Fig. 1. CIPK15 inhibits AMT1 activity in Xenopus oocytes. a, b Co-expression of CIPK15 inhibited NH4+-triggered inward currents of AMT1;1 in Xenopus oocytes. Oocytes were injected with water only, 50âng cRNA of AMT1;1 only, 50âng AMT1;1â+â50âng CIPK15, or 50âng CIPK15 only, and perfused with NH4Cl at the indicated concentrations (a) or (b) 0.2âmM for current recordings (a) and IV curve (b). Oocytes were voltage clamped at a ââ120âmV or b ââ40âmV and stepped in ââ20-mV increments between ââ20 andâââ200âmV for 300âms. b Currents (nA) were background subtracted (difference between currents at +â300âms in the cRNA-injected AMT1;1 only/AMT1;1â+âCIPK15/CIPK15 only and water-injected control of the indicated substrates). The data are the meanâ±âSE for three experiments. c TVEC traces of oocytes injected with water only, 5âng cRNA of AMT1;1 only, or 5âng AMT1;1â+â0.5âng CIPK15, and perfused with NH4Cl at the indicated concentrations. Similar results were obtained in at least three independent experiments using different batches of oocytes
Fig. 2. CIPK15 inhibited AmTryoshka1;3 LS-F138I activity in yeast. a Schematic representation of AmTryoshka1;3 LS-F138I [15]. b CIPK15 reduced NH4+-triggered AmTryoshka1;3 LS-F138I [15] responses in yeast. Amtryoshka1;3 LS-F138I was co-expressed with control (vector only), CIPK15, and CIPK15m (inactive mutant). Results of normalized fluorescence ratio (normalized to buffer controlâ=â1, λexc 440ânm, ratioâ=âFI510nm/570nm) after addition of NH4Cl as represented by box and whiskers (meanâ±âSE, nâ=â8). Center lines show the medians; box limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by Prism software; whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles, outliers are represented by dots. p, significant change as shown in the figure (two-way ANOVA followed by Tukeyâs post-test). PM, plasma membrane
Fig. 3. NH4+-triggered CIPK15 mRNA accumulation. qRT-PCR analyses of AMT1;1 and CIPK15 mRNA levels in roots after over 10âh after addition of 1âmM NH4+. Levels were normalized to UBQ10 [meanâ±âSE for four independent experiments (each experiment nâ>â50, total nâ>â200)]. p, significant change for mRNA levels of AMT1;1 and CIPK15 at 1, 2, and 10âh compared to at 0âh (two-way ANOVA followed by Tukeyâs post-test)
Fig. 4. CIPK15 can interact with AMT1;1. Interaction growth assay (a), β-galactosidase staining (b), and filter (c) assay in yeast; and split-fluorescent protein interaction assay (d) in tobacco leaves for AMT1.1 and CIPK15 protein interactions. a Plasmids expressing AMT1;1 and CIPKs were expressed in yeast. Interaction indicated by growth on SD-Trp -Leu -His. Growth on SD-LT as control (Figure S5). Comparable results were obtained in three independent experiments. b, c Interaction of CIPKs and AMT1;1 in a split-ubiquitin system detected by X-Gal staining and filter assays using full-length AMT1;1-Cub-PLV as bait and NubG, NubI, and NubG-full-length CIPKs as prey. NubI/NubG served as positive (blue color) and negative controls, respectively. d Split-fluorescent protein interaction assay for AMT1;1 and CIPK15. YFP/chlorophyll, merged image of fluorescence and chloroplast. Reconstitution of YFP fluorescence from nYFP-AMT1;1â+âCIPK15-cCFP and nYPF-AMT1;1â+âcCFP (negative control). Comparable results with different combinations shown in Figure S7
Fig. 5. AMT1;1-T460 phosphorylation is reduced in cipk15 mutant plants. Plant seedlings were germinated and grown for 7âdays in half-strength MS medium with 5âmM KNO3 as the sole nitrogen source, then starved for 2âdays in half-strength MS medium without nitrogen. Seedlings were treated with 1âmM NH4Cl for 1âh, membrane fractions were isolated and probed with anti-AMT1-P antibodies (a) and anti-AMT1;1 antibodies (b) [25]. Ponceau S staining served as a loading control. Quantification of phosphorylation of AMT1-P levels normalized to Ponceau S staining and relative to wild-type shown in c. Corresponding data and replications were obtained in three independent experiments. Data (c) are the meanâ±âSD for three experiments. p, significant change compared to wild-type as shown in figure (two-way ANOVA followed by Tukeyâs post-test)
