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Summary Images Attributions Wiki Source

Antibody Name: Gnas Ab3

Common Name: Gnas-specific antibody

RRID: AB_631538
Synonyms: G alpha s Antibody (K-20), #sc-823

Gene: gnas

Clone Type: Polyclonal
Source: Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Clone Number
Purification unknown how antibody is supplied
Isotype IgG
Host Organism rabbit
Xenopus Reactivity X. tropicalis, X. laevis
Non-Xenopus Reactivity cow, dog, human, mouse, pig, rat
Description: Gα s (K-20) has been discontinued and replaced by Gα s/olf (A-5): sc-55545.
Name G alpha s
Type other immunogen type
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism human
Description epitope mapping within the N-terminus of Gα s of human origin
Reported Usage
???displayAntibody.papersFirst??? Polycystin 1 loss of function is directly linked to an imbalance in G-protein signaling in the kidney., Development 2018     