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Int J Dev Biol 2024 Jul 09;682:47-53. doi: 10.1387/ijdb.240064mk.
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Coenocystic oogenesis - modification of or deviation from the germ cell cyst paradigm?

Kloc M .

Invertebrate and vertebrate species have many unusual cellular structures, such as long- or short-lived cell-in-cell structures and coenocytes. Coenocytes (often incorrectly described as syncytia) are multinuclear cells derived, unlike syncytia, not from the fusion of multiple cells but from multiple nuclear divisions without cytokinesis. An example of a somatic coenocyte is the coenocytic blastoderm in Drosophila. An astonishing property of coenocytes is the ability to differentiate the nuclei sharing a common cytoplasm into different subpopulations with different fate trajectories. An example of a germline coenocyte is the oogenic precursor of appendicularian tunicates, which shares many features with the somatic coenocyte of Drosophila. The germline coenocyte (coenocyst) is quite an unexpected structure because in most animals, including Drosophila, Xenopus, and mice, oogenesis proceeds within a group (cyst, nest) of sibling cells (cystocytes) connected by the intercellular bridges (ring canals, RCs) derived from multiple divisions with incomplete cytokinesis of a progenitor cell called the cystoblast. Here, I discuss the differences and similarities between cystocyte-based and coenocyst-based oogenesis, and the resemblance of coenocystic oogenesis to coenocytic somatic blastoderm in Drosophila. I also describe cell-in-cell structures that although not mechanistically, cytologically, or molecularly connected to somatic or germline coenocytes, are both unorthodox and intriguing cytological phenomena rarely covered by scientific literature.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 39016373
??? Int J Dev Biol

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: ddx4 msn myh6
GO keywords: germ-line cyst formation [+]

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