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J Neurochem 2001 Nov 01;793:636-47. doi: 10.1046/j.1471-4159.2001.00601.x.
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Characterization of a glycine receptor domain that controls the binding and gating mechanisms of the beta-amino acid agonist, taurine.

Han NL , Haddrill JL , Lynch JW .

The beta-amino acid, taurine, is a full agonist of the human glycine receptor alpha1 subunit when recombinantly expressed in a mammalian (HEK293) cell line, but a partial agonist of the same receptor when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Several residues in the Ala101-Thr112 domain have previously been identified as determinants of beta-amino acid binding and gating mechanisms in Xenopus oocyte-expressed receptors. The present study used the substituted cysteine accessibility method to investigate the role of this domain in controlling taurine-specific binding and gating mechanisms of glycine receptors recombinantly expressed in mammalian cells. Asn102 and Glu103 are identified as taurine and glycine binding sites, whereas Ala101 is eliminated as a possible binding site. The N102C mutation also abolished the antagonistic actions of taurine, indicating that this site does not discriminate between the putative agonist- and antagonist-bound conformations of beta-amino acids. The effects of mutations from Lys104-Thr112 indicate that the mechanism by which this domain controls beta-amino acid-specific binding and gating processes differs substantially depending on whether the receptor is expressed in mammalian cells or Xenopus oocytes. Thr112 is the only domain element in mammalian cell-expressed GlyRs which was demonstrated to discriminate between glycine and taurine.

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??? J Neurochem