud in an adult body. This reactivation of a developmental process in a mature body is worth studying. Xenopus laevis has a biphasic life cycle that involves distinct larval and adult stages. These distinct developmental stages are useful for investigating the reactivation of developmental processes in post-metamorphic frogs (froglets). In this study, we focused on the re-expression of a larval gene (krt62.L) during Xenopus froglet limb regeneration. Recently renamed krt62.L, this gene was known as the larval keratin (xlk) gene, which is specific to larval-tadpole stages. During limb regeneration in a froglet, krt62.L was re-expressed in a basal layer of blastema epithelium, where adult-specific keratin (Krt12.6.S) expression was also observable. Nerves produce important regulatory factors for amphibian limb regeneration, and also play a role in blastema formation and maintenance. The effect of nerve function on krt62.L expression could be seen in the maintenance of krt62.L expression, but not in its induction. When an epidermis-stripped limb bud was grafted in a froglet blastema, the grafted limb bud could reach the digit-forming stage. This suggests that krt62.L-positive froglet blastema epithelium is able to support the limb development process. These findings imply that the developmental process is locally reactivated in an postmetamorphic body during limb regeneration.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 29079423
??? Dev Biol

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: bmp2 bmp7 bmp7.2 eef1a1 fgf2 fgf8 krt12 krt12.4 krt12.5 krt12.6 krt51 krt55 krt62 lmx1b lmx1b.2
???displayArticle.antibodies??? Xak-c Ab1

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