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Antibody Name: Npr3 Ab2

Common Name: NPR3 Antibody

RRID: AB_2329652
Synonyms: 42-909

Gene: npr3

Clone Type: Polyclonal
Source: ProSci Incorporated

Clone Number
Purification Affinity Purification
Isotype isotype unknown
Host Organism goat
Xenopus Reactivity X. laevis
Non-Xenopus Reactivity cow, dog, mouse, pig, rat
Description: Antibody directed against the C-terminal domain of NPR3 Expected Species Reactivity based on sequence homology: Mouse, Rat, Dog, Pig, Cow Proper citation: (ProSci Cat# 42-909, RRID:AB_2329652)
Name NPR3
Type polypeptide
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism human
Description The immunogen for this antibody is: C-HRELREDSIRSHFS
Reported Usage
western blot 1 μg/ml
???displayAntibody.papersFirst??? Npr3 regulates neural crest and cranial placode progenitors formation through its dual function as clearance and signaling receptor., Elife 2023     