Figure 1. Effects of combining alfaxalone with propofol, or with diazepam on mouse behavior. (A) A 30-min activity test was conducted immediately following i.p. injections of normal saline (20 Units), propofol (50âmg/kg), alfaxalone (30âmg/kg), or the combination of propofol (50âmg/kg)â+âalfaxalone (30âmg/kg), to determine drug effects on time at rest (absence of movement) as a function of post-injection time (5-min blocks) across the test session (meansâ±âS.E.M.; nâ=â11â12 mice per treatment group). A repeated measures (rm) ANOVA revealed a significant drug effect (**pâ=â0.0005) and drug à time interaction (***pâ<â0.00005), with the propofolâ+âalfaxalone mice exhibiting significantly increased time at rest compared to the single drug/saline control groups on average across the test session. Significant between-groups comparisons are shown for these contrasts: saline vs. propofolâ+âalfaxalone at 5, 10, 15 (*pâ<â0.003), and 20 (*pâ=â0.031) min post-injection; alfaxalone vs. propofolâ+âalfaxalone at 5, 10 (â pâ<â0.002), and 20 (â pâ=â0.038) min; and propofol vs. propofolâ+âalfaxalone at 5, 10 (#pâ<â0.0002), and 15 and 20 (#pâ<â0.040) min. No significant differences were observed for the contrasts involving the saline vs. propofol or saline vs. alfaxalone groups. (B) A separate study was conducted on an independent cohort of naïve mice to examine the potential sedating drug effects following i.p. injections of normal saline (20 Units), diazepam (4âmg/kg), alfaxalone (30âmg/kg), or the combination of diazepam (4âmg/kg)â+âalfaxalone (30âmg/kg) on time at rest (nâ=â10 for each group). An rmANOVA yielded a significant drug effect (**pâ<â0.00005) and drug à time interaction (***pâ=â0.0004), with the diazepamâ+âalfaxalone treated mice having significantly greater times at rest compared to the saline, alfaxalone, and diazepam groups on average across the session. Between-groups comparisons conducted within these contrasts showed robust differences between each of the single drug/saline control groups relative to the diazepamâ+âalfaxalone treated mice for every post-injection time (5â30âmin) interval (pâ<â0.0002; for the comparisons involving saline (*), alfaxalone (â ), or diazepam (#), respectively). The diazepam group also had significantly increased rest times relative to the saline control mice, with pair-wise comparisons revealing significant differences at 10, 15, 20, and 25-min post-injection (â â pâ<â0.003).
Figure 2. Comparison of the behavioral effects of from the co-administration of drugs with the sum of effects of individual drugs. (A) The graph compares the performance levels induced by the co-administration of propofolâ+âalfaxalone to that resulting from the mathematical sums of the single drug applications. The magnitude of change in the mean percent times at rest above baseline for the co-administration of the drugs was greater early on in the test session, being approximately 7 times higher during the first time interval compared to that derived from adding together the percentages of the single applications of propofol and alfaxalone. These differences declined over the session such that the percentages from the two conditions were roughly equivalent by the end of the test session. (B) The graph compares the performance levels induced by the co-administration of diazepamâ+âalfaxalone to that resulting from the mathematical sums of the single drug applications. The percent time at rest above baseline was consistently higher throughout the test session in the co-administered group compared to the percent change observed in the summed, single drug applications. The degree of change in the percent times at rest above baseline ranged from being 8.3 to 1.4 times higher in the co-administered drug group.
Figure 3. Effects of alfaxalone, propofol and diazepam on synaptic currents. Sample averaged sIPSCs recorded under control conditions, or in the presence of 10ânM alfaxalone (ALF), 300ânM alfaxalone, 10ânM propofol (PRO), 1âμM propofol, 3ânM diazepam (DZP), 1âμM diazepam, or the combinations of propofolâ+âalfaxalone or diazepamâ+âalfaxalone. The drugs were added to the bath at least 10âmin before recordings. All traces are from separate cells.
