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Dev Growth Differ 2022 Jan 01;641:48-58. doi: 10.1111/dgd.12764.
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Sperm associated antigen 7 is activated by T3 during Xenopus tropicalis metamorphosis via a thyroid hormone response element within the first intron.

Fu L , Crawford L , Tong A , Luu N , Tanizaki Y .

Thyroid hormone (T3) affects many diverse physiological processes such as metabolism, organogenesis, and growth. The two highly related frog species, diploid Xenopus tropicalis and pseudo tetraploid Xenopus laevis, have been used as models for analyzing the effects of T3 during vertebrate development. T3 regulates T3-inducible gene transcription through T3 receptor (TR)-binding to T3-response elements (TREs). We have previously identified sperm associated antigen 7 (spag7) as a candidate T3 target gene that is potentially involved in adult stem cell development and/or proliferation during intestinal metamorphosis. To investigate whether T3 regulates spag7 directly at the transcriptional level via TR, we first conducted qRT-PCR to analyze its expression during natural and T3-induced metamorphosis and found that spag7 was up-regulated during natural metamorphosis in the intestine, tail, brain and hindlimb, peaking at the climax of metamorphosis in all those organs, and upon T3 treatment of premetamorphic tadpoles. Next, we demonstrated that an intronic TRE in spag7, first identified through bioinformatic analysis, could bind to TR in vitro and in vivo during metamorphosis. A dual luciferase assay utilizing a reconstituted frog oocyte transcription system showed that the TRE could mediate promoter activation by liganded TR. These results indicate that spag7 expression is directly regulated by T3 through the TRE in the first intron during metamorphosis, implicating a role for spag7 early during T3-regulated tissue remodeling and resorption.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 34862790
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC8810736
??? Dev Growth Differ
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: spag7
GO keywords: metamorphosis [+]

References [+] :
Amaya, A method for generating transgenic frog embryos. 1999, Pubmed, Xenbase