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Antibody Name: Nuclear Lamins 2/3 Ab1

Common Name: 14a9

RRID: AB_531882
Synonyms: nuclear lamins II/III


Clone Type: Monoclonal
Source: Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank

Clone Number
Isotype IgG1
Host Organism mouse
Xenopus Reactivity X. tropicalis, X. laevis
Non-Xenopus Reactivity
Description: 14a9 was deposited to the DSHB by Klymkowsky, M (Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, University of Colorado). (DSHB Hybridoma Product 14a9). Cite this (DSHB Cat# 14a9, RRID:AB_531882). Please email the citation to DSHB.
Name kidney epithelia
Type polypeptide
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism frog
Description insoluble residues of Xenopus A6 (kidney epithelia), mainly intermediate filaments. During immunization a route of intraperitoneal was used and the adjuvant was RIBI. RRID:AB_53188
Reported Usage
western blot
???displayAntibody.papersFirst??? MPF-induced breakdown of cytokeratin filament organization in the maturing Xenopus oocyte depends upon the translation of maternal mRNAs., Dev Biol 1989     
???displayAntibody.papersRecent??? c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K regulates vertebrate axon outgrowth via a posttranscriptional mechanism., J Neurosci 2013     