Figure 4. Summary of the effects of alfaxalone, propofol and diazepam on synaptic currents. (A) Summary of the decay time courses of sIPSCs recorded under control conditions or in the presence of 10ânM or 300ânM alfaxalone. The graph shows data from each cell tested (open circles) and meanâ±âS.D. for the experimental condition (filled circles and error bars). (B) Summary of the decay time courses of sIPSCs recorded in the presence of propofol with or without alfaxalone. The open symbols show data from each cell tested, and the filled symbols and error bars show meanâ±âS.D. Due to saturation at lower propofol concentrations, 3âμM propofol was not tested in the presence of 300ânM alfaxalone. Statistical analysis was done by comparing the decay times for 10ânM-3âμM propofol to control, using ANOVA with Dunnettâs correction. For combinations of propofol and alfaxalone, the top symbol applies to comparison of propofolâ+âalfaxalone with alfaxalone alone. The bottom symbol applies to comparison of propofolâ+âalfaxalone with propofol alone. (C) Summary of the decay time courses of sIPSCs recorded in the presence of diazepam with or without alfaxalone. The open symbols show data from each cell tested, and the filled symbols and error bars show meanâ±âS.D. Statistical analysis was done by comparing the decay times for 1 nM-1 μM diazepam to control. For combinations of diazepam and alfaxalone and, the top symbol applies to comparison of diazepamâ+âalfaxalone with alfaxalone alone. The bottom symbol applies to comparison of diazepamâ+âalfaxalone with diazepam alone. In (B) and (C), the solid line shows the decay time under control conditions (no modulators). The dashed line shows the decay time in the presence of 10ânM alfaxalone. The dotted line shows the decay time in the presence of 300ânM alfaxalone. The number of cells was 3â17 for control, drug, or drug combinations. #not significant; *pâ<â0.05; **pâ<â0.01; ***pâ<â0.001.
Figure 5. Activation and modulation of concatemeric α1β2γ2L GABAA receptors. (A) Direct activation of the receptor by GABA, propofol (PRO), or alfaxalone (ALF). The ordinate shows the estimated open probability (Po). The curves for GABA and propofol were generated by fitting Equation (1) to experimental data. Direct activation by alfaxalone produced very small currents (<100ânA at 30âμM). The predicted activation curve for alfaxalone was generated using KALF and cALF values determined in (B). (B) Potentiation of GABA-activated receptors by propofol, alfaxalone, or diazepam (DZP). The solid curves were generated by fitting Equation (1) to the data. L was held at (1âââPo,2 μM GABA)/Po,2 μM GABA. The dashed line shows the predicted propofol-potentiation curve using KPRO and cPRO values from (A). (C) Activation by GABA in the presence of 1âμM diazepam, 1âμM alfaxalone or the combination of diazepamâ+âalfaxalone. The curves for single modulators were generated by fitting Equation (1) to the data. L was held at at (1âââPo,1 μM ALF)/Po,1 μM ALF or at (1âââPo,1 μM DZP)/Po,1 μM DZPâ. The open probability for receptors activated by 1âμM alfaxalone or 1âμM diazepam was calculated from the KALF and cALF, or KDZP and cDZP values estimated in (B). The simulated curve for the combination of diazepamâ+âalfaxalone was calculated using Equation (1) and the KGABA and cGABA values from (A), and KALF, cALF, KDZP and cDZP values from (B). (D) Activation by GABA in the presence of 10âμM propofol, 1âμM alfaxalone or the combination of propofolâ+âalfaxalone. The curve for propofol (green dashed line) is based on data from a previous report45. The data for alfaxalone are reproduced from panel C. The simulated curve for the combination of propofolâ+âalfaxalone was calculated using Equation (1) and the KGABA, cGABA, KPRO and cPRO values from (A), and KALF and cALF values from (B). In (C) and (D), the black dotted lines show the GABA concentration-response relationship in the absence of modulators (from A). In all panels the data points show meanâ±âS.D. from at least five cells.