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Mol Cells 2022 Nov 30;4511:846-854. doi: 10.14348/molcells.2022.0081.
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Development and Degeneration of Retinal Ganglion Cell Axons in Xenopus tropicalis.

Choi B , Kim H , Jang J , Park S , Jung H .

Neurons make long-distance connections via their axons, and the accuracy and stability of these connections are crucial for brain function. Research using various animal models showed that the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the assembly and maintenance of neuronal circuitry are highly conserved in vertebrates. Therefore, to gain a deeper understanding of brain development and maintenance, an efficient vertebrate model is required, where the axons of a defined neuronal cell type can be genetically manipulated and selectively visualized in vivo. Placental mammals pose an experimental challenge, as time-consuming breeding of genetically modified animals is required due to their in utero development. Xenopus laevis, the most commonly used amphibian model, offers comparative advantages, since their embryos ex utero during which embryological manipulations can be performed. However, the tetraploidy of the X. laevis genome makes them not ideal for genetic studies. Here, we use Xenopus tropicalis, a diploid amphibian species, to visualize axonal pathfinding and degeneration of a single central nervous system neuronal cell type, the retinal ganglion cell (RGC). First, we show that RGC axons follow the developmental trajectory previously described in X. laevis with a slightly different timeline. Second, we demonstrate that co-electroporation of DNA and/or oligonucleotides enables the visualization of gene function-altered RGC axons in an intact brain. Finally, using this method, we show that the axon-autonomous, Sarm1-dependent axon destruction program operates in X. tropicalis. Taken together, the present study demonstrates that the visual system of X. tropicalis is a highly efficient model to identify new molecular mechanisms underlying axon guidance and survival.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 36380734
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC9676988
??? Mol Cells

Species referenced: Xenopus tropicalis
Genes referenced: nmnat1 tec
???displayArticle.morpholinos??? sarm1 MO1

???attribute.lit??? ???
References [+] :
Coleman, Programmed axon degeneration: from mouse to mechanism to medicine. 2020, Pubmed