Fig. 6. NH4+ content and transport in cipk15 mutants. Plant seedlings were germinated and grown for 7âdays in half-strength MS medium with 5âmM KNO3 as the sole nitrogen source, then all seedlings were starved for 2âdays in half-strength MS medium without nitrogen. For NH4+ content analyses, a seedlings were collected after being starved for 2âdays (âN), or after with 1âmM NH4Cl (NH4+), and 1âmM KNO3 (NO3â) for 1âh. For 15N-labeled uptake, b seedlings were collected after being starved for 2âdays (âN) (1âmM 15NH4Cl was used for 15 mins for 15N-labeling), or after treatment with 1âmM NH4Cl (NH4+), and 1âmM KNO3 (NO3â) for 1âh (1âmM 15NH4Cl was used for last 15 mins for N15-labeling for conditions of NH4+ and NO3â). Each data point represents different experiments, in which seedlings nâ>â15, total nâ>â60) in Col-0 and two cipk15 knockout mutants and presented as box and whiskers. Center lines show the medians; box limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by Prism software; whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles, outliers are represented by dots. p, significant change compared to before submergence (two-way ANOVA followed by Tukeyâs post-test)
Fig. 7. Hypersensitivity of cipk15 mutant plants to NH4+and MeA. Representative images (a) and quantification results of primary root length of plants grown on plates containing 20âmM NHCl4 (b) or 20âmM MeA (c). Primary root length in wild-type (Col-0), qko mutant, and cipk15 mutants on 20âmM NH4Cl (b) or on 20âmM MeA (c) are presented as box and whiskers. Center lines show the medians; box limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by Prism software; whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles, outliers are represented by dots (means ± SE; nââ¥â15). p, significant change of qko mutant and cipk15 mutants compared to wild-type plants (two-way ANOVA followed by Tukeyâs post-test). Scale bar: 0.1âcm
Figure S1. Screen for CIPK effects on AMT1;1 activity in Xenopus oocytes. Different combinations of CIPKs were analyzed for effects on AMT1:1 transport activity. Shown are currents recorded in Xenopus oocytes injected with water (control), AMT1;1 alone, AMT1;1 + CIPK3/8/9/23/24, or AMT1;1 + CIPK2/10/15/20/26 (50 ng for each gene). cRNAs of AMT1;1 and CIPKs or water as control were injected into oocytes, subjected to TVEC and perfused with NH4Cl at the indicated concentrations. Oocytes were clamped at −120 mV (similar results were obtained in multiple independent experiments using different batches of oocytes). The results indicate that either one or several CIPKs in combination from the mixture of CIPK2, 10, 15, 20 and 26 may have impaired AMT1;1 activity, while CIPK3, 8, 9, 23 and 24 had no major impact on AMT1;1 activity.
Figure S2. The activity of AMT1;1 co-expressed with CIPKs or CBL in Xenopus oocytes. Five nanograms of cRNA of AMT1;1, and different nanograms of cRNAs of CBL1, CIPK15, CIPK19-CA as indicated in the figure, or control (H2O) were injected into oocytes. AMT1;1 activity was considerably reduced when co-injected with different amounts of CIPK15 cRNA, whereas, the AMT1;1 activity was not affected when co-expressed with CBL1 and CIPK19-CA in Xenopus oocytes. Currents recorded in single oocytes injected with water, AMT1;1, AMT1;1 + CBL1, AMT1;1 + CIPK15, AMT1;1 + CBL1 + CIPK15, or AMT1;1 + CIPK19-CA. Oocytes were perfused with square pulses of 0.1 mM and 0.2 mM NH4Cl as indicated, respectively. Oocytes were clamped at −120 mV (independent data from three different oocytes were recorded from three different batches with comparable results).
