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Cell Biosci 2020 Mar 27;10:46. doi: 10.1186/s13578-020-00411-5.
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Thyroid hormone receptor beta is critical for intestinal remodeling during Xenopus tropicalis metamorphosis.

Shibata Y , Tanizaki Y .

Background: Thyroid hormone (T3) is critical for development in all vertebrates. The mechanism underlying T3 effect has been difficult to study due to the uterus-enclosed nature of mammalian embryos. Anuran metamorphosis, which is dependent on T3 but independent of maternal influence, is an excellent model to study the roles of T3 and its receptors (TRs) during vertebrate development. We and others have reported various effects of TR knockout (TRα and TRβ) during Xenopus tropicalis development. However, these studies were largely focused on external morphology. Results: We have generated TRβ knockout animals containing an out-frame-mutation of 5 base deletion by using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and observed that TRβ knockout does not affect premetamorphic tadpole development. We have found that the basal expression of direct T3-inducible genes is increased but their upregulation by T3 is reduced in the intestine of premetamorphic homozygous TRβ knockout animals, accompanied by reduced target binding by TR. More importantly, we have observed reduced adult stem cell proliferation and larval epithelial apoptosis in the intestine during T3-induced metamorphosis. Conclusions: Our data suggest that TRβ plays a critical role in intestinal remodeling during metamorphosis.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 32231780
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC7099810
??? Cell Biosci

Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis
Genes referenced: klf9 mmp11 mmp14 mmp2 mmp9 ror2 rpl8 tecta.2 thra wnt5a
GO keywords: metamorphosis

???displayArticle.disOnts??? congenital hypothyroidism [+]

???attribute.lit??? ???
References [+] :
Bao, Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Mutations Lead to Epithelial Defects in the Adult Intestine in a Mouse Model of Resistance to Thyroid Hormone. 2019, Pubmed