Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationships and gene structure of the prdx gene family. (a) Phylogenetic tree (left) and gene structure diagram (right) of the prdx gene family. The green bars indicate exons, gray lines indicate introns, and blue double-arrow bars indicate 5′ or 3′ untranslated region (UTR). (b) Annotated gene structure of prdx gene family members. Values in the dashed line indicate gene size, and values in the green rectangle indicate exon size. (c) Localization of prdx genes in chromosomes of X. tropicalis. (d) Cross-species phylogenetic tree with colored blocks indicating different branches. (e) Multiple alignment of the Prdx family of proteins from X. tropicalis and X. laevis. Protein sequences are derived from the following genes, prdx1.S, prdx2.L, prdx3.L, prdx4.L, prdx5.L, and prdx6.S, respectively. The sequence on the red box illustrates the conserved region.
Fig. 2. Protein alignment and motif analysis of the Prdx family. (a) Motif analysis of the Prdx protein family. The colored blocks represent motifs with the corresponding compositions of amino acids. (b) Tertiary structure prediction for Motif 1. Black boxes outline Cys. Arrows and rounded rectangles represent α-helix and β-sheet, respectively.
Fig. 3. Spatiotemporal expression pattern of prdx1 in X. tropicalis. (a) Temporal expression of prdx1 is revealed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. (b-j’) Spatial expression of prdx1 revealed by whole in situ hybridization of prdx1. b-d, animal pole view; e, dorsal view; f-j, lateral view with the head towards the left. em, epidermis; pc, pronephric; pd, proctodeum.
Fig. 4. Spatiotemporal expression pattern of prdx2 in X. tropicalis. (a) RT-PCR indicates the temporal expression pattern of prdx2. (b–j) Spatial expression pattern of prdx2. b and c, animal pole view; d, dorsal view; e-l, lateral views with head towards the left. Sections of embryos in k and l at the marked planes were shown in k', k'', and l'. vbi, ventral blood island; h, heart; dc, duct of cuvier; da, dorsal aorta; pcv, posterior cardinal vein; is, intersomitic vessels; pa, pharyngeal arches; pl, ventral vascular plexus; pc, pronephric; nc, notochord.
Fig. 5. Spatiotemporal expression pattern of prdx3 in X. tropicalis. (a) RT-PCR reveals the temporal expression of prdx3. (b–k) Spatial expression pattern of prdx3 illustrated by the whole mount in situ hybridization. b and c, animal pole view; d and e, dorsal view; f-k, lateral views with head towards the left.br, brain; sm, somites; ov, otic vesicle; pc, pronephric; ba, branchial; dt, distal tubule; vbi, ventral blood island; ey, eye.
Fig. 6. Spatiotemporal expression pattern of prdx4 in X. tropicalis. (a) Temporal expression pattern of prdx4. (b–l) Whole-mount in situ hybridization of prdx4. b and c, animal pole view; d, dorsal view; e-k, lateral views with head towards the left. cg, cement gland; sm, somites; ey, eye; ov, otic vesicle; pc, pronephric; ba, branchial.
Fig. 7. Spatiotemporal expression pattern of prdx5 in X. tropicalis. (a) Temporal expression of prdx5. (b–m) Spatial expression pattern of prdx5. b-e, animal pole view; f, dorsal view; g-m, lateral views with head towards the left. Embryos in n and o were sectioned and shown in n' and o', respectively. Dashed lines indicate sectioning plane. tn, trigeminal nerve; ob, olfactory bulb; ov, otic vesicle.
Fig. 8. Spatiotemporal expression pattern of prdx6 in X. tropicalis. (a) Temporal expression pattern of prdx6. (b–i) Spatial expression of prdx6. b-d, animal pole view; e, dorsal view; f-i, lateral views with head towards the left. dr, dorsal root; ab, abdomen, ey, eye; br, brain; sm, somites; ba, branchial; ov, otic vesicle; pc, pronephric.