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Antibody Name: Mhc1a Ab1

Common Name: TB17

Synonyms: TB17

Gene: mhc1a mhc1a-like , mhc1-like
XAO: adult immune system, erythroid lineage cell

Clone Type: Monoclonal
Source: Xenopus laevis Research Resource for Immunobiology

Clone Number TB17
Purification obsolete soluble fraction
Isotype IgG
Host Organism mouse
Xenopus Reactivity X. tropicalis, X. laevis
Non-Xenopus Reactivity
Description: Generated by Du Pasquier Lab
Name MHC class I
Type polypeptide
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism frog
Description Xenopus erythrotcytes coated with Xenopus alloantibodies, Antibody recognized classical MCH class I molecules at the surface of cells in adults (but not tadpoles) including leukocytes, lymphocytes and erythrocytes.
Reported Usage
western blot
flow cytometry
???displayAntibody.papersFirst??? Evolution of the major histocompatibility complex: molecular cloning of major histocompatibility complex class I from the amphibian Xenopus., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1991  
???displayAntibody.papersRecent??? Comparative and developmental study of the immune system in Xenopus., Dev Dyn 2009     