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Nat Commun 2024 Nov 19;151:10028. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-54450-4.
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A Huluwa phosphorylation switch regulates embryonic axis induction.

Li Y , Yan Y , Gong B , Zheng Q , Zhou H , Sun J , Li M , Wang Z , Li Y , Wan Y , Chen W , Qi S , Mo X , Meng A , Xiang B , Chen J .

Embryonic axis formation is essential for patterning and morphogenesis in vertebrates and is tightly regulated by the dorsal organizer. Previously, we demonstrated that maternally derived Huluwa (Hwa) acts as a dorsal determinant, dictating axis formation by activating β-catenin signaling in zebrafish and Xenopus. However, the mechanism of activation and fine regulation of the Hwa protein remains unclear. Through candidate screening we identified a mutation at Ser168 in the PPNSP motif of Hwa that dramatically abolishes its axis-inducing activity. Mechanistically, mutating the Ser168 residue reduced its binding affinity to Tankyrase 1/2 and the degradation of the Axin protein, weakening β-catenin signaling activation. We confirmed that Ser168 is phosphorylated and that phosphorylation increases Hwa activity in β-catenin signaling and axis induction. Several kinases including Cdk16, Cdk2, and GSK3β, were found to enhance Ser168 phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. Both dominant-negative Cdk16 expression and pHwa (Ser168) antibody treatment reduce Hwa function. Lastly, a knock-in allele mutating Ser168 to alanine resulted in embryos lacking body axes, demonstrating that Ser168 is essential to axis formation. In summary, Ser168 acts as a phosphorylation switch in Hwa/β-catenin signaling for embryonic axis induction, regulated by multiple kinases.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 39562571
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC11576741
??? Nat Commun

Genes referenced: cdk2

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