Dev Growth Differ
2022 Dec 01;649:508-516. doi: 10.1111/dgd.12813.
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Epigenomic dynamics of early Xenopus Embryos.
Zhou JJ
How the embryonic genome regulates accessibility to transcription factors is one of the major questions in understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of gene expression during embryogenesis. Epigenomic analyses of embryonic chromatin provide molecular insights into cell-specific gene activities and genomic architectures. In recent years, significant advances have been made to elucidate the dynamic changes behind the activation of the zygotic genome in various model organisms. Here we provide an overview of the recent epigenomic studies pertaining to early Xenopus development.
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R01GM126395 NIH HHS , R35GM139617 NIH HHS , P30 CA062203 NCI NIH HHS , R35 GM139617 NIGMS NIH HHS , R01 GM126395 NIGMS NIH HHS
Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
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