Fig. 1. Nucleotide and deduced
amino acid sequence of XCL-2.
The four domains are separated
with asterisks, the tentative
active sites Cys105, His262 and
Asn286 in proteolytic domain are
in bold and the four calciumbinding
EF-hand motifs in the
Ca2+ domain are underlined.
Fig. 2. Schematic structure of XCL-2, nCL-2 and the ubiquitous
m-type calpain large subunit (mCL). The four domains are
indicated with I, II, III, and IV, respectively; percentages
represent the identities between XCL-2, nCL-2 and ubiquitous
calpains in human or chicken; and C, H and N are the three active
sites in Fig. 1. aa, amino acid.
Fig. 3. Spatial expression of XCL-2. (A) A posterior view of stage
12.5 embryos. Dorsal is up. Signal appears at a restricted area
ventral to blastopore. (B,C) Anterior and posterior views, respectively,
of the same stage 15 embryo. Dorsal is up. In (B), expression
is detected at the most anterior of neural plate; in (C) it shows
the same expression zone as in (A). (D) Ventral view of a late
neurula. Anterior is left. It shows the localized expression
in cement gland and proctodeum. (E) Ventral view of an early
tail-bud. Anterior is left. The expression in cement gland and
proctodeum becomes even stronger. (F) In late tail-bud stages,
expression is only detected in the cement gland. (G) A sagittal
section through a stage 15 embryo, confirming that the expression
in (B) and (C) is only localized to the mesoderm-free zone
and the ventral circumblastoporal collar. The expression zone is
highlighted with boxes. (H,I) Sagittal sections through the head
and tail of a stage 23 embryo, respectively, confirming that
the expression in (E) is only localized to cement gland and
proctodeum. a, anterior view; bl, blastopore; cg, cement gland;
mfz, mesoderm-free zone; nf, neural fold; nt, neural tube;
p, posterior view; pc, prosencephalon; pr, proctoduem; pv,
procencephalic ventricle; vbc, ventral circumblastoporal collar.
Fig. 4. Expression patterns of XCL-2 detected with RTâPCR. (A)
Temporal expression during embryogenesis. Numbers indicate
developmental stages. Expression was detected from the onset
of gastrulation (stage 10), then its level continuously increased
until the middle of tail-bud stage. After approximately stage 30,
the expression level decreased gradually. (B) Expression in adult
tissues. Various levels of expression of XCL-2 were detected in
adult tissues such as brain, eye, heart, intestine, kidney, lung,
stomach and testis, but not in liver, muscle, nerve, ovary, skin
and spleen. ODC was used as loading control in both cases.
br, brain; ey, eye; he, heart; in, intestine; ki, kidney; li, liver;
lu, lung; mu, muscle; ne, nerve; ov, ovary; sk, skin; sp., spleen;
st, stomach; te, testis; RTâ, reverse transcription without reverse
Fig. 5. Overexpression of XCL-2 disrupts gastrulation movements
and causes a significant phenotype. mRNA was injected
into two dorsal blastomeres at the 4-cell stage. (A) Control
embryos at stage 11 with normal blastopores. (B) Injected
embryos showing blastopores of a much larger size than in the
controls. (C) Control normal swimming tadpoles at stage 38. (D)
Injected embryos at the same stage as in (C). The embryos show
significant microcephaly (top) and even no discernible head
structure (bottom), and shortening of the anteriorâposterior axis.
The foreheads shift dorsalwards. The endoderm of the embryos
can be clearly seen externally and bifurcate tails are formed. (E,F)
Transversal sections through the otic vesicle (E) and the trunk
region behind the otic vesicle (F) of an injected embryo at stage
30, showing bifurcation and further shifting of notochord towards
one side of the body. cc, central canal; no, notochord; ov, otic
vesicle; rc, rhombencephalon; rv, rombencephalic ventricle;
sp, spinal cord.
Fig. 6. Overexpression of XCL-2 affects the localization of mesodermal
or neural markers and disrupts convergent extension
movements. mRNA was injected into two dorsal blastomeres at
the 4-cell stage. (A) Expression of Xbra is localized to a ring surrounding
the blastopore of control midgastrulae. In injected
embryos the expression is absent at dorsal blastopore lip (D).
(B) In control embryos of midgastrulae, Xvent-1 is expressed in
ventral and lateral mesoderm, while overexpression of XCL-2
renders the expression shift more ventralwards (E). (C) Xotx2 in
control midgastrulae is expressed in the dorsal blastopre lip, but
in injected embryos its expression extends laterally (F). (G)
Chordin (chd) is expressed at the dorsal blastopore lip of control
midgastrulae and (M) at the midline in late gastrulae, but in
injected embryos its expression extends posteriorly and laterally
(J,P), showing disruption of convergent extension movement.
(H) XMyoD is expressed in the paraxial mesoderm in late gastrulae
and (N) mid-neurulae, but in injected embryos at equivalent
stages (K,Q) it is expressed in a distance away from the
midline, showing that paraxial mesoderm does not converge to
the midline. (I,O) The neural plate is shown by the neural marker
Xsox3 in normal late gastrulae and mid-neurulae, respectively,
and also undergoes convergent extension. However, overexpression
of XCL-2 causes the posterior expression area of Xsox3
to shift away from the midline, a further indication for the failure
of convergence of the posterior neural plate towards the midline
Fig. 7. Dominant-negative mutant C105S also disrupts gastrulation
movement and results in a significant phenotype, which
can be rescued by co-injection with wild-type mRNA. mRNA of
C105S or XCL-2 was injected into two ventral blastomeres at the
4-cell stage. (A) Control embryos at stage 11. (B) Injected
embryos at an equivalent stage showing larger-sized blastopores.
(C) Control embryos at stage 39. (D) Injected embryos at
an equivalent stage showing nearly normal head structure, externally
visible endoderm and bifurcate tail (top) or even no head
in an extreme case (bottom). (F,G) Transversal sections through
the otic vesicle (F) and the trunk region behind the otic vesicle
(G) of an embryo injected with C105S at stage 30, showing
ventralward movement of otic vesicles, flattening, ventralward
bending, bifurcation and further shifting of notochord toward
each side of the body (compare Fig. 5E,F). (E) Embryos
rescued by co-injecting C105S and XCL-2 mRNA. cc, central
canal; no, notochord; ov, otic vesicle; rc, rhombencephalon;
rv, rombencephalic ventricle; sp, spinal cord.