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Summary Images Attributions Wiki Source

Antibody Name: Fto Ab1

Common Name: ab124892

RRID: AB_10972698
Synonyms: Anti-FTO


Does not work in Xenopus

Clone Type: Monoclonal
Source: Abcam

Clone Number EPR6895
Purification Affinity Purification
Isotype IgG
Host Organism rabbit
Xenopus Reactivity
Non-Xenopus Reactivity human
Description: (Abcam Cat# ab124892, RRID:AB_10972698). Does not react with: Mouse, Rat. May not work on Xenopus.
Name fto
Type synthetic sequence
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism human
Description Synthetic peptide within Human FTO aa 450-550. The exact sequence is proprietary.
Reported Usage
???displayAntibody.papersFirst??? RNA demethylation by FTO stabilizes the FOXJ1 mRNA for proper motile ciliogenesis., Dev Cell 2021     