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ACS Chem Neurosci 2017 May 16;88:1681-1687. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00117.
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Subtype-Specific Agonists for NMDA Receptor Glycine Binding Sites.

Maolanon AR , Risgaard R , Wang SY , Snoep Y , Papangelis A , Yi F , Holley D , Barslund AF , Svenstrup N , Hansen KB , Clausen RP .

A series of analogues based on serine as lead structure were designed, and their agonist activities were evaluated at recombinant NMDA receptor subtypes (GluN1/2A-D) using two-electrode voltage-clamp (TEVC) electrophysiology. Pronounced variation in subunit-selectivity, potency, and agonist efficacy was observed in a manner that was dependent on the GluN2 subunit in the NMDA receptor. In particular, compounds 15a and 16a are potent GluN2C-specific superagonists at the GluN1 subunit with agonist efficacies of 398% and 308% compared to glycine. This study demonstrates that subunit-selectivity among glycine site NMDA receptor agonists can be achieved and suggests that glycine-site agonists can be developed as pharmacological tool compounds to study GluN2C-specific effects in NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 28514141
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC5559341
??? ACS Chem Neurosci
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References [+] :
Bräuner-Osborne, Ligands for glutamate receptors: design and therapeutic prospects. 2000, Pubmed