Figure S3. Protein gel blots for AMT1;1 protein level in Xenopus oocytes as control for Figure 1. Immunodetection of AMT1 protein using affinity-purified peptide antisera against a domain in the unphosphorylated cytosolic C-terminus (marked AMT1;1) [25]. 10% SDS PAGE. AMT1;1 protein levels were detected in membrane fractions of Xenopus oocytes, which were injected with water only, cRNA of AMT1;1 only (50 ng), AMT1;1 (50 ng) + CIPK15 (50 ng), and CIPK15 (50 ng) only. Ponceau S staining of filters before transfer served as the loading control. Comparable results were obtained in three independent experiments.
Figure. S4. Alignment of the TMH XI and C terminus of five members of the AMT1 family. The C-terminal part of TMH XI is boxed in blue and the peptide sequence, specifically against the AMT1-P phospho-antiserum, is boxed in red. Phosphorylation sites of AMTs recognized by AMT1-P are boxed in green.
Figure S5. CIPK19 has no effect on AmTryoshka1;3 LS-F138I activity in yeast. Unlike CIPK15, CIPK19 did not impair NH4+-triggered AmTryoshka1;3 LS-F138I [15] responses in yeast. Amtryoshka1;3 LS-F138I was co-expressed with control (vector only) and CIPK19. As described in Fig. 2, results of normalized fluorescence ratio (normalized to buffer control=1, λ exc 440 nm, ratio= FI510nm/570nm) after addition of NH4Cl are represented by box and whiskers (mean ± SE, n=8). Center lines show the medians; box limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by Prism software; whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles, outliers are represented by dots. p, significant change as shown in the figure (Two-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test).
Figure S6. Mating-based split-ubiquitin assay, controls for Figure 4a. Growth assay in non-selective conditions on SD- Leu/Trp (LT) medium with identical cultures as shown in Fig. 4a and performed in parallel. Plasmids expressing AMT1;1, CIPK15, and CIPK19 were expressed in yeast. After overnight growth, colonies were serially diluted fourfold and grown for 2 days on SD-LT medium. As described in Fig. 4, full-length AMT1;1-Cub-PLV as bait and NubG, NubI, and NubG-full-length CIPK15 or CIPK19 as prey. No difference in growth of yeast was observed for yeast cells expressing AMT1;1-Cub control plasmids or NubG-CIPK15 or -CIPK19 expressing cells. Comparable results were obtained in three independent experiments.
Figure S7. CIPK15 can interact with AMT1;1, AMT1;2, and AMT1;3 in yeast. Yeast mating-based split-ubiquitin assay for CIPK15 interaction with AMT1;1, AMT1;2, AMT1;3, or AMT1;5. Plasmids expressing AMT1;1, AMT1;2, AMT1;3, AMT1;5 with CIPK15 were expressed in yeast. Interactions were monitored using qualitative and quantitative ß-galactosidase activity assays. (a) Blue X-gal staining on plates, and (b) ß-galactosidase assay. Expression of pDL2-NubG was used as a negative control; pDL2-NubI was used as a positive control. For quantitative ß-galactosidase assays, cells were grown to an OD600 = 0.8. Activity was measured as described in the Materials and Methods section and normalized to NubI as 100% (mean ± SE). The numbers above the error bars represent the results of interaction strength after subtracting the NubG negative control (NubG + AMT1). Values from five samples were averaged for each bait-prey combination. p, significant change for ß-galactosidase activity compared to vector only (Two-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test).
Figure S8. Split-fluorescent protein interaction assay for AMT1;1 and CIPKs in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Split-fluorescent protein interaction assay as described in [52]. Different combinations of reconstitution of YFP fluorescence for AMT1;1, CIPK15, and CIPK19 (nYFP-AMT1;1 + cCFP, nYFP + AMT1;1-cCFP, nYFP-CIPK15 + cCFP, nYFP + CIPK15-cCFP, nYFP-AMT1;1 + CIPK15-cCFP, nYFP-CIPK15 + AMT1;1-cCFP, nYFP-CIPK15 + cCFP-AMT1;1, AMT1;1-nYFP + CIPK15-cCFP, nYFP-AMT1;1 + CIPK19-cCFP) are shown. Chloroplast panels show chlorophyll autofluorescence; YFP/DIC, merged image of fluorescence, chloroplast, and brightfield images.
