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Angiogenesis 2023 Feb 01;261:37-52. doi: 10.1007/s10456-022-09846-5.
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Somatic GJA4 gain-of-function mutation in orbital cavernous venous malformations.

Hongo H , Miyawaki S , Teranishi Y , Mitsui J , Katoh H , Komura D , Tsubota K , Matsukawa T , Watanabe M , Kurita M , Yoshimura J , Dofuku S , Ohara K , Ishigami D , Okano A , Kato M , Hakuno F , Takahashi A , Kunita A , Ishiura H , Shin M , Nakatomi H , Nagao T , Goto H , Takahashi SI , Ushiku T , Ishikawa S , Okazaki M , Morishita S , Tsuji S , Saito N .

Orbital cavernous venous malformation (OCVM) is a sporadic vascular anomaly of uncertain etiology characterized by abnormally dilated vascular channels. Here, we identify a somatic missense mutation, c.121G > T (p.Gly41Cys) in GJA4, which encodes a transmembrane protein that is a component of gap junctions and hemichannels in the vascular system, in OCVM tissues from 25/26 (96.2%) individuals with OCVM. GJA4 expression was detected in OCVM tissue including endothelial cells and the stroma, through immunohistochemistry. Within OCVM tissue, the mutation allele frequency was higher in endothelial cell-enriched fractions obtained using magnetic-activated cell sorting. Whole-cell voltage clamp analysis in Xenopus oocytes revealed that GJA4 c.121G > T (p.Gly41Cys) is a gain-of-function mutation that leads to the formation of a hyperactive hemichannel. Overexpression of the mutant protein in human umbilical vein endothelial cells led to a loss of cellular integrity, which was rescued by carbenoxolone, a non-specific gap junction/hemichannel inhibitor. Our data suggest that GJA4 c.121G > T (p.Gly41Cys) is a potential driver gene mutation for OCVM. We propose that hyperactive hemichannel plays a role in the development of this vascular phenotype.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 35902510
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC9908695
??? Angiogenesis
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

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References [+] :
Aasen, Gap junctions and cancer: communicating for 50 years. 2016, Pubmed