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Cell 2024 Aug 17;18721:6088-6103.e18. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.08.011.
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5-Formylcytosine is an activating epigenetic mark for RNA Pol III during zygotic reprogramming.

Parasyraki E , Mallick M , Hatch V , Vastolo V , Musheev MU , Karaulanov E , Gopanenko A , Moxon S , Méndez-Lago M , Han D , Schomacher L , Mukherjee D , Niehrs C .

5-Methylcytosine (5mC) is an established epigenetic mark in vertebrate genomic DNA, but whether its oxidation intermediates formed during TET-mediated DNA demethylation possess an instructive role of their own that is also physiologically relevant remains unresolved. Here, we reveal a 5-formylcytosine (5fC) nuclear chromocenter, which transiently forms during zygotic genome activation (ZGA) in Xenopus and mouse embryos. We identify this chromocenter as the perinucleolar compartment, a structure associated with RNA Pol III transcription. In Xenopus embryos, 5fC is highly enriched on Pol III target genes activated at ZGA, notably at oocyte-type tandem arrayed tRNA genes. By manipulating Tet and Tdg enzymes, we show that 5fC is required as a regulatory mark to promote Pol III recruitment as well as tRNA expression. Concordantly, 5fC modification of a tRNA transgene enhances its expression in vivo. The results establish 5fC as an activating epigenetic mark during zygotic reprogramming of Pol III gene expression.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 39214079
??? Cell

Genes referenced: tdg trna

???displayArticle.gses??? GSE226467: NCBI