Figure S9. Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants of cipk15-1 and cipk15-2. (a) Schematic map of the cipk15-1 and cipk15-2 mutants showing the positions of T-DNA insertions in CIPK15. F, CIPK15 forward primer; R, CIPK15 reverse primer. Gene transcribed from left to right. Solid black box: exon, white boxes 5′-UTR and 3′-UTR, respectively. cipk15-1 carries an insertion in the 5′-UTR, cipk15-2 carries an insertion in the coding region. (b) RT-PCR analysis of CIPK15 transcript levels in cipk15-1 and cipk15-2 mutant lines. H3G1 (At4g40040) was used as the loading control. None of the mutant lines showed detectable amounts of CIPK15 mRNA, indicating that both are knockout mutants. Note that CIPK15 contains only a single intron in the 5′-UTR. (c) Col-0 and cipk15 mutants showed no obvious growth differences when grown in soil or axenically in MS medium. Representative images of rosette leaves of Col-0 and cipk15 mutants. Plants were grown in soil under MS medium in a 16/8 h light/dark period at 22ºC for 17 days. Scale bar: 1cm.
Figure S10. Protein gel blots for AMT1;1 protein and AMT-P phosphorylation levels in wild-type and cipk15 mutant plants under half-strength MS medium. Immunodetection of AMT1 protein using affinity-purified peptide antisera against a domain in the unphosphorylated cytosolic C-terminus (marked AMT1;1) and affinity-purified antisera against the phosphorylated cytosolic C-terminus (marked AMT1-P) [25]. 10% SDS PAGE. AMT1;1 protein and AMT-P levels were detected in roots of plants grown on half-strength MS medium for 7 days as described [25]. Ponceau S staining of filters before transfer served as the loading control. Comparable results were obtained in three independent experiments.
Figure S11. Primary root length of control (wild-type) and qko mutant on half-strength MS medium containing NH4Cl, KNO3, or MeA. Seedlings were grown on half-strength MS medium containing NH4Cl, KNO3 or on MeA. Primary root length was measured in wild-type (Col-0) and qko mutant. (a and b) Primary root length 1, 2, or 3 days after transferring wild-type and qko mutant plants to 20 mM NH4Cl, MeA or KNO3. Data are mean ± SE; n ≥5. p, significant change between wild-type and qko mutant (Two-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test).
Figure S12. Primary root length of Col-0, qko, and cipk15 mutant plants on media containing KNO3 as sole nitrogen source. Representative images (a) and quantification results of primary root length of plants grown on plates containing 20 mM KNO3. Scale bar: 0.1 cm. Primary root length in wild-type (Col-0), qko mutant and cipk15 mutant plants on 20 mM KNO3 (n =11) presented as box and whiskers. Center lines show the medians; box limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by Prism software; whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles, outliers are represented by dots. Data are mean ± SE. No significant change between wild-type, qko, and cipk15 mutants (Two-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test).
Figure S13. cbl4 and cipk19 mutants do not show ammonium hypersensitivity. Primary root length of control (Col-0), cbl4 (At5g24270, SALK_113101) [48] and cipk19 (At5g45810, SALK_044735) [47] knockout mutant plants on half-strength MS medium containing NH4Cl and KNO3. Seedlings were germinated and grown on half-strength MS medium containing 5 mM KNO3 for 3 days, and then, primary root length of wild-type (Col-0) and mutants were measured after transferral to 20 mM NH4Cl or KNO3 conditions for 5 days and presented as box and whiskers. Data are mean ± SE; n=14. p, significant difference between NH4Cl and KNO3 (Two-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test). The center lines show the medians; box limits indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles as determined by Prism software; whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquartile range from the 25th and 75th percentiles.
Figure S14. CIPK23 mRNA accumulated by NH4+. qRT-PCR analyses of CIPK23 mRNA levels in roots after over 10 h after addition of 1 mM NH4+ in Col-0. Levels were normalized to UBQ10 [mean ± SE for four independent experiments (each experiment n >50, total n >200)]. p, significant change in mRNA levels of CIPK23 at 1, 2, and 10 h compared to at 0 h (Two-Way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-test).