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bioRxiv 2023 Feb 15; doi: 10.1101/2023.02.15.528675.
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Temporal Notch signaling regulates mucociliary cell fates through Hes-mediated competitive de-repression.

Brislinger-Engelhardt MM , Lorenz F , Haas M , Bowden S , Tasca A , Kreutz C , Walentek P .

Tissue functions are determined by the types and ratios of cells present, but little is known about self-organizing principles establishing correct cell type compositions. Mucociliary airway clearance relies on the correct balance between secretory and ciliated cells, which is regulated by Notch signaling across mucociliary systems. Using the airway-like Xenopus epidermis, we investigate how cell fates depend on signaling, how signaling levels are controlled, and how Hes transcription factors regulate cell fates. We show that four mucociliary cell types each require different Notch levels and that their specification is initiated sequentially by a temporal Notch gradient. We describe a novel role for Foxi1 in the generation of Delta-expressing multipotent progenitors through Hes7.1. Hes7.1 is a weak repressor of mucociliary genes and overcomes maternal repression by the strong repressor Hes2 to initiate mucociliary development. Increasing Notch signaling then inhibits Hes7.1 and activates first Hes4, then Hes5.10, which selectively repress cell fates. We have uncovered a self-organizing mechanism of mucociliary cell type composition by competitive de-repression of cell fates by a set of differentially acting repressors. Furthermore, we present an in silico model of this process with predictive abilities.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 36824900
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC9949065
??? bioRxiv

Genes referenced: foxi1 hes2 hes4 hes5 hes7 notch1

???attribute.lit??? ???
References [+] :
Briggs, The dynamics of gene expression in vertebrate embryogenesis at single-cell resolution. 2018, Pubmed, Xenbase